Title: Point-to-Point Protocols and Links
1Chapter 2
- Point-to-Point Protocols and Links
2Section 2.1
32.1 Introduction
- Physical communication links
- Data link control
- i.e. point-to-point protocols
- Physical links requires background in
- Linear system theory
- Random process
- Modern communication theory
- Recall
- Chapter 1 section 1.3.1 page 34
- Our major problem in DLC correct bit error
- Error detection correction
- ARQ ( Automatic Repeat request)
- Header packet trailer gt frame
6Section 2.2
- Physical layer
- Channels modems
72.2 Physical layerchannels modems
- Skip,will be discussed if necessary
8Section 2.3
92.3 Error Detection
- DLC layer is to provide error-free packets to
next layer up
102.3.1 Single Parity checks
- Parity checks bit is the sum, modulo 2 , of the
bits in the original bit string - Total number of 1s in an encoded string is
always even - Detect single bit error only.And , odd number of
bit errors
112.3.2 Horizontal Vertical Parity Checks
12Horizontal Vertical Parity Checks
- Common use for ASCII encoded characters
- Cannot detect four errors confined to 2 rows and
2 columns
132.3.3 Parity Check Codes
14Parity Check Codes
- Effectiveness of a code for error detection
- Minimum distance of the code
- Single parity check is 2
- Horizontal Vertical is 4
- Burst-detecting capability
- Single parity is 1
- Horizontal Vertical is 1length of row
- Probability that a completely random string will
be accepted as error-free
15(No Transcript)
16Parity Check Codes
- E.g.
- Minimum distance
- Single parity check is 2
- Horizontal Vertical is 4
- Burst-detecting
- Single parity check is 1
- Horizontal Vertical is 1 length of row
17Parity Check Codes
18Figure 2.15
192.3.4 Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
20Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
21Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
L3 S(D)D21
22Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
23Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
24Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
25Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
26Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
27Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
28Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
29Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC)
30Section 2.4
- ARQ Retransmission Strategies
312.4 ARQRetransmission Strategies
- 2 aspects of retx algorithms or protocols
- Succeed in releasing each packet,one oad only
once without errors - Efficiency releasing unnecessary waiting
unnecessary retx
32ARQRetransmission Strategies
- We assume , all frames containing transmission
errors are detected - Delay is arbitrary
- Frame may be lost never arrive
- Frames arrive in the same order as transmitted
33ARQRetransmission Strategies
342.4.1 Stop-and-wait ARQ
- Each packet has been received correctly before
initiating tx of next packet - If
- Error free
- Acknowledge , Ack
- Error frame
- Negative acknowledgement , NAK
- Ack NAK is protect with a CRC
- Ack lost or NAK
- Resend the old packet
35Stop-and-wait ARQ
36Stop-and-wait ARQ
37Stop-and-wait ARQ
- Avoid this problem,returns the number of next
packet awaited - Piggyback
38Stop-and-wait ARQ
39Fig 2.21
40Stop-and-wait ARQ
- The algorithm for A to B
- At node A
- SN?0
- Assign SN to the new packet
- Tx SN-th frame
- If receive from B with B RNgtSN,SN?RN,go to Step2
- If no received frame from B,timeout , go to Step
41Stop-and-wait ARQ
- Continued
- At node B
- RN?0,repeat step2 3 forever
- If error-free frame received with SNRN,RN
- Within bounded delay after receiving error-free
frame send a frame to A containing RN
42Stop-and-wait ARQ
- Correctness of stop-and-wait
- An algorithm is safe if it never produces an
incorrect result - An algorithm is live if it can continue forever
to produce results - Safety
- Initially, node B awaiting packet 0 , and only
packet 0 is released.Subsequently,node B has
released all packets in order,up to , but not
including ,packet RN
43Stop-and-wait ARQ
44Stop-and-wait ARQ
45Stop-and-wait ARQ
46Stop-and-wait ARQ
47Stop-and-wait ARQ
- One trouble with Stop-and-wait
- SN become arbitrarily large with increasing time
- Given our assumption that frames travel in order
on the link,SN modulus 2 is sufficient!
48Stop-and-wait ARQ
492.4.2 Go Back n ARQ
- Several successive packets can be sent without
waiting for the next packet to be requested - Accept packets only in the correct order , and
send RN back - RN is to acknowledge all packets prior to RN and
to request packet RN
50Go Back n ARQ
51Go Back n ARQ
52Go Back n ARQ
53Go Back n ARQ
54Go Back n ARQ
55Go Back n ARQ
- Go back n algorithm
- At node A
- SNmin ?0,SNmax?0 (SNmin to SNmax-1)
- Do steps 3,4,5 repeatedly in any order
- If SNmaxltSNminn and a packet is available,assign
SNmax to it increment SNmax - If an error-free frame is received from B
containing RNgtSNmin,increase SNmin to RN - If SNminltSNmax,and no frame is currently in
transmission,choose some number SN,SNmin
ltSNltSNmaxtransmit SN-th frame. At most a
bounded delay is allowed between successive
transmission of packet SNmin over intervals when
SNmin does not change
56Go Back n ARQ
- Go back n algorithm
- At node B
- RN?0,repeat steps 23 forever
- When an error-free frame is received from A
containing SNRN,increment RN - At arbitrary times,but within bounded delay after
receiving any error-free data frame from
A,transmit a frame to A containing RN
57Go Back n ARQ
- Safety
- Same as stop-and-wait
- Liveness
- t1ltt3 ,t2ltt3
58Go Back n ARQ
59Go Back n ARQ
60Go Back n ARQ
- t2 could be ltt1(why? P.77)
- It t1ltt2 ,then RN(t)i for t1 ? t ? t2?
- packet i after t1 will be accepted and since
t2ltt3 , node A will retx packet i until this
happened - ?t1 to t2 is finite
- No matter t1ltt2 or t1gtt2
- Node B transmit frames carrying RN ? i1 from
time t2 until t3 since ggt0, t2 to t3 is
61Go Back n ARQ with modulo mgtn
62Go Back n ARQ with modulo mgtn
63Go Back n ARQ with modulo mgtn
642.4.3 Selective Repeat ARQ
- Even if unnecessary retx are avoided,go back n
protocol must re-tx at least one round-trip-delay
when a single error occurs in an awaited packet - Idea of selective repeat ARQ is to accept out
-of-order packet,and to request retx from A only
for those packets that are not correctly received
65Selective Repeat ARQ
- RN lowest number packet not yet correctly
received - N window size
- Let p is probability of frame error,the expected
number ? of packets delivered to B per frame - ? ? 1-p ? throughput of ideal
selective repeat
66Ideal go back n ARQ
- r ( 1-p ) p( 1 ? ? )
- r ????Frames???next awaited frame
- ( 1-p ) ?????
- p ??
67Selective Repeat ARQ modulo m?2n
- B accept RNRNn-1
- Feedback also contains which packets beyond RN
have been correctly received - Accepted out -of-order packets are saved until
earlier packets are accepted released
68Selective Repeat ARQ modulo m?2n
- t1 frame was first generated at node A at time
t1 - t2 frame is received at node B
- RN(t2)-n?SN?RN(t2)n-1
- If mod m ,and if packets are accepted in the
range RN(t2)RN(t2)n-1 - ?it is necessary for B to distinguish values of
SN in the entire range?m?2n
- Using 8 stop-and-wait strategies in parallel
- Each incoming packet is assigned to one of eight
virtual channels if one of eight is idle - If all channels are busy,wait
- More overhead is required
- Sequence number modulo 2
- Each frame carries information for all 8 virtual
channels - ?ack information is repeated so often
- (Typically,only one retx is required in forward
direction) - Undesirable packets released at receiver in a
different order
72Section 2.5
732.5 Framing
- Decide where successive frames start and stop
- Character-based framing use special control
characters for idle fill and to indicate frame
beginning and ending - Bit-oriented framing with flagsuse special bit
string(flag) - Length countsin a field of the header
742.5.1 Character-Based Framing
- SYN(synchronous idle) provides idle fill b/w
frames - STX(start of txt)
- ETX(end of text)
75Character-Based Framing
76Character-Based Framing
- If the packet to be transmitted in an arbitrary
binary string,?packet might contain ETX character
,for example ?trouble! - ?transparent modeDLE character is inserted
before STX (Data Link Escape) - DLE in dataDLE DLE ?DLE
- E.g. (x)DLE ETX ? end of frame
- (x)DLE DLE ETX ? DLE ETX ? Data
77Character-Based Framing
78Character-Based Framing
- Disadvantages
- Excessive use of framing overhead
- Each frame must consist of an integer number of
characters - What happens if error?
- Error in DLE ETX ending a frame won't detect
end of frame - Error in data causes DLE ETX interpret as end of
frame - Probability 2-L CRC undetected
792.5.2 Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- Another approach use a flag at the end of frame
- Bit stuffing is used to avoid confusing b/w data
ad flag - Difference b/w bit-oriented character-based
framingbit-oriented can have any length of bits - For example 0160 as a flag to indicate frame
ending - Rule insert (stuff) a 0 into data string of the
frame proper after each successive 5 1s
80Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
81Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- After stuffing never contains more than 5
consecutive 1s.If a string of 5 1s is followed
by a 1 ?frame end - 016 frame end
- 016 0 normal frame termination
- 016 1 abnormal termination ? abort
82Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- ??(fig 2.36)
- The first stuffed bit not necessary(????,??just
start) - Second stuffed bit necessary
- Third stuffed bit could be eliminated
- Fourth stuffed bit required(????0??stuffed)
- ?by modifying stuffing rule, but the reduction
of overhead is negligible
83Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- Consider the overhead
- Assume a frame(before bit stuffing) consists of i
id random binary variables with equal probability
0 or 1 - Assume for increased generality that the flag
uses 01j for some j - 01j0 normal termination
- 01j1 abnormal
84Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- An insertion will occur at the i-th bit of the
original frame (for i ? j) - if the string from i-j1 to I is 01j-1
- ?probability 2-j
- An insertion will also occur (for i ? 2j-1)
- if string from i-2j2 to i is 012j-2(01j-11j-1)
- ?probability 2-2j1 (ignore this term,??)
85Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- Bit j-1 occur an insertion if the first j-1 bits
are all 1s - ? probability 2-j1
- Recall
- Expected value of a sum of r.vs
- Expected number f insertions in a frame
- ?for k(original frame length) ? j-1
- Expected number of insertions
- 2-j1 (k-j1)2-j (k-j3)2-j
86Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- Eoverhead (Ek-j3)2-jj1(2.33)
- j1 means termination string
- Since Ekgtgtj
- ?Eoverhead ? Ek2-jj1(2.34)
87Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- Minimize(2.34) for a given Ek?find optimal j
- So, optimal j must
- Ek2-jj1 lt Ek2-j-1j2
- Ek2-j-1 lt1
- smallest j j ?log2Ek? (2.36)
- Eoverhead ? log2Ek 2 (2.37)
- For example
- if Ek 1000 bits , optimal j 9
- Eoverhead ? 12 bits
- for j 6 , Eoverhead ? 23 bits
882.5.3 Length Fields
- Basic problem in framing
- Determine where each idle fill string
ends(trivial, when pattern is broken) where each
frame endsharder - Include a length field in the frame header(e.g.
DECNET) length field(overhead) must have at least
? log2Kmax? 1 bits where Kmax is maximum frame
size - Compared to 2.37?similar overhead
- Question
- Any other method requires smaller overhead
89Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- Information theory
- By source coding theorem
- Given any probability assignment P(K) on frame
lengths.Minimum expected number of bits that can
encode such a length is at least entropy of that
distribution - (2.38)
- at least this many bits of framing overhead to
specify length
90(No Transcript)
91(No Transcript)
92Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- If uniform P(K) 1/Kmax for 1 ? K ? Kmax
- H log2Kmax
- If geometric distance on lengths
- H log2EKlog2e for large EK(2.37)-1/2
- Note geometric have largest entropy.
i.e.requires more bits than any other distance
93Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- If one does this for a geometric distance
?unary-binary encoding - In particular , for a given j , K i2jr0?rlt2j
- Encoding for K i?0s followed by a 1 (unary
encoding of i) followed by ordinary binary
encoding of r (j bits) - For example if j2 , k7 ? i1,r3
- so, K 01 11
94Bit-Oriented Framing Flags
- End of encoding occurring j bits after the
first 1 . - In general
- K ?(maps) bit string of length ?K/2j? 1j
- Eoverhead ? EK2-j1j (2.40)
- ?(2.34)??
- Again , minimize by choosing j ? log2EK?
952.5.4 Framing with Errors
- Error in the flag ? will not detect frame-end
until next flag is detected CRC check with 2
frames (undetected probability 2-L) - Error within the frame to change a bit string
into the flag 0160 - 0100110111001(sent)
- 0100111111001(received)
- Probability ? 1/32 Kp , where p is bit error
probability using CRC, undetected probability
96Framing with Errors
- If length field has error ? causes receiver to
look for CRC in wrong place ? 2-L
97Framing with Errors
- There are several partial solutions to the above
problems , but none are without disadvantages - Using a fixed-length header for each frame , and
put length of frame in header , and header has
its own CRC - If error in length field , still got CRC. But
have to resynchronize after such an error. ??will
not know when next frame starts. 2 CRCs must be
used ? inefficient some what!
98Framing with Errors
- Put length field of one frame into trailer of the
preceding frame - Avoid inefficiency , but still requires a special
synchronizing sequence after each detected error - Require a special header whenever length of next
frame is unknown - Use a longer CRC
- Reduce probability of falsely accepting a frame
99Framing with Errors
- Regard framing as being at a higher layer than
ARQ - Packets would be separated by flags
- Resulting sequence of packets flags would be
divided into fixed-length frames. ( If a packet
ended in middle of a frame ? idle fill) - Because of fixed-length , CRC would always be
found - Disadvantage delay
- A packet could not be accepted until entire frame
containing end of packet was accepted
1002.5.5 Maximum Frame(packet) Size
- Variable packet lengths
- Most existing packet networks
- Use very short frames with a fixed length
- ISDN,ATM53bytes
101Maximum Frame(packet) Size
- Variable frame length
- Fixed number V of overhead bits
- Let Kmax maximum length of a packet
- Assume each message is broken up into as many
maximum-length packets as possible with last
packet containing what is left over - message of length M ? ?M/Kmax? packets
- Total bits transmitted M ?M/Kmax? V
102Maximum Frame(packet) Size
- Kmax????
- As Kmax ?, ?
- fraction overhead?
- Processing on a frame basis
- Kmax ? , processing ?
103Maximum Frame(packet) Size
- Kmax????
- Pipeline
- Assume a packet must be completely received over
one link before starting transmission over the
next - If message is broken into several packets ,
earlier packets may proceed along the path on
first link ? reducing overall message delay
104Maximum Frame(packet) Size
105Maximum Frame(packet) Size(pipeline contd)
- Let's consider combined effects of overheads
pipelining - Assume message transmitted over j equal-capacity
links and that network is lightly loaded(no
waiting packets) and ignore propagation delay - Total time T required to transmit message to
destination - T time for first packet to travel over the
first j-1 links time for entire message to
travel over the final link
106Maximum Frame(packet) Size (pipeline contd)
- Assume M?Kmax
- Let C be capacity of each link
- TC number of bit transmission times (Kmax
V)(j-1) M ?M/Kmax? V -
- Approximate E?M/Kmax? EM/Kmax1/2
- ETC ? (KmaxV)(j-1)EMEMV/Kmax V/2
107Maximum Frame(packet) Size (pipeline contd)
- to minimize ETC
- so, Kmax ?
- An overhead V ? , Kmax ?
- As path length j ? , Kmax ?
- In practice , see if delay is important
108Maximum Frame(packet) Size (pipeline contd)
- Delay for stream-type traffic(such as voice)
- delay from when a given bit enters the network
until that bit leaves - Consider the light leading case
- Assume arrival rate R
- Packet length K
- The first bit in a packet is held up for K/R
waiting time for packet to be assembled - Along the path , link capacities C1,C2(gtR)
- A given packet is delayed by (KV)/Ci on i-th
109Maximum Frame(packet) Size (pipeline contd)
- Total delay
- (KV)/Ci ? K/Ri for each link i
- T? as K? until (KV)/Ci K/R for some link
yields minimum delay (i.e. small K) - Under heavy-loading
- Use long packets by some users increases delay
for all users
110Maximum Frame(packet) Size
- Retransmission
- increase waiting time
- small maximum packet size
- Large frame have higher probability of error than
small frames - In WAN , frame size ?order of 1 a few K bits
- In LAN , much longer frame size , ??single multi
access link
111Maximum Frame(packet) Size
- Fixed frame length
- Determine end of frame ?same
- Optimal packet length ? smaller
112Homework One
- 2.15
- 2.16
- 2.17
- 2.30
- 2.33
- 2.39
- ???
113Section 2.8
- Point-to-Point Protocols
- at Network Layer
114- Major issues
- Routing
- Flow control
- Here, smaller issue
- Transfer of packets between a pair of nodes
- Distinguish packets of one session from another
- Distinguish packets within same session.
1152.8.1 Session ID addressing
- Brute-force approach source destination ID
allows different packets of same paths ? But
considerable overhead - If uses virtual circuit(VC) ?far less overhead
- Each link shared by a set of virtual channels
- When set up, a path is established,use one unused
virtual channel to that session.
116Virtual Channel
117Session ID addressing
- Headervirtual channel
- ?because limited capacity of link.
- so upper bound on of sessions
- ?use a fixed of bits(overhead)
118Session ID in TRMNET 1970
119Session ID addressing
- Note data from multiple sessions are included in
a single frame - Go back n ARQ with modulo m8
- Virtual channel identify session
- ?statistical multiplexing link is multiplexed
between virtual channels - Sessions are served in round-robin
- Each frame takes some chars from each session
120Session ID in codex networks
- Again, multiple sessions transmitting chars
within the same frame - But, a more efficient encoding is used to
represent VC - Four bit nibbles
121Figure 2.49
122Figure 2.49
- Map char into one nibble(highly probable)
- Map char into two nibble(less likely)
- Map char into three nibble(least likely)
- Packet header1 nibble for start record
- 1 or more nibble for
session - -under heavy loadingheader 1byte
1232.8.2 packet numbering, Window Flow Control,Error
- Reorder or re-tx packets?need packet numbering
can be done in Network or Transport Layer - This is necessary, because
- at DLC Layer
- 1. CRC could fail
- 2. If link fail, DLC dont know how many packets
was sent - 3. If node fail, packets stored at the node are
124Error Recovery(at Network or Transport Layer)
- Similar to ARQ at DLC Layer
- Each packet within a session is numbered modulo
m2k - Different between end-to-end and DLC
- 1. End-to-end involves 2 sites and subnet in
between - DLC2 nodes with a link in between
- 2. Sequence numbering for end-to-end error
recovery involves only packets of a given
sessions. - DLCall packets using the link
- 3. frame stay in order on a link, packets might
arrive out of order in a network.
125Error Recovery
- NoteVC would guarantee in order for same
session, - but,link fails?a new path is set up.
- Last packet on old path might arrive out of
order,relative to first packet on new path. - Packet retx, and arbitrary delay?earlier copy can
remain in network until packet numbering wraps
126Error Recovery
- 1. insist use virtual circuits
- 2. Modulus large enough
- 3. Packets are destroyed after lifetime.
127Flow Control
- Use of either go back n or selective repeat
ARQ,also provide flow controlwindow sizen - Some limitation
- 1. If ACK not arrive because of error, packet
should be re-tx. - If ACK is delayed due to congestion, packet
should not be re-tx. - ?difficult to set time-out
128Flow Control
- Partial solution(at destination)
- 1. Slow down the source, but not delay ACK.
- 2. permittells source how many packets is
prepared to receive. - RNprovide ACK
129DiscussionError recovery at transport vs network
- From practical standpoint, belongs to transport
layer. - Large of networks do not provide reliable
service - E.g. internet protocol
- Disadvantage for error recovery at transport
- ACK are slow due to congestion
- ACK was throw away
- ?no way to distinguish
130DiscussionError recovery at transport vs network
- When congestion ,
- Packet retx?greater congestion
- More dropped packets?unstable
1312.8.3 X.25(self-reading)
1322.8.4 The Internet Protocol(IP)
- 2 transport layer protocols were developed along
with IP - TCP(transmission control protocol)reliable VC
service - UPP(user datagram protocol)simply where to sent
datagram to destination
1332.8.4 The Internet Protocol(IP)
- Primary functions of IP
- 1.route datagram through internet
- 2.provide addressing to identify source
destination - 3.fragment datagram into smaller pieces
- Addresses in IP32 bits
- 1.class A(0)7 bit network ID, 24 bit host ID
- 2.class B(10)14 bit network ID,16 bit host ID
- 3.class C(11)22 bit network ID,8 bit host ID
1342.9 Transport Layer
- Functions
- 1. Breaking message into packets
- 2. error recovery
- 3. flow control
- 4. Multiplexing / Demultiplexing sessions
- In ICP, entire address of a source(or
destination)is called a socket. - (Network ID, host ID?in IP header, user/process
ID within that node?port?in transport header) - All session between same pair of hosts are
multiplexed together at transport layer into a
common lower-layer session
1362.9.3 Error recovery in TCP
- Enlarge modulus to allow out-of-order packet
arrivals. - Some complications
- 1. retx timeouts (retx due to congestion,)
- (if done at network layer, better estimate delay)
1372.9.3 Error recovery in TCP
- 2. Setting up tearing down connection
- Packet from an old connection entering a new
connection - Packet still exist at some nodes after loss of
1382.9.4 Flow control in TCP/IP
- Source monitor round-trip delay
- Provide measure of congestion
- Unfair
- good citizen session cut back under congestion,
- bad citizen do not cut back
- ?network resources should be shared fairly, need
to have individual control over session. - But, network layer does not know session.
1392.10.1 ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
- Cell 53 bytes 485(header)
- Because packetization delay of voice
- E.g. 64 kbps voice(by 8 bit sample each 125
?sec), time to collect 48 bytes6 ms. - ATM uses VC
- Address
- (user-network interface) 24 bits?16 million
sessions - (Internal subnet )28 bits ?268 million.
1402.10.1 ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
- Address field is divided into 2 subfield
- VCI(Virtual channel identifier)
- VPI(Virtual path identifier)
- ?sessions sharing same path are assigned same VPI
to be switched together
1412.10.1 ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
- Use CRC to correct errors(not just detect)
- Bit error rate(fiber)lt10-9
- Single error correction might remove most
errors(note CRC checks only header) - Why?(voice,videos, tx)
- Neither ARQ nor framing is required
- Bit error rate is quite low
- Voice, video.
1422.10.2 Adaptation layer
- Breaking incoming source data into ATM
cells.(network layer) - Used only on entry exit from the
network(transport layer) - Not yet well-defined
- Different types of input
- Class 1CBR64 kbps voice
- Class 2VBRpacketized voice or video
- Class 3connection-oriented data
- Class 4connectionless datadatagram
1432.10.2 Adaptation layer
- Class 3(connection-oriented) traffic
- Split into 2 sublayer
- Convergence segmentation/reassembly
- ?flow control error recovery
1442.10.2 Adaptation layer
- ?Class 4(connectionless) traffic
- Routed still by VC??Trouble
- Passes through adaptation layer, use a datagram
switch - Use permanent VC to carry all datagram between 2
1452.10.3 Congestion
- Congestion is still a problem for broadband
networks - Due to large data rate for video
applications,etc. - 3 mechanisms
- 1. At connection setup time, negotiate QoS,
burstiness. - 2. Monitor each connection
- 3. Use priority bit in ATM header
1462.10.3 Congestion
- For connectionless, no negotiation,
- Carefully controlled to avoid excessive delays
for connection-oriented sessions. - Usually, a higher-layer network handles this.
- For negotiation ?QoS guarantee
1472.10.3 Congestion
- ?For monitor regular ?e.g. leaky bucket
- (noteFor light loaded,allow excessive traffic )
- Discarded later when congestion
- For priorityby user to indicate low priority
traffic - E.g. video/voice compression.
148Session ID addressing