Title: Arrow
2 But you will receive power when the Holy
Spirit comes on you, and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 18
3The 2nd view
From the familiar, through the disagreeable to
the unthinkable.
4Our situation
5Different Mission Fields
Regular attenders at least monthly(10)
Fringe- less than monthly(10)
Non Churched(40)
Open de-churched(20)
Closed dis-churched(20)
MSC p 37-40
62007 Tear Fund survey of 7000 adults in contact
or not with church
7Later intelligence its worse than
Mission-shaped Church thought
Tear Fund 2006 statistics from 7 thousand home
Open To attend church as they know it
Closed to attend church as they know it
8(No Transcript)
9C of E statistics by tables
change 80 2000
change 90-2000
change 1980-90
NB In which decade is decline faster?
Feature of Church life
PCC Vol Income
Stipend Clergy
The variety of fringe contacts are declining
faster than the core membership indicators
Contacts with those under 35 are in steepest
Adult attend
Electoral Rolls
Easter HC
Xmas HC
Child Attendance
Child lt16
Bob Jackson Hope for the Church p. 2 put in a
different order
10Could we say
Percentage now in England
Acts address
11The 2nd view
Is the Holy Spirit is eccentric?
13The reality is that mainstream culture no longer
brings people to the church door. We can no
longer assume that we can automatically
reproduce ourselves, because the pool of people
who regard church as relevant or important is
decreasing with every generation Mission
shaped church report p11
14 we understood mission one way and organised
life to accomplish it. We have awakened to find
out the mission moved on us. To keep focusing
on mission, we have to turn the furniture around
and face a different direction. We may even have
to move into another room. Loren Mead. The
Once and Future Church
15Half the picture
16The eccentric effects
The centre and the Acts story shift Samaria is
not a return ticket story moves from a focus on
Peter to Paul the Church goes west church is
done differently among Gentiles
17Ask the right questions
Who is it for? Who is it by? Who is it with?
18Public worship probably isnt the best starting
19Prayer and Support
Loving Service
Evangelism and Disciple- Making
Forming Community
Evolving Worship
Listening and Following Gods call
20Modification of the existing is not enough
21Mission shapes the church
22This might change US
- do not try to call them back to where they
were, and do not try to call them to where you
are, beautiful as that place may seem to you. You
must have the courage to go with them to a place
that neither you nor they have been before. - Vincent Donovan
24Welcome the three eccentrics
25The 3 eccentrics
- Who are the Philips?
- A Dangerous Deacon?
- Allow space for the unknowns
- Discover Cornelius
- who evangelizes who
- Pray for Pauls
- Eccentrics will do it differently
26The challenge of discipleship
27Dont end with church but continue with mission
28Alan Roxburghs Five Steps
- Awareness
- Understanding
- Evaluation
- Experimentation
- Commitment
The Missional Leader
29(No Transcript)