Title: Alameda County Fire Department
1Alameda County Fire DepartmentAmerican Medical
Response Paramedic Hiring and Attrition The
Development of Partnerships
- Submitted by
- Sheldon D. Gilbert, Deputy Fire Chief
- Denis Jackson, Vice President, Operations AMR
- David Austin, Director, AMR
- Describe the Elements of a Partnership
- Define Current Attrition and Retention Issues
- Describe the Need For Partnerships
- Review ACFD/AMR Program Goals and Solutions
3Elements of a Partnership
- Sharing
- Working Together Toward a Common Goal
- Creating a Win/Win Environment
- Aligning Strengths
- Close Cooperation on Specified Targets with
Defined Responsibilities - Commitment From All Stakeholders
4Attrition and Retention Issues
- Difficulty in recruiting a qualified EMS and
Firefighting workforce that accurately reflects
the demographics of the communities served - Retirement
- 3 at 50
- Age of Workforce
- Proactive Planning for Future Workplace Shortages
- Retaining Qualified Candidates
5Program Goals
- Diverse Workforce Reflective of Communities
Served - Recruitment Partnership and Commitment
- Process for Mentoring and Developing Employees
- Joint Search for Qualified Candidates
- Build on Strengths of Both Organizations
- Win / Win Environment
- Expansion Capabilities to Other Allied Agencies
- Grant Funding for Recruitment Training
- Hiring of Successful Participants by ACFD or AMR
6Program Entry
- Joint Recruitment Targeting Demographics
- ACFD Reserve Program (Individuals over 18)
- AMR Explorer Program (Individuals under 18)
- Joint Recruitment Teams
- Cooperation with Local School Districts
- Integration with Regional Occupational Programs
- Involvement of Minority Recruitment Organizations
7ACFD/AMR Program Components
- ACFD Reserve Program Training - Level 13
- Upon completion will obtain Firefighter 1
- Upon completion will obtain EMT
- Joint administration with AMR for paramedic
grants - AMR Explorer and Training Grant Process Overview
- Accepted individuals, during paramedic training,
must - Work as part time AMR-EMT
- Maintain ACFD Reserve status
- Have ACFD and AMR assigned mentors to ensure
8ACFD/AMR Program Components
- Post Paramedic Training Requirements
- Work as an AMR Paramedic for 2 years
- Work on designated unit within ACFD jurisdiction
- Maintain ACFD Reserve status
- Individuals, who have completed the Grant
Paramedic Training Requirements and are an ACFD
Reserve in good standing, are eligible to be
considered for full-time employment by ACFD.
9Other Types of Partnerships
- Joint Purchasing
- Using AMRs National purchase power we partner in
providing Medical re-supply to local Fire
Departments in San Bernardino and Alameda County - Buying Dispatch Services
- In Ventura and Stockton it was more cost
effective to buy Dispatch Services from Fire
Departments, then provide them ourselves - Purchasing First Response Services ALS
Pass-through - ALS Reimbursement pass-through funding to
individual cities in Ventura, Contra Costa,
Alameda, San Mateo and Santa Clara Countys - Training
- CE Classes
- AMR/ FD Sponsor Paramedic Classes (Ventura / San
Bernardino / Alameda Co - Public Relations / Education
- Junior Paramedic Program / Every 15 minutes /
Safe Haven / Car Seat
- Recruitment of qualified candidates is becoming
more difficult with increased competition - Recruitment and retention issues are present in
the Fire Service as well as the private EMS
sector - Future anticipated recruitment needs will require
innovative and cooperative solutions - Integrated career development and hiring tracks
create the ability to reach out to a wide range
of prospective employees - A public private partnership allows each agency
to build on its strengths and create a win-win
Bob OBrien bobrien_at_ci.fremont.ca.us Sheldon
Gilbert sgilbert_at_co.alameda.ca.us Dave Austin
dave_austin_at_amr-ems.com Denis Jackson