BSR in international politics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BSR in international politics


... 1990s forward, there has been an ongoing debate on the future of Russia and its ... is it willing to move to more expansive power politics ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: BSR in international politics

BSR in international politics
  • Dr, Docent Sami Moisio
  • Academy of Finland

  • The exam will take place on Monday the 8th of
    October, 1012 (the lecture hall will be
    announced on the www-pages of the program)
  • The second possibility is on Friday the 9th of
    November 1417 (lecture hall 9) Please, remember
    to register at the BSRS-office!
  • The exam will include two essay questions dealing
    with the lectures

International politics why?
  • The relations between states
  • The alliances between states
  • The institutional arrangements between states
  • The relations between civil societies
  • The boundaries between political units
  • The transnationalization of space in Europe
  • Regional power structures
  • Regional security communities
  • Region in a global political landscape
  • High vs. low international politics

The role of the BSR in international politics
  • Major characteristics in the within the past c.
    100 years
  • The interaction between the small and large
    states (previously called as empires)
  • Constant processes of integration and
  • The BSR has been an area between the Western
    Europe and the vast Eurasian landmasses (where
    are the boundaries of Europe)
  • The importance of the BSR was emphasized
    especially in the era of wars on territory
  • The strategic significance of the area has
    declined in the post-Cold War world

From geopolitics to geo-economics?
The recent political developments
  • The enlargement of NATO in 2004
  • The enlargement of the EU in 2004
  • The energy politics within the past three-four
  • the vast Russian energy resources and especially
    the security of energy supplies to Europe have
    become a strategic issue how dependent the EU
    states dare to be on Russian gas and oil given
    the huge geopolitical significance of energy
  • The tension between the New Europe and Russia
  • The interaction between the EU and Russia
    (Germany and Russia)
  • The re-grouping of the Eastern Europe
  • The World Bank issues a warning about the
    re-division of the Eastern Europe into two One
    is Euro-centric, comprising the eight new members
    of the European Union (EU-8), Turkey, and
    gradually, the seven Southeastern European (SEE)
    countries. The other is Russia-centric, largely
    comprising the 12 countries of the CIS (World
    Bank 2006)

The BSR dynamics
The EU-Russian relations
  • Russian politics towards the EU
  • Eurasianist tendencies vs. Europe oriented
  • Traditional approach to Russia Russia is the
    other for Europe, Russia is different
    (culturally, politically and economically),
    Russia follows its own track
  • Transitional approach Russia is in a process of
    becoming normal state (market economy, western
    democracy, human rights)
  • In Russia sovereignty vs. integration (the
    concept of sovereign democracy)

  • The question of various dependencies
    characterizes the return to Europe discourse
    championed by the new Central Europeans
  • The discursive production of state sovereignty in
    the Baltic States has been closely connected with
    an idea of decreasing both political and economic
    dependency on Russia
  • This phenomenon may well be called a reverse
    conceptualization of state independence or state
    sovereignty the less a state is dependent on
    Russia the more independent it is

Out of dependencies
  • NATO memberships of the ex-Soviet republics which
    in the early 1990s refused to join the CIS have
    been crucial to put into action this new
  • Most recently, the issue of dependency has been
    nowhere as visible as in the context of energy
  • However, since the double enlargement of NATO and
    the EU, the depiction of Russia as a potential
    geopolitical threat has decreased in intensity in
    the post-Communist states

Analysing Russia
  • Russia had a special role within the return to
    Europe discourse. From the mid 1990s forward,
    there has been an ongoing debate on the future of
    Russia and its exceptional features
  • is it returning to Tsarist authoritarianism
  • is it moving towards democratic political culture
    by following the western track
  • is it willing to move to more expansive power
  • is it trying to re-establish its central position
    in world politics this time by using vast energy
    resources and military power
  • is Russia a European state or another
  • is Russia trying to preserve its territorial
    coherence by not allowing its neighborhood states
    to fly away from its sphere of power

Analysing Russia
  • One of the central characteristics of the
    aforementioned debates is the need to make
    diagnoses of Russia in order to disclose its
  • This includes identifying symptoms in Russian
    politics and then connecting them to the
    determining factors of Russian politics
  • Policies of president Putin, for example, are
    often diagnosed to be symptoms of the
    authoritarian political culture, an underlying
    presumption being that politics in Russia
    proceeds in vicious cycles
  • The columnist of the Financial Times, Neil
    Buckley (2006), for example, calls Putins Russia
    a managed democracy because it is a system that
    preserves competitive election while doing
    everything possible to predetermine the outcome

Between the east and west?
The major policies of the US in the BSR
  • The Northern Europe Initiative (NEI) of the
    United States emerged in 1997
  • In September 1997 at a meeting of the Nordic and
    Baltic foreign ministers in Bergen, Norway,
    Assistant Secretary of State Marc Grossman
    introduced the Northern Europe Initiative
  • The NEI was originally concerned with traditional
    security questions
  • The US decision-makers sought to signal to Russia
    that even though the Baltic states would not be
    included in the initial round of NATO
    enlargement, this did not mean that the US
    regarded them as lying within the Russian sphere
    of influence
  • The NEI aimed at avoiding any short-term
    emergence of security vacuum in the region

The major policies of the US in the BSR
  • The NEI's objectives
  • stability, prosperity and security
  • the bolstering of the U.S. trade and investement
  • the integrating the countries of the region in
    order to avoid the dependency on Russia
  • The NEI emphasizes the regional approach in
    dealing with the environmental challenges in the
  • nuclear and non-nuclear challenges
  • nuclear waste management projects in the Russian

The major EU policies in the BSR
  • The Wider Europe policy by the European
  • The New Neighborhood Policy by the EU commission
  • The Northern Dimension Initiative
  • The Eastern Dimension Initiative by Poland
  • Various EU programs (structural funds) such as
    the Interreg and TACIS

The post-Cold War BSR the epoch of transition
The post-Cold War BSR the epoch of transition
Imagining the BSR
  • The area around the Baltic Sea region can be
    treated in several ways
  • 1. A European megaregion consisting of various
  • 2. A European sub-region consisting of regions
    and some parts of states
  • 3. A network of various interest groups
  • 4. An imagined community created by region
    builders (top down regionalization)
  • 5. An area of increasing interaction between
    civil societies (an everyday form of regionalism)

Imagining the BSR
  • The BSR has been back on high political agenda
    since the early 1990s (after the end of the Cold
  • The revival of the interest is often connected to
    an understanding that the East and the West
    somehow meet in the area around the Baltic Sea
  • The Baltic Sea has recently been narrated as an
    internal sea of the EU which consists of various
    corridors and networks increasing both the
    movement of capital or goods, and compressing
    functional space of the region
  • The political bolstering of the Baltic sphere
    obviously aims at transforming the centre of
    gravity within the EU, but it also unfolds a
    naturalist logic according to which the region
    serves as a natural economic entity

Imagining the BSR
  • The post-Wall Baltic Sea region is also scripted
    as a living example of various political
  • an illustration of post-modern geopolitical
    regionalisation of overlapping boundaries and
  • a post-political model area as far as
    cross-border co-operation and regional
    integration are concerned
  • territoriality is unbundled, state sovereignty
    pooled, borders de-securitised and classical
    military threats replaced by new soft threats
    which are now called risks
  • The Baltic Sea region is therefore argued as
    highlighting a new Europe of inclusive
    regionalities where regions are gradually
    achieving political subjectivity

The BSR integration
  • The BSR is a region of institutional networks
    which are loosely connected to each other (the
    new Hansa)
  • 1. Intergovernmental institutions (e.g. Baltic
    Region Healthy Cities Office and the leading
    global IGOs)
  • 2. European Union projects (BSR Interreg IIIB)
    and institutions (European Investment Bank)
  • 3. BSR intergovernmental institutions (e.g.
    Baltic Council of Ministers, Nordic Council,
    Helsinki Commission)
  • 4. Local authorities (e.g. Union of Baltic
    Cities) gt more than 100 members
  • 5. Educational networks (e.g. Baltic Study Net)
  • 6. Civil society institutions (e.g. Baltic Music

The BSR integration
  • The Baltic Sea region has its own institutions,
    territorial shape following the drainage basin of
    the Baltic Sea, and even a set of ideas that are
    connected to the region
  • Economic transactions within the region are
  • The has been a notable intensification of
    networking in the region (business, city regions,
  • The Baltic Sea region, therefore, obviously
    consists of various features which together form
    at least a seed of a region.

The limits of the BSR integration
  • There are several spatial obstacles in the
    Baltic Sea region which would deserve systematic
    research. Among these are 1) the lack of social
    capital, 2) differences in national geopolitical
    cultures, traditions and experiences and the
    perpetual domination of state-centricity at the
    state scale, and 3) the boundary construction at
    the EU level.

The lack of social capital
  • As far as social capital is concerned, mutual
    dependence works as guarantee which further
    increases the sense of trust among political
  • If we consider the Baltic Sea region as a
    community in the making, we find out that even
    though the quantity of the networks consisting of
    social relations is considerable, the lack of
    social capital is however pervasive. This
    especially considers high politics.
  • The persistence of geographical memory, which is
    inevitably attached to the painful experience of
    the 20th century, causes strong difficulties in
    the process of creating trust within the Baltic
    Sea region.
  • Political affects, in particular feelings of
    hate, pride, distrust, fear, anger and even
    shame, form an integral part of political life
    within the area.

Variety of national geopolitical cultures
  • The Baltic Sea region is a diffuse collection of
    geopolitical traditions, most of which are deeply
    based on national historiography and imaginative
    geographies written by strategists.
  • Given the great variety of states in the Baltic
    Sea region in terms of size, population,
    orientation, political geographical belonging,
    power resources, memberships and relative
    location in the world economy, interstate
    relations are not only heavily asymmetrical but
    also deeply accumulated to national geopolitical
  • Even though Donald Rumsfelds division into new
    and old Europe may not work well as an analytical
    tool, it nevertheless unfolds the complex
    geography of the Baltic Sea integration (NATO)
  • It is hard to imagine the Baltic Sea region as a
    regional security complex within which it is not
    reasonable to treat the security of different
    actors as separate issues.

Variety of national geopolitical cultures
  • National geopolitical traditions locate the
    states of the Baltic Sea region to rather
    different places on the political map of Europe.
  • Estonian politicians seem to be willing to locate
    the country in Central Europe, an action which
    aims at both drawing a boundary between Russia
    and Europe and emphasising the importance of the
    Baltic states on the value map of Europe.
  • The hegemonic geopolitical traditions in Latvia
    and Lithuania locate these states in the reborn
    Central Europe rather than Northern Europe,
  • The Northern Dimension of the European Union,
    originally launched by Finland in 1997, has not
    attracted the Baltic politicians.

The EU as an obstacle
  • The future of the integration at the EU level
    will have several outcomes as far as the Baltic
    Sea integration is concerned.
  • One of the most crucial outcomes is the one
    attached to the internal and external boundaries
    of the EU whether they become permeable,
    securitised, de-securitised, closed, hard,
    blurred or networked regarding people, goods and
  • Two kinds of boundaries in the context of the
    Baltic Sea integration.
  • 1) networked non-borders, such as the Schengen
    boundary system which currently carves up the
    Baltic Sea region states into insiders and
  • 2) Colonial frontier describes the point where
    the EU meets the East and, indeed, this identity
    political frontier is very much bolstered in the
    context of the EU foreign policy.

The EU as an obstacle
  • The boundary dynamics of the EU may have dramatic
    impact on the future of the Baltic Sea
  • There is now a danger of creating soft borders
    within the EU region and hard ones between the EU
    and its outside.
  • This is to say that the federalist agenda may
    lead to a formation of new borders in Europe that
    not only divide the member states into
    first-class and second-class members, but also
    leads to a construction of the eastern boundary.
  • As a consequence, the third class Europe a
    fringe of new friends as the New Neighbourhood
    Initiative puts it would be excluded from the
    EU self gtThis would seriously jeopardise the
    Baltic Sea integration.
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