Title: Module on Computational Astrophysics
1Module on Computational Astrophysics
- Jim Stone
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- 125 Peyton Hall ph. 258-3815
jmstone_at_princeton.edu - www.astro.princeton.edu/jstone
Lecture 1 Introduction to astrophysics,
mathematics, and methods Lecture 2 Optimization,
parallelization, modern methods Lecture 3
Particle-mesh methods Lecture 4 Particle-based
hydro methods, future directions
2Future challenges
- Adding more physics,
- stellar evolution
- stellar collisions
3Fate of Massive stars, Sun-like stars, and Red
4Stellar collision
J. Barnes, U. Hawaii
5Future challenges
- Adding more physics,
- stellar evolution
- stellar collisions
- Ever larger simulations, e.g. 1011 particles
allows one to follow every star in a galaxy.
6Is it real or a simulation?
7The purpose of computation is understanding.
A simulation that included all the physics (if
possible) would be just as difficult to
understand as nature. Simulations should be used
to simplify physical systems so they can be
8Particle-based hydro methods.
For continuum approximations
Rather than solving for the position of each
particle individually, instead compute the
evolution of the phase space density f (x, v,
t) evolves in time according to the Boltzmann
equation If collisions are extremely
frequent, the particle distribution function
(phase space density f ) will be
Maxwellian. Moments of the Boltzmann equation
lead to the equations of gas dynamics
9Equations of hydro express conservation of mass,
momentum, and energy
Conservation of mass
Conservation of momentum
Equation of state
But how to define continuum variables (mass
density r and pressure P) from discrete particles?
10Smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
As in PIC codes, average particle properties over
a smoothing length h Then density becomes
Where W is the smoothing kernel, i.e. a
weighting function which describes how to
smooth the particles over h Momentum equation
then becomes
11- Strengths of SPH
- Method is Lagrangian particles concentrate where
r is high - Easy to interface to N-body codes (especially
tree codes) - Method is simple, easy to code
- Code always runs (robust)
- Weaknesses of SPH
- Method is Lagrangian poor resolution in regions
where r is low - Code always runs (sometimes gives misleading
results) - Poor at shock capturing
- Slow (need at least 100 particles/h )
- Very diffusive
12Grid-based methods for compressible gas dynamics
- Discretize space into zones x ? xi,j,k
- Discretize the continuous variables
- Difference the conservation laws
Difficulty is computing accurate and stable
13The two challenges of numerical MHD
- There are 3 wave families in MHD, which are
sometimes degenerate - ? Greatly complicates the calculation of fluxes
- Evolved field must satisfy the divergence-free
constraint - ? requires a conservative scheme for the
magnetic flux
(Evans Hawley 1988)
Rewrite the induction equation
using Stokes Law as
Difference using a staggered B and EMFs located
at cell edges.
Still need accurate and stable EMFs (fluxes of
14Test Circularly Polarized Alfven Wave
Exact, nonlinear solution to MHD equations -
quantitative test
- 1, P 0.1, b 0.1, wave amplitude 0.1 (Toth
2000) - Lx 2Ly, Dx Dy , wave propagates at tan-1 q
Animation of Bz
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16Test Problem Spherical Blast Waves
P 0.1 r 1
B at 45 degrees, b 0.1
Dx Dy, 400 x 600 grid, periodic boundary
- Not a very quantitative test, BUT
- check of whether blast waves remain spherical
- late term evolution interesting
17Hydrodynamic Blast Wave 400 x 600 grid
MHD Blast Wave 400 x 600 grid
18Successes in N-body simulation.
- Weve covered the most commonly used methods for
N-body simulations in astrophysics - Direct N-body (PP) methods
- Tree codes
- Particle-Mesh methods
- What have these methods been used for?
19 Stellar dynamics in a globular cluster (PP code)
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21Gravo-thermal oscillations Self-gravitating
systems have negative heat capacity cool them
down, they shrink, and get hotter.
Cooling heating by formation of binaries
Result oscillations driven by cooling from
evaporation, heating by binaries
Log (radius)
23Stellar dynamics during collision of two galaxies
(tree code)
24Calculation by Chris Mihos, Vanderbilt U.
25Formation of structure in the Universe (PM code)
Evolution of the Universe is an initial value
The past temperature fluctuations 300,000 years
after the Big Bang
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28- Cosmology calculations require solving
- N-body equations for collisionless dark matter
- Hydrodynamical equations for normal matter
- Radiative transfer equations for photons
- Microphysics ionization/recombination,
chemistry - Successes
- Explanation of Ly a forest
- Discovery that most normal matter is very hot
But there are so many more problems to solve
29How do stars form from interstellar gas?
30Why do massive stars explode at the end of their
31The Future of Computational Astrophysics
- What is certain increases in hardware
performance will enable larger problems to be
tackled numerically - What is needed
- More accurate algorithms
- Community codes visualization software
- More realistic physics
- Students trained in computation they are the
real future