Title: FSM template
1When we put love and enthusiasm into what we do,
it rebounds in the form of opportunities and
blessings, two of the most important ingredients
of a truly wealthy life
2Disorders of Circulation
A Commitment to Excellence
Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar Associate Professor
of Pathology Fiji School of Medicine
3Circulatory disorders
- BV - Narrowing, rupture, aneurism.
- Thrombosis
- Embolism
- Venous congestion
- Edema
- Shock
- Intravascular coagulation
- Vessel damage - atheroma, toxins
- Blood changes - stasis, coagulation factors
- Types White, Red Mixed.
- Sites
- Arterial Brain, Heart, limbs, eys.
- Venous Leg
- Capillary DIC in septicemia
- Abnormal solid mass carried in blood.
- Source destination
- Types.
- Thromboembolism - atherosclerosis
- Fat - Fractures
- Tumor - cancers
- Gas Caisson disease
- Liquid Amniotic fluid in new born.
- Rapid onset of infarction vs. Thrombosis
6Sequels of Block
- Collateral circulation
- Ischemia,
- Infarction, Gangrene
- Haemorrhage
7Development of Coronary Atherosclerosis
8Common Sites of B.V block
9Coronary Atherosclerosis
10Coronary Atheorsclerosis
11Coronary Thrombosis With Infarction
12Atherosclerosis AortaRuptured aneurismNephroscle
13Aorta Dissecting Aneurisms AG-9
14Coronary Narrowing in Atherosclerosis
15Atheroma Coronary Artery
16Atheroma with Thrombosis
17Angiogram - Embolism Infarction
19Renal Infarction
20Renal Infarction
21Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
22To keep yourself honest, Imagine a camcorder
recording all your decisions actions!
Lawrence MacGregor Serven
23Edema Shock.!
24Normal Microcirculation
Capillary Arterial
Venous Hydrostatic Pressure 36 16 Oncotic
Pressure - 26 - 26 Net filtration Pressure
10 mmHg - 9 mm Hg (leak-out) (Reabsorb)
- Increased interstitial fluid volume
- Two major types
- Local - inflammation
- Generalised - anasarca - Systemic causes.
26Edema mechanism
- Leaky vessels inflammation.
- Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
- Venous obstructions
- Cardiac failure
- Decreased Osmotic pressure
- Hypoproteinemia liver disease, anemia.
- Lymphatic obstruction
- Elephantiasis
- Depressed vital functions due to decreased
circulating blood volume - Types
- Hypovolaemic - true/vasovagal
- Cardiogenic Heart failure, MI.
- Obstructive Pulm embolism.
- Anaphylactic vasodilation due to allergy.
- Septic capillary damage by infection.
28Shock Featurs
- Hypotension
- Tachycardia
- Cold clammy skin
- Rapid shallow respiration.
- Drowsiness, confusion, irritability
- Multi organ failure.
29Shock Mechanisms
- Compensatory mechanisms
- Adrenaline ? cold, clammy skin
- Complications Ischemic damage.
30Shock Management
- Position, clothing vital organs.!
- Airway
- Stimulants ammonia inhalation.
- Fluids, electrolytes, Blood pressure
- Treat the cause.
31It is never too late to become what you want to
be George Eliot