Title: Presentacin de PowerPoint
1Let us never forget!
2When Supreme Commander of the Allied forces,
Dwight Eisenhower, discovered the Death Camps
victims in Europe, he ordered that all possible
pictures be taken and that Germans of nearby
villages be shown the camps and even be made to
bury the dead.
3He did this because, as he said himself Let it
all be taped get the films find witnesses,
because, during the course of history, a son of a
bitch will rise and claim this never existed.
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for
good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke)
4Recently, Britain has removed the Holocaust from
its school program because it offended the
Muslim population. The Muslims say the Holocaust
never happened.
5It is scary to see the fear that is taking hold
of the world and the ease with witch each country
capitulates. This is happening 60 years after the
Second World War.
6This document is a monument to the memory of six
million Jews
7.20 million Russians
..10 million Christians
8 and 1900 Catholic priests that were
assassinated, massacred, raped, burnt, starved
and humiliated while the Russians and Germans
looked looked on.
9Now more than ever, with Iran among others who
says the Holocaust is a myth, it is imperative
to make sure the world never forgets.
10Become a link in this commemo-rative chain and
help spread this message to the whole world. How
many years will it be before some say the World
Trade Center attacks never happened?
11Because saying otherwise could offend the Muslims
in the United States?
12Never forget !