Title: The skeletomuscular system
1The skeletomuscular system Bones Muscles
(skeletal) How we move
2General types of bones Long bones (arm and thigh
bones Short bones (wrist, ankle) Flat bones
(ribs, skull bones) Irregular (vertebrae)
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4Bone maintenance Osteoblasts- bone
building when surrounded by bone they
become osteocytes Osteocytes- mature bone
cells most common cell when person
stops growing Osteoclasts- break down
bone part of growth and reshaping
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6Osteoporosis- loss of bone mass Risk
factors Not enough calcium in
diet Postmenopausal female Small, thin
stature Caucasian or Asian Sedentary
7Joints Immovable sutures in skull joint
between tooth and socket Slightly
movable vertebrae between pelvic bones Freely
movable synovial joints
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10Bone health affected by age level of
exercise hormone levels metabolism calcium
levels androgens and estrogens genetic
factors environmental factors
11The muscular system Movement- muscles attached
to bones produce movement Maintain body
position and posture Maintain body temperature
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14Muscles contract when stimulated by a nerve cell
(motor neuron) Skeletal muscle fibers can be
stimulated separately Nerve cells release
neurotransmitters these cause the muscle cells
to release calcium these is required for
muscle contraction
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17Calcium must bind to actin so actin can bind to
18Take-home message lots of energy is needed for
muscle contraction Glycogen stores Creatine
phosphate Myoglobin Aerobic respiration Anaero
bic respiration produce ATP
19Muscles and exercise Aerobic respiration better
capacity for oxygen increased blood flow to
muscle does NOT increase muscle size endurance
training Anaerobic respiration increases muscle
mass strength training
20Disorders Infections Trauma Tumors Inherited