Title: Health
1Health Wellness
Ulster Council GAA Ulster Cancer Foundation
2Health Facts
- Heart Circulatory disease is the biggest killer
in Ireland
- Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable
death in Ireland
- 1 in 3 people will be affected by cancer sometime
in their lifetime
- One of the fastest growing causes of death in
Ireland is liver disease and cirrhosis
3- Obesity levels in Ireland increased by 67
between 1990-2000 - The highest prevalence of obesity recorded was
among women aged 51-64 years (30 have a weight
- By 2010, 26 million children in Europe are
expected to be overweight 6.4 million obese - - 20,000 obese children will have type 2
diabetes - - 1 million will show signs of high BP,
cholesterol, heart disease
4Keeping healthy
Health Wellness
5Eat a balanced diet
The foods you eat can either protect you from
diseases or increase your chances of getting
The key to a healthy diet is to eat a wide
variety of foods
This will ensure that you get all the vitamins,
minerals and nutrients that you need from your
The Food Pyramid
6The Balance of Good Health
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8- Drink water regularly
- The body needs water to function properly
- It prevents dehydration, is vital for kidneys and
helps prevent constipation - Aim to drink 1.2 litres each day (8 glasses)
- Cut down on salt
- High salt intake has been linked to increased
risk of heart disease - Adults should eat no more than 2.5g sodium / 6g
salt each day
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11Physical Activity
Approximately 2 million deaths each year are
attributable to physical inactivity! World
Health Organisation
People who live active lives are less likely to
die early or to suffer from major illnesses
- Maintains a healthy body weight
- Protects against heart disease
- Prevents diabetes
- Prevents osteoporosis
- Improves mental health
- Gives you more energy
- Prevents some cancers
12Get moving!
- For good health
- minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical
activity on most days of the week (at least 5
- You dont have to do it all at once -
3 x 10 minutes or 2 x 15 minutes
Brisk 10 minute walk to and from work plus
another 10 minute walk in your lunch break
13Get moving!
At home
- Be active around the house
- Attack chores!
- Get the family involved
At work
- Be active at lunch go for a walk
- Take the stairs rather than the lift
At leisure time
- Walking is a great form of exercise
- Check out your local GAA club/Leisure centre for
events - Find an activity which interests you
14Improving fitness!
- For fitness
- Take part in reasonably vigorous exercise lasting
at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week
- For best overall results, vary the type of
activity - Cardiovasular/aerobic
- Strength
- Flexability
15 Cardiovascular/Aerobic
- Will strengthen your heart and lungs
- Makes you fitter
- Can lower blood pressure and cholesterol
- Reduces body fat
- Can tone muscles
- Strengthens and tones muscles
- Builds muscles
- Body burns more calories
- Strengthens bones
- Help you to warm up and cool down
- Help prevent muscle soreness
- Reduce the likelihood of injury
- Can improve muscle strength and endurance
18The Calorie Equation
Calories in Calories out Weight stays the same!
Calories in gt Calories out You will gain weight!
Calories in lt Calories out You will lose weight!
19Body Mass Index
Allows you to discover if you are within healthy
Generally the higher a persons BMI, the greater
their chance of health problems
BMI does not take into account muscle mass!
BMI weight (kg) height (m)2
BMI 80kg 1.82m x 1.82m
BMI 24.15
20Body Mass Index
BMI Weight Status Risk of developing
health problems lt20 Underweight Increased
20 - 24.9 Normal Least 25 -
29.9 Overweight Increased 30 -
34.9 Obese High 35 - 39.9 Obese Class 2 Very
high gt40 Obese Class 3 Extremely high
BMI weight (kg) / height (m2)
People drink to relax, celebrate social occasions
or to enhance social gatherings
It is when people drink too much that problems
- Long term effects
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Liver / kidney problems
- Stomach ulcers
- Cancers
- Alcoholism
- Reproductive problems
- Short term effects
- Reduced inhibitions
- Speech slurred
- Vision blurred
- Vomiting
- Blackouts
- Arguments
- Hangovers
- Research shows that Irish people
- drink more than their European counterparts
- have the highest level of binge drinking in Europe
Alcohol is a contributory factor in numerous
traffic accidents, fires, thefts, domestic
incidents and assaults in Ireland each year
Many Irish people are exceeding the weekly
drinking recommendations
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What are the recommended drinking limits?
gt21 units per week gt4 units per day
gt14 units per week gt3 units per day
2 2 ½ units
1 ½ units
2 units
1 ½ units
1 ½ units 125ml Pub bottle 2 ¼ units
1 ½ units
What is binge drinking?
Men 10 units of alcohol at one sitting Women
7 units of alcohol at one sitting
Drinking too much in one session can damage your
Tips for safer drinking
Eat before you go drinking
Have a few glasses of water throughout the night
Avoid salty snacks
Avoid rounds and kitties
Dilute spirits
Pour home measures wisely
Adhere to recommended drinking limits