Encapsulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The contents of this lecture prepared by ... was going to be used in our list of music albums - We would be reading in the list of albums (from a file or the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Encapsulation

Encapsulation and Class Design The contents
of this lecture prepared by the instructors at
the University of Manitoba in Canada and modified
by Dr. Ahmad Reza Hadaegh
Objects So Far - So far objects just look like
the method we showed for combining
heterogeneous data together - It looked like an
array, but we access components by name rather
than position - But there's much more to them
than that - The use of true object-oriented
programming is best seen from examining the
nature of physical objects - Suppose you had a
factory and wanted to make a remote-controlled
Extending our Concept of Objects - Think about
what you'd specify in the design of the car -
Lots of data, like length, width, colour - also
subcomponent objects engine, etc... - So an
obvious application to the objects we've used
so far - But you'd also need other things
what the car's supposed to do if we turn the
control left or when we step on the break
Operations and Objects - These are operations,
not data, but the car's behaviors are just as
much a part of the car when we think about
building one - Objects let us include operations
as members as well! - Object-oriented
programming involves defining the data
components of an object, and also the
operations we perform on the object, and
bundling them together into a single package
Classes and Instances - This analogy also makes
the relationship between classes and instances
clearer - We define a Car class to encompass all
the choices we've made in our car design - It
serves as a general model for the factory - Then
we crank out many instances of the Car class
(and here, hopefully sell them for big
bucks) - This analogy will also explain many
other aspects of Object-Oriented Programming
that we will see later
Operations and Objects - Recall our problem with
our length class - there was nothing
restricting us from referring to the internal
components of a length object from anywhere -
Thus big problem occurs if we ever changed
length! - We can simply define the legal
operations for an object of type length, and
make them part of length itself! - Then
they're in one spot, and we only have to ever
make changes in one place - Let's see what this
looks like...
Adding Functions - we'll add routines to read
and print a length - For example class Length
int minutes int seconds public void
input() void print()
Adding Functions - This definition specifies a
new class Length - Similar to our earlier Length
class, except the functions that operate on
Length are included in our definition - They
look just like normal function headers - the
odd part is the bodies are separate (we'll
define them in a few minutes) - The class
contains Data members and function members -
Function members are also called methods
Instantiation - Remember that a class definition
only creates a new type we need to declare
objects/variables of that class Length
the_length the_length is an instance of the
class Length - also called an object of class
(or type) Length Our declaration of
the_length reserves space for the data
members and We still need to define the
Implementation - We do this the same way as any
other function, with a little extra syntax
void Lengthinput( ) void
Lengthprint( ) cin gtgt minutes
gtgt seconds cout ltlt minutes ltlt ltlt
seconds - These go outside the
definition of the length class - it makes sense
to keep them close though! - Length
specifies that the function were defining
isn't global, but belongs to the Length class.
Could have a global input/print too!
- Notice that within Length, we refer to the
variables without dot notation - i.e., we say
minutes instead of the_ length.minutes - This
should make sense - remember why we use the
dot notation - normally we'd use the the_length
prefix to specify the object whose minutes
member we want - but when this is executing
we're INSIDE that object - there's only one
minutes member we could possibly be referring
- Weve already seen class methods, although we
havent been calling them that - Calling a
method the_length.print(cout) - In other
words, we call a method in the same way that we
specify any other member, using .
Scope - Our print() method, has one line of code
in it cout ltlt minutes ltlt ltlt seconds -
When we call the_length.print( ) minutes
and seconds in the method refer to the_lengths
minutes and seconds members All this boils down
to - The scope of class members extends to
the class methods
Inside the Method - If we declare another object
of type Length, it will have different minutes
and seconds members - for example
Length the_length1, the_length2 the_length1.i
nput( ) the_length2.input( ) the_length1.print
( ) the_length2.print( )
Back to the idea of protection - Remember we
brought up the idea of embedding functions in
objects as a means of ensuring that code we
write doesn't depend on the physical
implementation of our class - Instead of having
several functions from all over referring to
the internal data members of length, and having
to change all those when we change the
internals of length - We declare what we need
INSIDE length and allow other objects to use
those functions
Back to the idea of protection - That way NOBODY
but the length object itself knows OR CARES
about what's stored internally - In this case,
they just know that they can call input or
print and get what they need! - Everything else
is INDEPENDENT of length - BUT - there's still
nothing FORCING us to use this YET!
Information Hiding - This general concept is
called Information Hiding and is one of the
major benefits of using Object-Oriented
methodologies - C provides very nice
mechanisms for enforcing the ideas we've just
covered. In fact we've even seen a sign of
them. - The word "public" has been put in every
class we've made so far - Classes allow us to
select what parts to hide
Information Hiding - Members of the class
following the public specification can be
accessed anywhere - So for example, we want our
input and print functions to be public in our
Length class - we WANT other's to be able to use
them! - Any other members are considered
private We can also explicitly declare members
as private using the private
specification - Private members can be accessed
in member functions (methods) - So anything we
put before the "public" can only be seen/
changed inside the class!
Private Specification class Length
public void input( ) void print(
) private int minutes int seconds -
So, in our example, we can make minutes and
second as private members so that only the
two public members (input and print methods)
can access them.
- In general, Any function or data member can be
public or private - By specifying members as
either public or private, we can decide what
parts of our class are visible to the rest of our
program, and which are hidden - Thus, as
long as the public stuff looks the same, we can
change our private members at will! - For
example, if we wanted to change the way we store
minutes and seconds to a float (whole number
is minutes, fractional part is seconds), we
can do that - And ANY OTHER PART of our program
will be completely unaffected, because they
couldn't possibly be using those members
Changing the Implementation class Length
public void input( ) void print(
) private float time - Now we could
change our input() and print() methods
appropriately - Notice functions using
(calling) input and print don't have to change!
The Interface - Our Length class can only be
accessed through the input() and print()
methods - These methods make up the interface to
our class - The part the user of the object gets
to see and work with - Anything public is
part of the interface
Designing Classes - Programming classes is a
little different from what weve been doing so
far - The programs that youve designed already
(like the assignments) solved problems by
dividing them into smaller tasks - Each task was
implemented as a function Rather than dividing
things into tasks, we start by looking at the
data we are working with. - In object-oriented
programming and design, we design our classes
by dividing up the data by logical relationships
Designing Classes - Then we need to decide what
we need to do with our data - This helps us
create our interface - For example, it was
decided (beforehand) that our Length class was
going to be used in our list of music albums -
We would be reading in the list of albums (from a
file or the keyboard), and writing them out -
So the only two methods that we need are input()
and print()
Encapsulation - We can make that easier by
separating the implementation of our class from
where its declared this is called
encapsulation - In practice, usually do this by
placing our implementation in a separate source
code file - We would create a file called
length.cpp containing our two function
  • The Interface
  • - In order to use our class in a program, we
  • need to have the class definition specified
  • somewhere
  • - We would put it in a header file length.h
  • - Now weve (mostly) split things up
  • according to our design
  • length.cpp contains our implementation
  • length.h contains our interface (the
    specification file)
  • our main program uses the Length class
  • ltSee Example 1, 2gt

Constructors - A constructor is a function that
gets called each time an instance of a class
is created - Defining a constructor ensures that
when we create an instance, it has some sort
of (meaningful) initial value - A constructor is
a method (member function) which has the same
name as the class itself class Length
public Length() ... - Notice the
syntax no return type is specified!
Default Constructors - This particular
constructor takes no parameters, and gets
called when we instantiate our class like
this Length the_length - We call this the
default constructor - it doesn't do much! - The
implementation might look like this LengthLen
gth() minutes 0 // a gain, inside the
object, so no '. '! seconds 0
Constructors, contd - We can also have a
constructor that takes one or more
parameters class Length public Length (int,
int) // Our default constructor can be
specified // as well - c knows which one to
use by // the number types of parameters //
supplied when calling it! Length()
Constructors, contd - This constructor gets
called when we instantiate our class with
parameters Length the_ length( 1, 43) - Our
implementation might be Length Length( int
mins, int secs) // Initialize our class to
the given number of // minutes and
seconds minutes mins seconds secs
Constructors, contd - Theres an odd
interaction between default constructors and
ones which take parameters - A default
constructor exists even if you dont
explicitly write one (it just doesnt do
anything) - But if you specify a constructor
that takes parameters, and no default
constructor, then the class has no default
- Lets say Length has no constructors at all
Length the_ length // Calls the default
constructor - This works - we havent written
a default constructor, but one still exists
(the one that does nothing) - Lets add a
constructor that takes parameters, like
Length Length( int, int) Length len1(1, 43)
// OK, calls Length( int, int) Length len2
// Error! No default constructor! - This is
important because we cannot use a constructor
with parameters when we make an array of
class instances - Arrays require a default
constructor (or no constructors at all)
Destructors - The opposite of constructors -
Destructors are functions that get called when
our variable is destroyed (e.g. goes out of
scope) - They look like this class Length
public Length() // Destructor
... - We dont have much of a use for these
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