Title: A thematic map module at Virtual School
1A thematic map module at Virtual School of
Statistics Finland
Nordic Forum for Geostatistics Copenhagen
25.3.2004 Ulla-Maarit Saarinen Statistics Finland
2Training on statistical maps at Statistics
- courses for customers since 1996
- tailored training for organisations
- lectures for students at universities
3A joint project with ONS (United Kingdom),
Alistair Calder 1998-2000
UNECE -website
4Statistics Finlands Virtual School
- project started in the beginning of 2001
- the first course (Demographics) on the web was
published in autumn 2001 - first lessons of the thematic maps course were
published on the web in Dec. 2003
5Training at Virtual School
For what are statistics needed?
How are statistics used?
How should statistics to be understood?
Virtual School offers basic knowledge of
statistics and helps to understand statistics.
6Virtual school of Statistics Finland
- a school for citizens open to everybody
- is useful to
- high school students
- college and university students for basic
knowledge - all those who use/read/study statistical
information - all those who want to improve their understanding
of statistical information - to start the school no knowledge of statistics
is required
7(No Transcript)
8Statistical maps Virtual School - course
What does the course offer?
- Basics skills for how to visualise statistical
data on maps - different map types
- dangers, errors and illusions of maps
- elements of maps
9To whom the training is for?
- those who use statistical maps in their work or
study - those who make thematic maps
- those using or studying regional statistics
- graphic designers, visual designers, editors
- everybody interested in maps
10(No Transcript)
11The presentation of the course
12Starting test
13Contents of the course
Lesson 1 Statistics and maps
Lesson 2 Regional classification maps
Lesson 3 Dot maps, graduated symbol maps
Lesson 4 Line maps
Lesson 5 Other thematic map types
Lesson 6 How to choose the map type
Lesson 7 Elements of a map
Excercises, discussion topics/questions
List of consepts
List of literature and links
14Lesson 1
15Chapter 1.1
16Lesson 2
17Example Lesson 2, Regional classification
maps Chapter 2.1. Choropleth map Chapter 2.2.
Colour symbols of choropleth maps Chapter 2.3.
Classification of a statistical data in a
choropleth map Chapter 2.4. How to choose a
classification method Chapter 2.5. Number of
classes in a choropleth map Chapter 2.6.
Distribution defines classification Chapter 2.7.
Equal ranges Chapter 2.8. Quantiles Chapter 2.9.
Mean and standard deviation as class
breaks Chapter 2.10. Classes for sloping
distributions Chapter 2.11. Natural breaks
18Chapter 2.12. Other definers of classes Chapter
2.13. Regional divisions on choropleth
maps Chapter 2.14. Benefits, errors and illusions
of choropleth maps Chapter 2.15. Grid square
map Chapter 2.16. Other regional classification
19Chapter 2.1. Choropleth map
20Chapter 2.2. Colours symbols of choropleth maps
21Chapter 2.3. Classification of statistical data
in a choropleth map
22Chapter 2.11. Natural breaks
23An excercise
(Natural breaks)
25The list of the literature and Internet links
26Web course as a part of training courses for
2 days
Virtual course material
OppiNet Chat, excercises