Title: Rhetorical Images
1Rhetorical Images
- Visual Methodologies for Teaching Race and
2Barthes and the rhetoric of the image
3Using Images
- Barthes concept of 'rhetoric of the image'
- Images as complex conventional codes
- Rhetoric is often contrasted with rationality and
allied with radical relativism or nihilism - but... All discourse is unavoidably rhetorical
- This presentation illustrates the power of images
to condition our thinking
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8Nation, Citizenship, Identity
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13Available Discourses
Nature in the raw
primeval the ruthless struggle for
survival ancient ceremonies Rock tree and
man are one in the Aborigines hearts and have
been since the beginning
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17Conditions at One Mile Dam
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The Northern Territory's alcohol consumption is
one of the highest in the world, and certainly
the highest in Australia. In 2001 the alcohol
consumption rate was estimated at 1120 standard
drinks per person per year.
22Beer Can Regatta
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28Law Order
are out there causing havoc on our streets, who
are defecating in our car parks and our shopping
centres, deserve to be monstered and stomped on.
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31Australias eugenic policy
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35The Circuit of Culture
- Production campaigns, intentions
- Regulation hegemony and social control
- Consumption desire economy - distinction
- Identity constant negotiation
- Representation political, basis for social
meanings, regimes of thought, discourses eg
tourism, law and order, anthropological etc..
36Critical Visual Methods
- myth of objectivity
- Ethical concerns exploitation or collaboration?
- Obtrusiveness of video recording
- Immediacy and complexity of the material gathered
- 'the study and use of visual images is only of
use within broader sociological research
enterprises, rather than as ends in themselves.
(Bank, M 2001 178)
37Consider the Image
- no one-way visual method or perspective
- we dont see, we perceive
- the visual, as objects and images, exists
materially in the world but gain meaning from
humans. - all images are regarded as polysemic
- images can be researcher found (generated by
others) or researcher generated (created by the
researcher). - Photographs or film cannot be equated with truth
or reality
- How to address issues in a relevant way?
- Allows focus on how social meanings are formed
and circulate - Visual material drawn from a variety of sources
is immediate and interactive - Needs backing up with reading
- Less can be more small interactive nuggets
which when unpacked can really stimulate
discussion and understanding - Potential for use in virtual learning environments
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- Images
- Baron Cuvier's Natural History (1890) Landseer's
plates Mongols, Negros - Lambe, Mick
- 'Black Australia has had enough' photograph from
PARIAH website - reproduced with permission of
Mick Lambe - Hammerton, Sir J. (circa 1933) Peoples of All
Nations, Amalgamated Press, London - 'Negro Women' at work in sugar cane field Vol
1 p203, - Photo Service (untraceablele) - 'Bejewelled Beauty of the Kabyle' Crete, (Vol 2,
facing page 28) - 'Fleeting Glimpses of Feminine Charms' (Vol. 1,
p441) - Metropolitan Police
- Anti-Terrorism poster -
- Nucolorvue Postcard
- Australian Aborigines - - NCV 12972 11SZ132.
- Northern Territory News,
- 'Go Home', Headline April 2003
- Permits for Aborigines March 4th 2003
- Black v White, April 26 2003
- Gang of 30 Bashes 3 Teens, April 16th 2003
- Spencer, S
- Banks, M (1995) Visual research methods Social
Research Update Department of Sociology,
University of Surrey, Winter 1995 - Banks, M (2000) Visual Methods in Social
Research, Sage - Barthes, R (1984) Camera Lucida, Flamingo
- Barthes, R, (1982) Image, Music,Text, Flamingo
- Barthes, R, (1972) Mythologies, Paladin
- Critcher, 2002
- Hall, S. et al 1978,
- Hall, Stuart, ed. (1997) Representation Cultural
Representations and Signifying Practices, Sage - Kumbutjil Association (One Mile Dam Community)
onemiledam.org - Muecke, S. (1982) Available Discourses in
Botsman, P. d (1982) Theoretical Strategies,
Sydney, Local Consumption Press. - PARIAH website (People Against Racism In
Australian Homelands) managed by Mick Lambe
(Better a Pariah than a Liar) http//www.country-l
iberal-party.com/pages/incarc_p5.htm - W.J.T. Mitchell (199413) Picture Theory. Essays
on Verbal and Visual Representation Universityof
Chicago Press. - Rose (2001) Visual Methodologies, Sage
- Said, E (1978) Orientalism, Penguin
- Spencer, S (due 2005) A Dream Deferred Ethnic
Conflict in Guyana, Dido Press - Spencer, S (2005) Contested Homelands Darwin's
'itinerant problem' in Pacific Journalism Review,
Auckland University New Zealand - Also Available Online http//onemiledam.org/pages/
Framing_the_Fringe_Dwellers.htm - Spencer, S (2005) 'Framing the Fringe Dwellers'
Visual Methods for Research Teaching Race
Ethnicity A Sample Case Study, in C-SAP
Monograph - Spencer, S Todd, M (2005) Reflecting on
Practice teaching and learning issues in race
and ethnicity, C-SAP Monograph, University of
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