Lamar County School District - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lamar County School District


Club involvement. Extra-curricular activities. Scholarship opportunities ... text messaging, camera use, game-playing, or any other use), not just the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lamar County School District

Revised July 27, 2011
Lamar County School District
  • 2011-2012
  • High School
  • Parent/Student
  • Handbook
  • Highlights

  • The Lamar County School Board resolves to have
    the most Drug Free School environment possible.
    The District and School Board, through its
    Administration and Police Department, will
    vigorously seek out those who use, sell, or come
    to school under the influence of drugs or
    alcohol. Students who violate the School District
    Policies in regard to use, possession, or sale of
    drugs will be subject to the strongest discipline
    to include alternative school placement and
    expulsion. The District will be using its own
    drug dog to conduct drug searches at all of its
    schools on a regular basis.

  • Student behavior that harasses or threatens other
    students or school personnel will not be
    tolerated. The
  • Lamar County School District shall treat hazing,
    as defined in MS Code 37-11-37 through 45
    97-3-105 107. The honor system will be used
    whereby those who are hazed will be expected to
    report the hazing or will be held just as
    responsible as those doing the hazing. If the
    hazing is related to initiation into teams,
    clubs, or organizations, removal from the
    activity will be immediate and automatic. Other
    consequences will be determined by the severity
    of the hazing.
  • This policy is not limited to on-campus

The Following Signed Forms are Required for All
  • Note Absolutely no medication shall be
    transported by a child to or from school. It must
    be transported by a parent/guardian only to the
    school office.

Food Services Program
  • Breakfast 1.75
  • Reduced Breakfast .30
  • Adult Breakfast 2.00
  • Student Lunch 2.50
  • Reduced Lunch .40
  • Adult Lunch 3.25
  • Free and reduced lunch forms are always available
    to students/families
  • Payments can be made weekly or monthly.
  • Students are NOT allowed to leave during lunch
    break nor are they allowed to send for other
    purchased lunch items during lunch.
  • No carbonated beverages.

The goal of the Lamar County School District is
to assure that parents, families, and schools
work together to insure each student is
successful and a productive citizen in todays
world. Lamar County School District will involve
parents in the success of each student!
  • Academic successes
  • Tutoring opportunities
  • Attendance issues
  • Academic interventions
  • Discipline issues
  • Club involvement
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Booster clubs opportunities
  • Drop out prevention

Early Dismissal for Bad Weather
  • LCSD is in constant contact with the Emergency
    Management Agency. In case of an early dismissal
    due to impending bad weather, notification will
    be made on
  • WDAM-TV FM 94.3
  • FM 95.9 FM 97.3
  • FM 98.1 FM 100.3
  • FM103.7 FM 104.5

  • All students attending a Lamar County School must
    attend a minimum of 84 days in a one credit
    course and 42 days in a ½ credit course
  • All absences other than school activities, those
    accompanied by a doctors excuse, or those due to
    out of school suspension are counted in the total
    number of absences allowed.
  • For any absence, the student must bring a note
    from parent/guardian or doctor to validate the
    absence within 2 days of the students return to
    school. (This is a new state law.)
  • Students/Parents/Legal Guardians are responsible
    for keeping up with student absences.
  • Principal will notify parents/guardians about
    excessive absences.

Student Check-Out Procedures
  • Students must present parent note to school
    office by 830 a.m. for verification of
  • Students cannot be checked out by phone calls
    Parents must physically come and check student

  • Students are expected to be in class promptly.
  • Unexcused tardies will result in disciplinary
  • School principals will determine appropriate
    disciplinary action when students are tardy to
    class or school.

New Grading Scale
A 90-100 Superior Work B 80-89 Above Average
Work C 70-79 Average Work D 65-69 Below
Average Work F 0-64 Failing Work I Incomplete
  • Senior Exemptions
  • 85 average in class with no more than 2 absences
    in a half-credit course and no more than 4
    absences in a full credit course. School business
    absences do not count against student.
  • Grades 9 11 Exemptions
  • 90 average in class same absence policy as above.

Note If a student reaches level 5 on the
discipline ladder, he/she automatically loses
exemption status in all classes. Also, if a
student receives 2 long forms from the same
teacher, he/she loses exemption privilege in that
Subject Area Testing Program
  • Students are required to pass the following state
    tests in order to graduate
  • English II multiple choice and writing
  • Algebra I
  • Biology
  • U.S. History

Correspondence Courses
  • Only one unit can be earned through
    correspondence that counts toward graduation.
    Approval is at the discretion of the principal,
    and approval will not be granted for English II,
    English III, English IV, Biology I, U.S. History,
    Algebra I, or any lab based science course.

Traditional Diploma Graduation
  • Requirements refer to the LCSD handbook
  • All high schools are now on a 4 x 4 schedule and
    by 2010-2011 all seniors will be required a total
    of 28 credits to graduate from Lamar County
    School District.
  • The five state subject area tests must be passed.
  • Exhibition of achievement (Senior Project) must
    be completed.
  • Look at other important information regarding
    graduation in the handbook.

Traditional Diploma Graduation Continued
  • Seniors will be limited to one block per semester
    of early dismissal for one of the following
  • Dual enrollment
  • Career Directed Learning
  • School to Work (special services)

Graduation Optionsfor Students With Disabilities
  • Lamar County School District students with
    disabilities will have three graduation options,
    as follows
  • Students with disabilities may enroll in an
    academic course of study aimed at obtaining a
    Standard Lamar County School District High School
  • Students with disabilities may obtain a
    Graduation Certificate of Completion as specified
    in the Mississippi Code 837-16-11.
  • Students with disabilities may enroll in an
    occupational course of study aimed at obtaining a
    Lamar County School District Occupational
    Diploma. The student must have an approved
    portfolio, containing a collection of evidence of
    the students knowledge, skills, and abilities,
    related to the occupational core curriculum. The
    primary postgraduate goal for students enrolled
    in the occupational course of study is
    competitive employment.

GED Option Program
  • Lamar County will provide a program of GED
    preparatory instruction as a part of the
    Alternative Education Program. The legislation
    mandates that students who are enrolled in an
    approved GED Program shall not be classified as
    dropouts and that the school district will
    continue to receive Minimum Program funding for
    the students while they are enrolled in the GED
    Program. Students placed in the GED Program shall
    not be eligible to participate in regular
    academic courses or other programmatic activities
    within the school district, including athletics,
    choir, band, or any other extra curricular
    activities except that a GED student may
    participate in existing job and skill development
    programs or in programs developed in conjunction
    with the GED Program and the Vocational Education

Student Dress Code9 12
  • A copy of the dress code can be downloaded from
    our homepage at

  • Students must attend a minimum of 168 days. No
    more than 6 days in a semester course or 12 days
    in a year long course are allowed. Exceptions are
    school business, medical excuses or OSS. All
    excuses must be turned into the office within 2
    days. (This is a new state law!) Other absences
    may be excused but will still count in the 6/12
    total. Students with excused absences can make up
    their work, but students that have absences due
    to OSS must make up work in Saturday school.

Disciplinary Policies and Procedures
Refer to the student handbook
Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation
  • Please refer to the student handbook for more

Discipline Ladder
Refer to student handbook
  • Fighting 1st offense begins at Level 5
  • Use, sale, possesion, or under the influence
    drugs and/or drug paraphenalia or counterfeit
    1st offense begins at Level 6
  • Possession of weapons 1st offense begins at
    Level 6
  • Pornography in any form Steps 5 - 8

Discipline Guide
  • 1. Fighting
  • Level I Pushing, shoving, wrestling, trying to
    throw a punch, inciting a fight
  • Level II Vicious, blood, fist fight
  • Level III Habitual discipline problem,
    previously warned, 2nd fight or more in a year
  • Consequences
  • Level I Step 5 1 day suspension
  • Level II Step 5 5 days suspension, referral
    to youth court
  • Level III Step 6 6 days suspension, 9 weeks
    at Alternative School, referral to youth court

Discipline Guide - Continued
2. Weapons Level I Weapons other than a gun
found on person, vehicle Level II Using,
threatening or brandishing any weapon, possession
of a gun on person or in vehicle Consequences Le
vel I Step 6 6 days suspension 9 weeks at
Alternative School, referral to youth court Level
II Step 7 6 days suspension, expulsion and/or
Alternative School, referral to youth court
Discipline Guide - Continued
3. Over the Counter Medications
Supplements Level I Handling, passing it to
another student Level II Brought to school to
sell, give away, trade, or consumption on
campus Consequences Level I Step 5 3 days
suspension Level II Step 6 6 days suspension
9 weeks at Alternative School
Discipline Guide - Continued
4. Alcohol Prescription drugs Level I Under
the influence (consumed off campus),
possession Level II Brought to school,
consumption on campus Consequences Level I
Step 6 6 days suspension 9 weeks Alternative
School, referral to youth court Level II Step 6
6 days suspension one semester at Alternative
School, referral to youth court
Discipline Guide - Continued
5. Illegal Drugs Level I Possession Level II
Use, under the influence, selling, trading,
giving away Consequences Level I Step 6 6
days suspension one semester Alternative
School, referral to youth court Level II Step 7
6 days suspension one year Alternative School
or expulsion, referral to youth court
Youth Court
Criminal behavior if committed by a student may
result in referral to Lamar County Youth Court or
the appropriate Judiciary. The following is a
list of offenses that may be reported
  • Possession of weapons
  • Possession of drugs
  • Possession of alcohol
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Simple assault
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Abuse of a Teacher or Principal
  • Threatening and intimidation
  • Public intoxication
  • Unexcused absences
  • Malicious mischief
  • Cyber stalking
  • Vandalism
  • Gambling
  • Trespassing
  • Rape
  • Sexual battery
  • Bomb threats
  • Defacing or destroying school property
  • And other criminal offenses of the Mississippi

  • School Bus Transportation is a privilege! You CAN
    be denied bus transportation.
  • Fighting aboard a school bus will result in
    automatic expulsion from the bus for one school
  • Cameras are placed on school buses to monitor
    your behavior.
  • Only students and school officials are allowed to
    ride on buses. Parents or any other persons
    cannot board a bus.
  • Riding another bus from your assigned bus
    requires a written note from a parent or guardian
    to be approved by your principal.
  • It is against the law to pass a stopped school

  • NOT permitted in any form

Possession of Pagers, Cellular Phones, Radios, or
Other Electronic Devices
  • In order to maintain a quiet and orderly
    learning environment, students are not allowed to
    use or have turned on any cellular phone/ mobile
    devices while at any Lamar County School
    beginning with the time of students arrival to
    any campus and the ending bell of the school day.
    This includes the use in hallways, restrooms,
    offices or any other place on campus students
    may NOT take a pass out of class to use their
    phones. As of the 2011-2012 school year, Kindles
    and other E-Book Reader devices will be allowed
    with a separate parent permission form.
  • Use is interpreted as using any cell
    phone/mobile device function or feature
    (out-going calls, in-coming calls, text
    messaging, camera use, game-playing, or any other
    use), not just the sending or receiving of calls.
    Cell phones/mobile devices must be turned off,
    not silent or vibrate, and kept out of sight.
    Students may store their devices in their
    pockets, purse, book bag, etc. OUT OF SIGHT AND
    TURNED OFF at all times during the school day
    unless deemed appropriate by the instructor.
  • Violation of the cell phone/mobile device policy
    will be referred for insubordination and the
    following disciplinary action will occur
  • First offense The cell phone/mobile device is
    confiscated and will be held until the end of the
    day after which time the parent/guardian will
    pick up the phone. The student will serve 1 day
    in school suspension.
  • Second offense The cell phone/mobile device is
    confiscated and will be held until the end of the
    day after which time the parent/guardian will
    pick up the phone. The student will serve one
    day out of school suspension.
  • Third offense The cell phone/mobile device is
    confiscated and will be held until the end of the
    day after which time the parent/guardian will
    pick up the phone. Three days of out of school
  • Further offenses will result in further

Automobile/Motorized Vehicle Use
  • Parking lots are off limits during school hours
  • Students may not return to their vehicle during

Extra Curricular Policiesand Procedures
  • Students must have an overall 75 or higher
    average and must pass 5 units of credits the
    previous year.
  • Students must earn 3 units of credit with an
    overall 75 average the first semester to be
    eligible the second semester.

Whos Who
  • Clubs, Class Officers and Homecoming court-
  • During the previous semester and current year, a
    student cannot
  • Reach step 5 or above on the discipline ladder
  • Receive more than two office referrals
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