Title: Achilleas Anastasopoulos
1A Framework for Heterogeneous Quality-of-Service
Guarantees in Wireless Networks A
Communication-theoretic Approach
- Achilleas Anastasopoulos
- (joint work with Lihua Weng and Sandeep Pradhan)
- April 30 2004
- Motivation
- Background error exponents for single-user
channels - The concept of error exponent region (EER)
- Scalar Gaussian broadcast channel (SGBC)
- MIMO Fading broadcast channel
- Conclusions
3Motivation Scenario 1
Base Station
- User 1 FTP application
- -High data rate
- -High reliability
User 2 Voice -Low data rate -Low reliability
- Solution allocate more resources (e.g., time
slots, or BW) to user 1
4Motivation Scenario 2
Base Station
- User 1 FTP application
- -High data rate
- -High reliability
User 2 Telemetry data -Low data rate -High
- Solution trade data rate for reliability for
user 2 (e.g., using higher power and/or channel
5Motivation Scenario 3
Base Station
- User 1 FTP application
- -High data rate
- -High reliability
User 2 Multi-media -High data rate -Low
- Solution 1 trade reliability for data rate for
user 2 (e.g., no channel coding) - Solution 2 allocate more resources to user 1
(e.g., power, or BW to utilize in channel coding)
- An individual user can trade its own data rate
for reliability (scenario 2, 3) - There are several techniques (usually referred to
as unequal error protection) that provide
solutions through asymmetric resource allocation - What is the the best you can do for a given
channel and given resources? - Can available reliability be treated as another
resource (like power, or BW) that can be
allocated to different users? - Can communication theory provide answers to these
questions? - How do you do that in practice?
7Basic result of this work
- As in single-user channels, there is a basic
trade-off between data rate and reliability - Multi-user channels provide an additional degree
of freedom - Users can trade reliabilities with each other
(even for fixed data rates) - The above seems like an obvious statement
- There is a way to formulate this problem as a
communication theoretic problem and study its
fundamental limits
- Motivation
- Background error exponents for single-user
channels - The concept of error exponent region (EER)
- Scalar Gaussian broadcast channel (SGBC)
- MIMO Fading multi-user channels
- Conclusions
9Error exponent Single-user channel
- Channel capacity, C highest possible
transmission rate that results in arbitrarily low
probability of codeword error with long codewords - Error Exponent, E rate of exponential decay of
codeword error probability - For a codeword of length N, the probability of
codeword error behaves as - where E(R) is the error exponent (as a function
of the transmission rate R) - DMC (Gallager65 Shannon et al67)
- AWGN (Shannon59 Gallager65)
10Error exponent Single-user channel
- Upper bounds on Perr? Lower bounds on E ? simple
- Random coding bound, expurgated bound
- Lower bounds on Perr? Upper bounds on E ? not
that simple - Sphere packing bound, minimum distance bound,
straight line bound
- Error exponent E(R) is an increasing function of
the distance between R and C - Only trade-off increase E(R) by decreasing R,
i.e, trade reliability for rate
11Error exponent Multi-user channel
- Channel capacity region all possible
transmission rate vectors (R1,R2) for arbitrarily
low system error probability - System error probability for correct
transmission, all users have to be decoded
12Error exponent Multi-user channel
- Error Exponent rate of exponential decay of
system error probability - For a codeword of length N, the probability of
system error behaves as - where E(R1,R2) is the error exponent
- Gaussian MAC (Gallager85 GuessVaranasi00)
- Wireless MIMO MAC at high SNR (ZhengTse03)
13Error exponent Multi-user channel (conclusions)
- We saw (scenario 1, 3) that different users might
have different reliability requirements (e.g.,
FTP and multi-media) - Based on a single probability of system error, a
network can only be designed to satisfy the most
stringent reliability requirement (equal QoS for
all users), which might result in a suboptimum
resource allocation - Information/communication theory seems inadequate
(so far) to address heterogeneous QoS requirements
- Motivation
- Background error exponents for single-user
channels - The concept of error exponent region (EER)
- Scalar Gaussian broadcast channel (SGBC)
- MIMO Fading multi-user channels
- Conclusions
15A straightforward extension
- Since a single system error probability is
inadequate to characterize the requirements of
multiple users, let us consider multiple error
probabilities one for each user - Implication multiple error exponents one for
each user
16A straightforward extension
- We have trade-off between error exponents and
rates (as in the single-user channel). - Is there any other trade-off available for error
exponents in a multi-user channel?
17The concept of EER
- Fix an operating point (R1,R2)
18The concept of EER
- Fix an operating point (R1,R2)
- Which point from the capacity boundary do we back
off to reach A?
19The concept of EER
- Fix an operating point (R1,R2)
- Which point from the capacity boundary do we back
off to reach A? - B ? A E1 lt E2
20The concept of EER
- Fix an operating point (R1,R2)
- Which point from the capacity boundary do we back
off to reach A? - B ? A E1 lt E2
- D ? A E1 gt E2
21The concept of EER
- Fix an operating point (R1,R2)
- Which point from the capacity boundary do we back
off to reach A? - B ? A E1 lt E2
- D ? A E1 gt E2
- In addition to error exponent/rate trade-off,
given a fixed (R1,R2), one can potentially
trade-off E1 with E2
22The concept of EER Definition
- Definition The error exponent region (EER) is
the set of all achievable error exponent pairs
(E1,E2) - Careful!
- Channel capacity region one for a given channel
- EER numerous, i.e., one for each pair of (R1,R2)
- Motivation
- Background error exponents for single-user
channels - The concept of error exponent region (EER)
- Scalar Gaussian broadcast channel (SGBC)
- MIMO Fading multi-user channels
- Conclusions
24SGBC definitions
- Scalar Gaussian Broadcast Channel
- Observe two messages joint encoder separate
decoders - This is a degraded broadcast channel (i.e., if
s2gts1 then, Y2XN1N2Y1 N2, with E(N2)2
s22-s12 )
25SGBC EER Inner Bound Time-sharing
- Achievable EER by time-sharing
- where E(R,SNR) is any of the error exponent
lower bounds for a single-user AWGN channel
26SGBC EER Inner Bound Time-sharing
R1 R2 0.5 P/s12 P/s22 10
- Indeed, there is a trade-off for error exponents,
given a fixed pair of rates for time-sharing
27SGBC EER Inner Bound Superposition
- Superposition encoding
- Generate two independent codebooks Ci, each of
size and power - Select a codeword from each codebook based on the
individual messages and transmit their sum - Note this is a capacity-achieving strategy for
any degraded broadcast channel
28SGBC EER Inner Bound Superposition
- Decoding two options (at least)
- Individual ML decoding (optimal)
- Joint Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding
29SGBC EER Inner Bound Superposition
- Upper bound derivation for joint ML decoding
- Let us look at user 1
- Type 1 M1 is decoded erroneously, but M2 is
decoded correctly? same as if only user 1 was
present in the channel - Type 3 both messages are decoded erroneously
(similar bound as in Gallager85 for MAC channels)
30SGBC EER Inner Bound Superposition
- Superposition Inner Bound with joint ML decoding
- where E(R,SNR) is any of the error exponent
lower bounds for a single-user AWGN channel, and
Et3(R,SNR1,SNR2) is a slightly more complicated
expression (for type 3 errors)
31SGBC EER Inner Bound
R1 R2 0.5 P/s12 P/s22 10
- Observation although superposition achieves
capacity (while time-sharing does not always
achieve it), time sharing can help in expanding
the EER. Why?
32Time-Sharing vs. Superposition
- Three possible reasons
- The superposition EER is derived based on joint
ML decoding, but the optimum decoder is
individual ML decoding - Joint ML decoding might be still a good strategy,
but Et3 is a loose bound - Time-Sharing can sometimes indeed expand the EER
obtained by superposition when we need very high
reliability for one user, it might be better to
separate the users
33SGBC EER Inner Bound Summary
- We can keep expanding the inner bound by finding
better and better strategies - It is not clear yet that the exact EER implies a
trade-off between users reliabilities
- We need an outer bound for the EER
34SGBC EER Outer Bound Single-user
Any broadcast channel
is always worse than two separate single-user
channels with same marginals
- where Esu (R,SNR) is any error exponent upper
bound for the AWGN channel
35SGBC EER Outer Bound Sato
- For any Q(Y1,Y2X) with the same marginals as
P(Y1,Y2 X)
is always worse than
By choosing the worst-case Q(Y1,Y2 X)
36SGBC EER Outer Bound
R1 R2 0.5 SNR1 SNR2 10
- This is a proof that the true EER implies a
trade-off between users reliabilities
- Motivation
- Background error exponents for single-user
channels - The concept of error exponent region (EER)
- Scalar Gaussian broadcast channel (SGBC)
- MIMO Fading multi-user channels
- Conclusions
38Background Single-user channel
- MIMO Fading Single-user Channel (Tse, 2003)
block fading - X m x t channel input matrix
- Y n x t channel output matrix
- Z n x t noise matrix i.i.d. with CN(0,1)
- H n x m fading matrix i.i.d. with CN(0,1)
- Assume H is known at receiver, but not at
39Background Single-user channel
- MIMO fading single-user channel (ZhengTse03)
- Diversity and Multiplexing trade-off (high SNR)
- r multiplexing gain
- d diversity gain
40Background Single-user channel
41Multiplexing Gain Region (MGR)Diversity Gain
Region (DGR)
- MIMO fading multi-user channel
- Multiplexing Gain Region the set of all
achievable multiplexing-gain vector (r1,,rK) - Diversity Gain Region the set of all achievable
diversity-gain vector (d1,,dK), given a
multiplexing-gain vector.
42MIMO Fading Broadcast Channel
- MIMO Fading Broadcast Channel (MFBC) block
fading - X m x t channel input matrix
- Yi ni x t channel output matrix
- Zi ni x t noise matrix i.i.d. element CN(0,1)
- Hi ni x m fading matrix i.i.d. element
CN(0,1) - Assume Hi is known at receivers, but not at
43MFBC Multiplexing Gain Region
- Proposition For a MIMO fading broadcast channel,
the multiplexing gain region is the same region
achieved by time-sharing.
44MFBC DGR Inner Bound Time-Sharing
45MFBC DGR Inner Bound Superposition
- Superposition X X1 X2
- X1 m x l matrix with i.i.d. element CN(0,1)
- X2 m x l matrix with i.i.d. element
CN(0,SNR-(1-p)) - Joint Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding
- Note The role of user 1 and user 2 can be
46MFBC DGR Inner Bound Superposition
- Superposition X X1 X2
- X1 m x t matrix with i.i.d. element CN(0,1)
- X2 m x t matrix with i.i.d. element
CN(0,SNR-(1-p)) - Joint ML and naïve single-user decoding
- Note The role of user 1 and user 2 can be
47Naïve Single-user Diversity Gain Region
48MFBC DGR Outer Bound
49Diversity Gain Region Inner/Outer Bound
m n1 n2 4 t 120 r1 r2 0.5
- Observation For a symmetric MFBC, inner and
outer bounds are tight at d1 d2 - Observation For a MFBC, either user 1 (or user
2) can achieve his maximum (single-user)
diversity gain if r1r2 lt 1
- The concept of error exponent region for
multi-user channels was presented - Inner (time-sharing/superposition) and outer
(single-user/Sato) bounds were derived for the
SGBC EER - Implication Users can trade reliability between
each other even for a fixed set of transmission
rates - Ongoing Work
- Tighten EER inner/outer bounds for SGBC
- EER for Gaussian multiple-access channels
- Diversity/multiplexing trade-off region for
wireless MIMO BC/MAC - Practical schemes that achieve EER