Title: Over 100 members, representing 7 schools and 23 countriesregions
1International graduate students association for
Career development And Networking (I-CAN)
- Over 100 members, representing 7 schools and 23
2Shop at Millschaired by Zhang, Chi
- Help international students explore more St.
Louis area.
3Kick-off Partychaired by Xie, Yanjiao
4Spring Dancing PartyChaired by Qin, Lei
- Learning how to dance Waltz, Cha-cha, and Rumba
5Inside US Job Market and CultureChaired by Li,
Cong Lucy
- Enhance individual international students
professional development and job marketability
6Shorter Name SearchChaired by Ball, Cameron
International graduate students association for
Career development And Networking
I-CAN I can dream, I can try, I can learn
7Olympic Games Viewingchaired by Li, Cong Lucy
- promote the supportive multicultural environment
in Wash. U.
8Welcome Party Chaired by Hoyt, Catherine Zhou,
9Inside US PoliticsChaired by Lin, Yin-Hsiu
- Provide an opportunity for both international and
American students to share their views toward
10Car Purchasing and Maintenance chaired by Shi,
- Assist international students to make a quick
adaption to new environment and start exploring
11Speak with AmericanChaired by Ding, Yifei
- Help international students to develop a deep
understanding on communication and conversation
skills in America.
12Academic vs Corporate JobsChaired by Li, Mi
- Discussed advantages and disadvantages of both
career settings. - Obtained better information about these career
alternative choices.
13International Idol Chaired by Shi, Peichang
- Promote mutual respect and understanding
- Encourage cross-cultural communication
14Hands on Car MaintenanceChaired by Zhang, Chi
- Gained first hand experience of how to maintain
your cars.
15Self-Defense Workshop for WomenChaired by Wang,
- Learn to avoid dangerous situation, call for
help, as well as useful information for
16My American JourneyChaired by He, Jing
- Obtain a clearer idea in career development make
a better plan for our study in Wash. U.
17A Growing Multi-national Family
- Elected leaders and their supporters in the first
election (Apr. 2008)
- The core leadership initiated the registration
process (Jan. 2008)
18Official Recognitions from Wash. U. in Two
Consecutive years