Title: Mr. Giannantonio Ballette
1The Instrument for Preaccession
Assistance IPA an overview
Mr. Giannantonio Ballette Acting Head of Unit
ELARG.D.1 Financial Instruments
2The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
- An integrated pre-accession instrument to assist
candidate (Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Turkey) and potential candidate
countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244) - Replaces Phare, ISPA, SAPARD and Turkey
pre-accession instruments, as well as CARDS - Financial envelope (200713) 11.5 billion
(current prices)
3IPA Regulatory framework
IPA Council Framework Regulation No 1085/2006
of 17 July 2006 (OJ L 210 of 31 July
2006) Commission Implementing Regulation No
718/2007 of 12 June 2007 (OJ L 170 of 29 June
4Structure of IPA5 components
- One framework, a differentiated approach
- All countries
- Transition Assistance and Institution Building
- Cross-Border Co-operation
- In addition, for Candidate countries
- Regional Development
- Human Resources Development
- Rural Development
5A 3-level implementation framework flowchart
ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE, including Multi-annual
Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) by country
and by component
6A 3-level implementation framework flowchart
ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE, including Multi-annual
Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) by country
and by component
Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document
(MIPD) by country for all relevant components
Comp I
Comp II
Comp III
Comp IV
Comp V
7A 3-level implementation framework flowchart
ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE, including Multi-annual
Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) by country
and by component
Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document
(MIPD) by country for all relevant components
Comp I
Comp II
Comp III
Comp IV
Comp V
National or Regional Programmes
CBC Programme
Operational programmes/ Large projects
Operational programme
Rural Development programme
8Multi-annual IndicativeFinancial Framework
9Implementation principles
- Increased ownership by and responsibility of the
beneficiary country - As a consequence, decentralised management shall
apply wherever possible - with the ultimate objective of decentralised
management without exante control by the
10Clear requirements for decentralised management
- In terms of
- Structures and authorities to be put in place by
the beneficiary countries - Accreditation criteria
- Accreditation process and conferral of management
powers by the Commission on the beneficiary
country - Monitoring of the accreditation
11Component I
- Scope of the TAIB component
- Strengthening of democratic institutions
- Development of civil society
- Promotion and protection of human rights and
fundamental freedoms - Enhance administrative and judicial capacity
- Economic reform
- Reconciliation and reconstruction
- Economic and social development (in particular in
potential candidates)
12Component I (TAIB)Programming (1)
- Annual National Programmes
- Prepared by national authorities
- Approved by the Commission
- Implemented (tendering contracting)
- decentralised management (currently in Croatia
and Turkey, soon in the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia) by national authorities - centralised management (remaining countries) by
the EC Delegations
13Component I (TAIB)Programming (2)
- Annual Regional/Horizontal Programmes
- Prepared by the Commission (in consultation with
beneficiary countries) - Implemented (tendering contracting)
- Centralised management by the Commission (HQ)
- Joint Management by the Commission together with
14Component II (CBC)
- Scope of the CBC component
- Promote sustainable economic and social
development in the border areas - Address common challenges in environment, public
health and the prevention of and fight against
organised crime - Ensure efficient and secure borders
- Promote local "people to people" type actions
15Component II (CBC)Programming
- Multi-annual cross-border programmes
- Jointly prepared by national authorities
- Approved by the Commission
- Implementation (tendering contracting)
- EU Member States (shared management) for CBC at
EU borders (eg. HRSI) - National authorities (decentralised management)
or EC Delegations (centralised management) for
CBC between Western Balkan countries (eg. HRBiH)
16Components III, IV and V(Candidate countries)
- Components III and IV
- Precursor of the Structural (ERDF, ESF) and
Cohesion funds - Component V
- Precursor of the Agriculture and Rural
Development funds
17Components III, IV and VProgramming
- Candidate countries only
- Multiannual operational programmes
- Prepared by national authorities
- Approved by the Commission
- Implementation (tendering contracting)
- National authorities (decentralised management
18Useful links
- DG Enlargement, financial assistance
- http//ec.europa.eu/enlargement/how-does-it-work/f
inancial-assistance/index_en.htm - EC Delegations
- http//ec.europa.eu/enlargement/who_does_what/dele
19The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
Thank you for your attention