Title: Does ECJ C22598 NordPasdeCalais make sense
1Emner innen Upphandlingv/ Kai Krüger Örebro
Universitet 23-24. mai 2002
- Soft og Green procurement
- Sosiale hensyn - miljøhensyn
2Upphandlingsregimet - scenario
- Supra-national legislation on public social
contracting? - Supra-national restrictions on national
governance? - Interaction or pre-empted supremacy?
- Position of domestic and local government
policies - towards democratic infringement of
municipal community legislative powers?
EG nivå
Nasj nivå
Kommunalt nivå
3Beslutningsprosessen - EU/EEA
Spillerom for nasjonalt regelverk nasjonale
kontraherende enheter
Contract concept object
Produce or procure?
Qualifi- factions - Suitability
Specifi- cations
Award decision Award
4Innledende faser forut forkontraktstildeling
- Kjøpe eller drive internt miljøarbeid i
egenregi? - Konsept etterspurt produkt
- Særskilt om miljømerking
- Utformning av kontraktsvilkår for
tjenester/entrepriser - PPM-problematikken status?
- Kvalifikasjoner, suitability, utelukkelse og
5Om skillet mellom binære temaer og
- Binære
- Kvalifikasjoner
- Suitability
- Avvisningsgrunner
- Vurderingskriterier
- Utformning av produktbeskrivelser
(ikke-diskriminerende, anknytning til EU
standarder herunder kvalitetssikring ISO
14001 og EMAS) - Indirekte ved miljølovgivning?
- Utdypning av kriterier ved kontraktstildeling
(økonomisk-kriteriet under belastning?)
6Tildelingsbeslutningen Aksept av ikke-økonomiske
soft green kriterier?
- EU/EEA - lowest price or economically most
advantageous - GPA - NAFTA fully capableandlowest tenderor
tender documentation is determined to be the most
advantageous - IBRD - meets the appropriate standards and
resources and(i) to be substantially
responsive.or (ii) to offer the lowest evaluated
cost - UNCITRAL (UN) modellov (i)lowest tender
priceor(ii) lowest evaluated tender
ascertained on the basis of criteria specified
7Globalt perspektiv - sammenfatning
- Globalisation of public contracting - exit
national parliamentary legislator in domestic
contracting and trans-national procurement? - Local government strapped of instruments for
pursuing regional policy objectives (cf conflicts
between US federal and state governance) - Globalisation - increasing democratic deficit in
EU-GPA-NAFTA-BRD decision-making concerning trade
with Third World developing countries?
8Direktivenes formuleringer vedrørende
tildelingskriterier f eks Service Dir 92/50
Art 36
1. Without prejudice to national laws,
regulations or administrative provisions on the
remuneration of certain services, the criteria on
which the contracting authority shall base the
award of contracts may be(a) where the award is
made to the economically most advantageous
tender, various criteria relating to the
contract for example, quality, technical merit,
aesthetic and functional characteristics,
technical assistance and after-sales service,
delivery date, delivery period or period of
completion, price or(b) the lowest price only.
2. Where the contract is to be awarded to the
economically most advantageous tender, the
contracting authority shall state in the contract
documents or in the tender notice the award
criteria which it intends to apply, where
possible in descending order of importance.
9C-31/87 Beentjes formula
The condition relating to the employment of
long-term unemployed persons is compatible with
the directive if it has no direct or indirect
discriminatory effect on tenderers from other
Member States of the Community. An additional
specific condition of this kind must be mentioned
in the contract notice.
10Hvordan er Beentjes blitt forstått?
Since Beentjes general acceptance that contract
conditions may be imposed on the candidates
sothat lack of possibility to meet
contract Commitments may work as a
statutorynon-codified reason for
exclusion? Such as Commissions Green Paper
11C-225/98 Comm v French Republic Nord Pas-de
Calais26.9.2000PARADIGMA SKIFTE?
12C-225/98 - Paragraph 50-51
- None the less, that provision does not preclude
all possibility for the contracting authorities
to use as a criterion a condition linked to the
campaign against unemployment provided that that
condition is consistent with all the fundamental
principles of Community law, in particular the
principle of non-discrimination flowing from the
provisions of the Treaty on the right of
establishment and the freedom to provide services
(see, to that effect, Beentjes, paragraph 29). - 51. Furthermore, even if such a criterion is not
in itself incompatible with Directive 93/37, it
must be applied in conformity with all the
procedural rules laid down in that directive, in
particular the rules on advertising (see, to that
effect, on Directive 71/305, Beentjes, paragraph
31). It follows that an award criterion linked to
the campaign against unemployment must be
expressly mentioned in the contract notice so
that contractors may become aware of its
existence (see, to that effect, Beentjes,
paragraph 36).
13Paragraphs 52-53
52. As regards the Commission's argument that
Beentjes concerned a condition of performance of
the contract and not a criterion for the award of
the contract, it need merely be observed that, as
is clear from paragraph 14 of Beentjes, the
condition relating to the employment of long-term
unemployed persons, which was at issue in that
case, had been used as the basis for rejecting a
tender and therefore necessarily constituted a
criterion for the award of the contract. 53.
In this case, as has been stated in paragraph 48
above, the Commission criticises only the
reference to such a criterion as an award
criterion in the contract notice. It does not
claim that the criterion linked to the campaign
against unemployment is inconsistent with the
fundamental principles of Community law, in
particular the principle of non-discrimination,
or that it was not advertised in the contract
notice. 54. In those circumstances, the
Commission's complaint relating to the additional
award criterion linked to the campaign against
unemployment must be rejected.
- Re-confirming Beentjes nothing else?
- Additional criteria after having applied
economical most advantageous test ending up with
equal candidates? - Applying the contract Beentjes condition to
exclude contractors which can not deliver
according to contract? - Extending the scope of award criteria despite the
wording of the directive?
15Kommisjonens respons 2001
- Commission Interpretative Communication on the
possibilities for integrating environmentsal/socia
l (respectively) considerations into public
procurement COM(2001)274final (4.7.2001)
COM(2001)566 final (15.10.2001) - Commissions Draft directives classical and
utilities sectors insertion of the word
environmental in (classical) Art 53, but
qualified by assumption directly linked to the
16Comm Communication (2001)274 (environmental
3.4 Additional criteria In case C-225/98 the ECJ
held that the awarding authorities could apply a
condition relating to the campaign against
unemployment, provided that this condition was in
line with all the fundamental principles of
Community law, but only where the said
authorities had to consider two or more
economically equivalent bids. Such a condition
could be applied as an accessory criterion once
the bids had been compared from a purely economic
point of view. As regards the criterion relating
to the campaign against unemployment the Court
made it clear that it must not have any direct or
indirect impact on those submitting bid from
other Member States of the Community and must be
explicitly mentioned in the contract notice so
that potential contractors were able to ascertain
that such a condition existed.
17Commissions Draft Directive 2000 Art 53
(Classical sector)
- Contract award criteria
- 1. Without prejudice to national laws,
regulations or administrative provisions on
the remuneration of certain services, the
criteria on which the contracting authorities
shall base the award of contracts shall be - a)Â Â Â Â Â either the lowest price only or
- b)Â Â Â Â Â when award is made to the most
economically advantageous tender for the
contracting authorities, various criteria
directly linked to the subject of the public - contract in question for example quality, price,
technical merit, aesthetic and functional
characteristics, environmental characteristics,
running costs, cost-effectiveness, after-sales
service and technical assistance, delivery date
and derlivery period or period of compeletion.
18ECJ-trender 1990-tallet for øvrig
- C 380/98 H M Treasury v University of Cambridge
(om forståelsen av uttrykket economical) - C 324/95 The Queen / Secretary of State vs Evans
Medical and Macfarlan (sikringstioltak ved
medisinupphandling for å hindre spredning av
narkotiske stoffer)
19Verserende ECJ sakC-513/99Concordia Bus
Finland v Helsingin kaupunki och HKL-Bussliikenne
(Transporttjenester Dir 92/50 og Dir 93/38)
20Saksforhold summarisk
Drift av bussnettet i Helsingfors med anslått
oppstart 1998 (Helsingfors stads trafikverk).
Tildelingskriterium totaløkonomisk mest
fordelaktig anbud Concordia lavest
anbud Konkurrenerende kommunalt HKL anbud antatt
m/ henvisning til minst forurensende og mest
støyvennlige (minst bullersamma) Concordia
inte fanns någon möjlighet att beakta dessa
miljöskyddskriterier, eftersom de inte hade
något direkt samband med föremålet för
21Fra Generaladvokatens innstilling 13.12.2001
V - Förslag till avgörande --- 2)
Gemenskapslagstiftningen på området för offentlig
upphandling, i synnerhet artikel 36.1 i rådets
direktiv 92/50/EEG av den 18 juni 1992 om
samordning av förfarandena vid offentlig
upphandling av tjänster, skall tolkas så att en
stad som i egenskap av upphandlande enhet fordrar
in anbud avseende driften av dess interna
busstransporttjänst, kan, såsom i målet vid den
nationella domstolen, vid tilldelning av kontrakt
till förmån för det ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga
anbudet, utöver anbudspriset, trafikidkarens
kvalitets- och miljösystem eller en mängd andra
materialegenskaper, beakta det av företaget
erbjudna materialets låga nivå av
kväveoxidutsläpp eller låga bullernivå. Kriteriet
måste vara förenligt med de grundläggande
gemenskapsrättliga principerna, särskilt
icke-diskrimineringsprincipen och de fyra
friheterna och tillämpas med iakttagande av alla
förfaranderegler i nämnda direktiv, bland annat
de bestämmelser om offentliggörande som
direktivet innehåller. ---
22Debatt i forb med norskog svensk lovreform
- Svensk upphl 1992 Kap 112
- og Kap 6 12
- Prp 2001/02142
- Kriterier for miljömerkning prp utk 12 pkt 3
- Tildelingskriterier prp s 35-40
- Kontraktsvilkår prp utk 18b
23Debatt i forb med norskog svensk lovreform
- Norsk lovreform 1999
- Krav/vilkår om læring-kontrakter?
- Kontraktørklausulene
- Økt vektlegging av sosiale og miljø- messige
hensyn? (Ot prp nr 71 (1997-98) s 39-40) - 1999-lovens nye 6
- 6. Ressurs- og miljøbevisste anskaffelser
- Statlige, kommunale og fylkeskommunale organer
samt rettssubjekter som nevnt i 2 første ledd
bokstav b skal under planleggingen av den enkelte
anskaffelse ta hensyn til livssykluskostnader og
miljømessige konsekvenser av anskaffelsen. - Endret ved lov 15 juni 2001 nr. 80 (i kraft 1
juli 2001 iflg. res. 15 juni 2001 nr. 617). - 2001 forskrift til 1999-loven 17-2
24Trender og tolkninger
- ECJ på glid? Hvilken vei går den finske
Concordia-saken? - Kommisjonens transparency konsept fra
grønnboken 1996 under økende belastning? - Ny-orientering ut fra grønnere og mykere
traktat-formålsformuleringer etter Maastricht og
Amsterdam? - Beentjes over til rettshistorien?
- MÃ¥ Kommisjonens revurdere draft Directive Art 53?