Title: EU ENLARGEMENT Customs and Rules of Origin
1EU ENLARGEMENTCustoms and Rules of Origin
- Customs transitional measures
- Impact on EU preferential Agreements
3An unprecedented enlargement
- EU 15 ? EU 25
- Population from 377 m. ? 451 m.
- Land Area 34
- 3234568 Km² ? 3973140 Km²
4Customs Territory
- Territory of 25 Member States
- Internal borders dismantled
- New external border
- Russia, Belarus, Ukrania, Romania, Balkans
- (Switzerland)
5Art.2 Act of Accession principle
- Principle MS apply from the date of accession
the "Acquis communautaire" - Exception as provided in Act of Accession
- - goods moving between old-new MS
- - goods moving between new MS
- - goods moving between EU25 and 3rd countries
6Acquis Communautaire
- Customs legislation
- - C Customs Code Reg. 2913/92
- - C. Implementing provisions Reg. 2454/93
- -Combined Nomenclature
- - Common Customs Tariff
- Preferential Agreements
- - Autonomous ( GSP, Western Balkans)
- - Conventional ( MED, Chile, Mexico, .)
7Administrative and Operational Capacity
- A functioning Customs Administration in place
- Operational Instruments
- - CCN- CSI ( IT network)
- - NCTS (transit)
- - SMS (stamps management system)
- - (others)
- 25 administrations acting as 1 single
8Customs measures Annex IV n 5 Act of Accession
Main principle Goods that on the date of
accession are in free circulation in an acceding
or an old MS will be in free circulation
throughout the enlarged community
9Trade within the enlarged community
- Proof of pref origin ISSUED before accession
- ACCEPTED as evidence of status
-goods on the date of accession are under a
customs procedure -prohibition of drawback
applies on non originating materials
- No EUR 1 as proof of status ( no prohibition of
drawback exists) - should use a different document to prove
"community status" ( T2L, T2M. )
11Preferential AgreementsArt. 6 Act of Accession
- from 1st may 2004, NEW MS
- will be parties to ALL preferential Agreements of
the EU - will withdraw ALL their existing FTA with 3rd
countries - will end FTA's with the EU
12Trade with third countries
- Proofs issued by third countries before accession
(under agreement with CC) shall be accepted - EU 15 would also accept this proof
- proof of origin and transport documents issued
before accession - submitted to Customs by 1st september 2004
13Approved exporter
- Authorisation granted by CC before accession
could be - MAINTAINED
- if EC agreements also provides for this
facilitation with the same countries - approved exporter apply the same EC RO from the
time of accession
14Approved exporter
Authorisation granted before accession should be
REPLACED by a new authorisation in
accordance with EC legislation by 1st of MAY 2005
15EU Approved Exporter
- Authorisations granted by "old" Member States
- remain VALID
16Accession Protocols with 3rd countries
Need to ensure reciprocity I) CC have
Agreements with third country II) CC do not have
Agreement with third country
17CC and EU have Agreements with 3rd Country
Proofs issued by CC before accession to a third
country presented after accession should be
ACCEPTED by 3rd party on the basis of the EU/3rd
party agreement PO ? CH issued
PO/CH accepted EU/CH Agreement Agreement
18CC and EU have agreement with 3rd country
3rd party Authorised Exporter ( under PO-CH
Agreement) Should be ACCEPTED by EU 25 under EU-
CH Agreement
19CC do not have Agreement with 3rd party
CH exports ? CYPRUS before accession
after accession possibility to claim for the
ORIGIN (and viceversa)
20Impact on Pan-European system of cumulation
- Modification of number of parties
EU 25
(Cyprus / Malta not being today part of Pan
European system will benefit with enlargement)
21Impact on preferential trade
- Materials originating in CC will become EU
- materials in order to determine EU origin
- EC origin ?
- " increase possibilities of sourcing for
manufacturer's of finish products BUT increase
competition for the EU15 manufacturer's of
intermediate products"
- Protocol RO approved in Palermo ( July 2003)
- requirements -identical RO
- -FTA's between partner countries
- -no drawback rule (partial drawback)
- Implementation on process
- preparation Decisions to modify Protocols of
origin - Adoption of Decisions by Joint Bodies
- Target date mid- 2004 ?
23Impact on Pan-Euro-Med
- Main constraint
- FTA's between partner countries
- With enlargement
- Candidate Countries ? Immediate application of
Pan-Euro-Med as EC members
24Non Preferential R.O.
- HWP still on progress in WTO
- Acceding Countries ? application rules of
Customs Code and Implementing provisions - Interpretation Art. 24 use of EU negotiating
common position at WTO
25- Thank you for your attention
- Head of Unit
- Rules of Origin
- Commission - DG TAXUD