Title: Anatomy of Normal Human Gait
1Anatomy of Normal Human Gait L. J. Rizzolo Yale
2Main Points
- Need a language to discuss gait
- How we use a muscle differs from the anatomical
description - The language of the physical therapist
facilitates discussion - Fascial compartments organize our thinking
- A clinical approach focuses the discussion on a
limited subset of muscles and nerves - A more comprehensive understanding can be built
on this foundation
Larry Rizzolo, Yale University
3Types of Contraction
Muscles can only pull by contraction ---
They cannot push
- Force of Deltoid gt gravity ? Arm abducts
concentric contraction - Force of Deltoid gravity ? Arm is
stationary isocentric contraction - Force of Deltoid lt gravity ? Arm adducts
eccentric contraction
Muscle Interactions
Agonist vs Anatgonist ? Fine control of
motion Synergist ? Modifies action by
antagonizing unwanted motion Fixator ?
Maintains position of one joint to enable
movement of another joint
Larry Rizzolo, Yale University
4Start simple One compartment, one nerve
- Which muscles to include?
- Primary Clinicians focus on those that are
- Easy to test
- Easy to see atrophy
- Reporter for the rest of the compartment
Larry Rizzolo, Yale University
5Exercises based on this approach
- http//info.med.yale.edu/surgery/anatomy
- Choose the ltExercisesgt link
- ? ltlower limbgt link
- ? Select from the exercises menu
Larry Rizzolo, Yale University