Title: MySpace, Facebook and Social Networking Sites
1MySpace, Facebook and Social Networking Sites
- Applications and Implications for Higher Education
October 23, 2006 Presented by Joe Hardenbrook
2Social Networking Sites
- Most fairly recent, 2002-Present
- Open to anyone over 14
- 120 million users, 230,000 new people sign up
every day - 6th most popular English-language web site in the
world - Purchased by News Corp. in 2005 for 580 million.
- Popular at Millikin
- Customize page look, add music, heavy on ads
- Geared towards college students
- Need .edu e-mail address to join (generally)
- 7 million users, with 20,000 new accounts created
daily - Not as customizable as MySpace, less
advertising, more private - Facebook up for sale? Rumors that Google would
buy it for 2 BILLION - Popular at Millikin
- 3,255 affiliated users students, alums, etc
5Other Social Networking Sites
- Friendster general, 29 million users
- Flickr photos, 2.5 million users
- Match.com dating, 12 million users
- Reunion.com friends family, 25 million users
6Higher Ed Applications
- E-mail is for old people
- Professors with Facebook, MySpace accounts
- Marketing and Outreach
- Allegheny College MySpace page
- http//www.myspace.com/alleghenycollege
- Harcum College MySpace page
- http//www.myspace.com/harcumcollege
- UIUC Undergrad Library MySpace page
- http//www.myspace.com/undergradlibrary
7Higher Ed Implications
- 85 of students use Facebook or MySpace
- Need for universities to monitor bogus accounts
- Students must be aware of what they put online
- TMI! too much information
- Safety
- U. of Michigan asks athletes to sign good
conduct agreement for social networking sites - Use by campus security officials
- Use by potential employers
8Lets take a look
- Facebook
- http//www.facebook.com/
- MySpace
- http//www.myspace.com/