Title: Link Translations - Language Translation & Interpretation Co
1Language Translation Company
Since its establishment in 1995, Link
Translations has provided translation and
interpretation services many corporations,
institutions and individuals in all world
languages. Our translators are trained and
qualified in the fields of law, general business,
finance and banking. They each hold a BA and/or
MA in a modern language, or a Bachelors and/or
Masters degree with specialized knowledge in
their respective fields with at least 3 years of
experience as a linguist.
We review and translate highly sensitive and
extremely confidential materials on a daily
basis. Our standards of practice are all aimed at
protecting the information of our clients. Link
Translations takes confidentiality and security
issues very seriously. We are always pleased to
provide a free estimate for any job no matter how
big or small. Please do not hesitate to contact
us for your questions or to get a quote on a
translation or interpretation assignment.
4We specialize in
Translation Legal Translation Certified
Notarized Translation Website Translation Interpr
etation Consecutive Interpretation Simultaneous
Interpretation Escort Interpretation Whisper
Interpretation Apostille
5Our strengths include
Translation and interpretation capability in
virtually ALL languages. Proprietary online
database of over 2000 linguists in the United
States. 14 years of experience in the
translation and interpretation services industry.
6Our strengths include
The only translation agency to be listed under
the New York City Bar Associations Member
Benefits program wide experience serving the
legal community. Professional project managers
that are expert in locating and securing linguist
resources for all types of requests.
7Contact Us
Headquarters - NEW YORK Link Translations 51 East
42nd Street, Suite 1510 NY 10017
1-212-697-0509 North San Jose -
CALIFORNIA2880 Zanker Road, Suite 203San Jose,
CA 95134 Galleria - TEXAS5100 Westheimer -
Suite 200Houston, TX 77056
Headquarters - NEW YORK Presidents Plaza II -
CHICAGO8700 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite
800S.Chicago, IL 60631Metro Center -
WASHINGTON, DC1200 G Street, NW, Suite
800Washington, DC 20005Tel 1-888-677-LINK
(5465)Facsimile 1-888-FAX-0999 (329-0999)
8Thank You