Title: PowerPointPrsentation
1Brain Power Excellence in Science
o.Univ. Prof. Mag.Dr. Günther Bonn Vice
Chairman Austrian Council for Research and
Technology Development - Vienna USA, Austrian
Science Talk, September 2006
2Institutional Setting
3The Austrian Research Funding System
4The Austrian Council for Research Technology
- ... is THE advisory body for all issues of
research, technology and innovation politics - ... has 8 voting members experts from science
and industry, nominated for a 5 years term - has 4 non voting members the Ministers for
Transport, Innovation and Technology, for
Education, Science and Culture, for Economy and
Labour and for Finances - ... has been established by law in 2000 and has
started its second term on September 6, 2005 with
three new members - ... is supported by a secretariat, a team of 8
5The Austrian Council
ChairmanDI Dr. Knut Consemüller
Vice ChairmanUniv.-Prof. Dr. Günther Bonn
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dervilla Donnelly
Dr. Gabriele Zuna-Kratky
DI Albert Hochleitner
Prof. DI Jürgen Stockmar
Mag. Hans Schönegger
DI Reinhard Petschacher
6Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung
7The Councils Mission
- Advising the federal government, ministers and
provincial governments in all issues related to
research, technology and innovation - Designing a long-term RTD-strategy for Austria
- Proposing programmes and initiatives
- Evaluating the implementation of the strategy
- The Councils Self Image
- We provide systematic, independent and sound
advice for the design and implementation of a
future-oriented RTD-policy. - We operate as the central hub of the widely
spread network of the research and technology
8Strategic Recommendations of the Austrian Council
- Comprehensive Strategy Papers, the latest being
- Strategy 2010 Perspectives for Research,
Technology and Innovation in Austria (August
2005) - Allocation of the Special Funds for Research
and Innovation and of the National Foundation for
Research and Technology Development - Specific recommendations, i.e. strategies for
promoting certain fields of research (Nano, Life
Sciences, Social Sciences Humanities etc.), and
for improving the structure of the Austrian
Innovation System (e.g. supporting the
cooperation between science and industry,
developing human resources etc.)
9Strategy 2010
- Objectives
- Placing Austria among the leading EU-members in
RTD - Strengthening the competitiveness and dynamics of
the Austrian economy - Reaching the Barcelona targets
- Further improving the framework conditions for
research and innovation in Austria - Strategic orientation
- Fostering quality in all fields of research as
the basis for reaching excellence at the top - Improving the networking and cooperation between
science and economy - Increasing the effectiveness efficiency of the
funding system
10What Have We achieved? ? Improved Framework
Conditions for RTD in Austria
- Financial Contribution of the Federal Government
- 2 research initiatives additional money for RTD
(508 Mio. from 2001 to 2003, and 600 Mio.
from 2004 to 2006) - Follow-up Research Billion first part already
allocated (50 Mio. for 2005 and 75 Mio. for
2006) - Establishment of a National Foundation for
Research 125 Mio. p.a. - Widening the scope of the indirect funding
system ca. 400 Mio. p.a. - Structural Reform of the Federal RTD-Funding
System (FFG) - Thematic Focus
- Allocation of additional funds to Austrian fields
of strength
11Structure of FFG
Internal audit
Aeronautics and Space Agency (ALR)
Internal services
General Programmes (GP)
Structural Programmes (SP)
Thematic Programmes (TP)
European and International Programmes (EIP)
12Structure of FFG
Agentur für Luft- und Raumfahrt (ALR)
Interne Services
Basis- programme (BP)
Struktur- programme (SP)
Thematische Programme (TP)
Europäische und internationale Programme (EIP)
13Organigramm FFG
Antragsorientierte Forschungsförderung 2005 40,4
Mio Euro für Bioprojekte
Kompetenzzentren Humanressourcen 2005 60 Mio Euro
Bereich Verkehr, Infrastruktur, Luftfahrt,
Nanotechnologie, Genomforschung 2005 41 Mio Euro
14Budget of FFGMio Euro
- General Programmes 264.000
- Structural Programmes 64.000
- Thematic Programmes 43.000
- Total 2005 371.000
- Budget 2006 420.100 ( 13)
15Allocation of the Special Funds for RTD(600 M
for 2004 2006)
Strengths and Emerging Fields
Strategic issues
16Special Funds for RTD (2001-06) Examples for
Council Recommendations
- Life Sciences - new initiatives and programmes
140 mio - The largest Austrian Life Sciences programme
being the Genome Research Austria (GEN-AU) 53
mio - Nano initiative and materials research 35 mio
- Information and communication technologies 62
mio - Humanities and social sciences 20 mio
- Human resources and fellowship programmes 70
17International Development Trends for human
resources development
- Mobility during the doctoral Phase to foster
Internationalisation - New career pathes in academia and business
- New models for graduate training
- Development of internationl for scientific careers
18Recommendations Strategy 2010Human Resources
- Implementation of gender mainstreaming
- Promotion of women in the field of RTD
- Redesign of the grant (fellowship-) system in
Austria - Increase of international experiences of PhDs
and Post-Docs from 30 nowadays to a rate of 50
in 2010
19Reform of the Austrian grant system
- Austria spends 30 Mio. Euro p.a. for scholarships
and grants - Target development of a coherent system of
graduate education - Creation of an One-stop-Shop for scholarships
- Increase of the number of grantholders
20Fellowships Annual Expenses of Federal State
21Promoting Human Resources Council Recommendations
22Further Recommendations of the Council
- Reform of the Austrian grant system
- Recommendation for the redesign of the
post-graduate system in Austria - Increase of money for basic research (FWF 30
Mio. Euro) - Upgrading of the human excellent programms (START
program) - Increase of money for young researcher programs
in general - Intensivation of international research contacts
to China, India, etc. (Eurasia Pacific Uninet
and Asea Uninet).
23Special Funds for RTD and National Foundation for
Research (2001-06) Council Recommendations for
Universities I
- University infrastructure 123,51 mio
- University professors 23,8 mio
- Austrian Science Fund FWF gt 156 Mio Euro (30Mio)
- Competence centers (K-plus) 54,97 mio
- Christian Doppler Labore 26,37 mio (16,37 mio
special funds 10 mio research foundation)
24Special Funds for RTD and National Foundation for
Research (2001-06) Council Recommendations for
Universities II
- Start-up programme (A plus B) 16,96 mio
- Programmes for EU-cooperation 20,35 mio
- Austrian Center for Transgenetics (ÖZBT) 5,99
mio - Promotion of IPR and patents (UniInvent) 4,5 mio
- Fforte/ BMBWK 8,3 mio
25Excellence Initiative in Austria
26COMET Programme - NEW
27Kompetenzzentren NEU
28The Path towards the 3-Objective in
2010Scenario for RTD-Expenditures in Austria
Total Target Path annual increase of 7-9
roughly corresponds to the extrapolation of
growth rates from 2000 to 2004 of which
corporate sector incl. research financed from
abroad (between 64 and 66)
29On our way to the Lisbon objective (EU)
RE-Intensity GERD as of GDP
Source European Commission, Key Figures 2005
30On our way to the Lisbon objective (OECD)
RE-Intensity GERD as of GDP
Source European Commission, Key Figures 2005