Title: The Origin
1The Origin Age of our Universe
- By Christos N. Hadjichristidis
2How old is our Universe?
- We can roughly tell that our planet is about 4
1/2 billion years old by radiometric dating of
rocks. (QUIZ the oldest earthly rock so far
found is 3.8 billion years old, could you explain
why one can be sure that the Earth is older?) - But how on Earth can we determine how old is our
3Looking at distant objects in the Universe means
looking at the PAST
- We get an idea about how old objects are in the
Universe when we see their light. The speed of
light is constant, and distance is a measure of
time. So the furthest we look in the Universe the
deepest we look at its past. When we see a
distant star explosion that occurs billions of
light years away, we know that that star exploded
billions of years ago.
4Determining Universe age by looking for old stars
in globular clusters
- A globular cluster is a dense collection of close
to a million stars, all of which formed at
roughly the same time so they can serve as cosmic
clocks - The fate of every star depends solely on its
initial mass. So what should we look for
(Corpses of massive or light stars)? - The brightest of white dwarfs is no more luminous
than a 100 watt light bulb seen at the moon's
distance so their detection is very hard - Result The oldest white dwarf observed is about
13 billions years old but big uncertainties due
both to the difficulty of accurately determining
distances and our incomplete knowledge of
stellar evolution.
5A method based upon the idea of an expanding
Universe (but we need to learn some tools in
order to firstly accept the idea .. )
- Something you have observed http//faraday.physic
ppler/DopplerEffect.html - Understanding the Doppler Effect
- http//www.fearofphysics.com/Sound/dopwhy2.html
- Seeing the star light
6..Tools Continued..
- Objects moving away from us emit light that is
"redshifted," meaning its wavelengths are shifted
from higher energy to lower energy - http//www.wwnorton.com/earth/egeo/flash/1_2.swf
- Determining large distances The Cepheid stars
yardstick - http//imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hu/db/1999/19/videos/
7Hubbles Discovery
8Hubbles discovery continued
- The red shift of galaxies increases roughly in
proportion to the distance from us - In other words, the more distant the galaxy, the
faster it is moving away, and most importantly
this is true no matter where exactly in the
Universe you are! Thus, despite long-lived
beliefs (Aristotelian/Ptolemaic theory) there is
nothing special about our place in the Universe. - http//observe.phy.sfasu.edu/courses/ast105/lectu
9The Big Bang
- But, if the galaxies are rushing apart, then they
must once have been closer together - http//www.schoolscience.co.uk/flash/bang.htm
- http//map.gsfc.nasa.gov/m_or/mr_media2.html
- Ok, but how does that sound like?
10Determining the Bing Bang time by using Hubbles
11 "Let there be light"
- The early Universe was so hot and dense that
atoms were dissociated into their nuclei and
electrons. The light was scattered by the free
electrons and was not allowed to escape. As
universe expanded and cooled, nuclei and
electrons combined to form the first atoms and
12The first Light
- Imagine the Universe as a loaf of rising raisin
bread, in which the nearly formed galaxies are
the raisins. The region in space that ultimately
became home to the Milky Way galaxy is moving
away from all the other regions... or all the
other raisins in the bread. Now imagine that
first light that was released simultaneously
everywhere in the Universe. Light released within
our own region has long since passed us. Light
released in regions very far from us, however, is
just reaching us now.
13Using the CMB to determine the Age of our
Universe ?
- Distance-Age The light travels (in vacuum) with
a constant velocity of . Thus, when
we observe (collect visible light from) a distant
object we see it as it was
seconds ago. - Redshift-Distance Ruler Visible light appears
reddish . The most distant the object the largest
the redshift. But, there is no exact relationship
between redshift-distance (current research). -
- Thus, once we have a firm redshift ruler, we can
see the CMB ( the first light to escape after
the Big Bang) as a redshift. The redshift yields
the distance. And the distance (since we know the
speed of light) yields the age
14The Fate of the Universe
- The fate of the Universe depends on its contents
(i.e. how much matter and energy there is - If there is a lot of matter, then gravity will
dominate, slowly reign over the expansion and
pulling all matter together back to one point.
Some call this the Big Crunch. - If there is not so much matter but rather dark
energy -- the force that acts like anti-gravity
-- then the Universe will continue to expand
until every single speck of matter is pulled
infinitely apart from each other. - A more pleasant notion is the situation where the
Universe has just the right amount of matter and
dark energy to keep it from flying apart or
crashing in. - http//www.astro.ubc.ca/scharein/a311/Sim/bang/Bi
15In Conclusion
- Our Universe has probably originated from a Big
Bang as supported by both Hubbles and Cosmic
Microwave Radiation Background (first light to
break free after the Big Bang) discoveries - We found that the age of our Universe is about
12-13 billion years by - Looking for the oldest stars, and
- Measuring the rate of the expansion of the
Universe and extrapolating back to the Big Bang - And because a (Greek Orthodox) priest blesses
his own beard first, as the saying goes, there is
no escape from watching this ..
16Carlos Frenk's Model Universes
Frenks work is being supported by The Ogden
17Indicative Reading List
- Books
- Hawking, S.W. A Brief History of Time (Bantam
Press, Great Britain 1997) - Weinberg, S. The First Three Minutes (Basic
Books, New York,1993) - Filkin, D. Stephen Hawkings Universe (BBC Books,
London 1997) - Barrow, J.D. The Origin Of The Universe (Clays
Ltd, St Ives plc, London 1994) - and links to the educational resources included
in this presentation