Title: Yes, Id like to make a difference by adopting:
1Adopt A Backpack and Help Feed Hungry
Children Currently 40 of children (under the
age of 18) in the Upper Albany neighborhood are
living at or below the poverty level and many of
these children rely on school and after-school
provided meals for their nourishment. The goal
of the program is to provide elementary students
in need and their families with weekly backpacks
filled with nutritious meals. With your help,
the Junior League of Hartford Backpack program
can continue to reach our goal and make an impact
in the lives of these families.
- Yes, Id like to make a difference by adopting
- 10 backpacks for a total donation of 4,000.00
- 5 backpacks for a total donation of
2,000.00 - 1 school year -total donation of
400.00 - 1 backpack-1 week 14.00 a wk x____wks______
- Other amount......................................
._________ - Contact name ____________________________________
_ - Company name ____________________________________
- Address ________________________________________
- Phone number_____________________________________
- Email ___________________________________________
- In honor of______________________________________
_ - If you would like a card to be sent to the person
you made the donation in honor of please specify,
please add the address.
Thank you for your support! Please return the
form, along with the check payable to the Junior
League of Hartford, to The Junior League of
Hartford Adopt a Backpack Program 993 Farmington
Avenue West Hartford, CT 06107 Or go to our
website www.jlhartford.org and select the
Backpack section. You are able to pay with a
credit card.
Your support is a tax-deductible contribution. If
a company contributes, a press release will
recognize the donation. If a individual donates,
you will be recognized in the Junior League of
Hartford's monthly publication.