Title: Technology Tools in the Math Classroom
- Technology Tools in the Math Classroom
- Your Internet Concierge Helen Teague
- http//4oops.com
2ISTEs Benefits for Students
- Helps students improve their technology and
information processing skills, preparing students
for higher education and jobs in the
technology-driven global economy - Provides crucial support for constructivist
instructional practices and motivates students to
become self-directed learners - Helps students stay organized and on track with
their schoolwork
3ISTEs Benefits for Teachers
- Helps teachers become more adept and confident in
using education technology for planning,
teaching, and communication - Provides teachers with ready access to a whole
world of curricular resources that encourage and
support the development of richer lessons - Helps teachers communicate more frequently and
effectively with students, parents, and colleagues
4Teacher Observations Advantages
- Online research available at your fingertips
- Electronic submissions of student work
- Secure student folders
- Incorporation of interactive websites into
instruction - Enabling student creativity
- Writing process time is cut in half as students
save drafts, and correct as they go!! - Communication capabilities with both students and
parents via e-mail and teachers web pages
5ASCD Poll
The OOPS Math Page Teacher-Created Hotlists
Links Across the Curriculum Trackstar
I Know That! Online Flashcards
Ideas for MS Office PBS Teacher Source
7The OOPS Lesson Cycle
- WarmUp?
- New Content?
- Application?
- More Content or Synthesis?
- Closure?
8Tech Lesson Cycle WarmUps
Bumper Stickers
9WarmUp Idea Use Tribonds
Algebra Search Engine Query George
WP Math Journal
11Chalk Talk
- Write a Main Idea relating to the lesson on a
SmartBoard, Whiteboard, Computer connected to
projector. - Grades 3-12 silently approaches the board and
adds details of what they already know about this
topic. Grades K-1 draw pictures.
12Now It's Your Turn!
13The OOPS Lesson Cycle
- WarmUp?
- New Content?
- Application?
- More Content or Synthesis?
- Closure?
14Highlighted Using WP Math
15Hypertext Dictionary
- Tessellation
- A tessellation is created when a shape is
repeated over and over again covering a plane
without any gaps or overlaps. - Another word for a tessellation is a Tiling.
16Application Strategy
... MAD
Show info to Students. Invite them to analyze
this info and create their own file with
something Missing Added Deleted
17Application Fling the Teacher
_maths_basic/quiz.htm http//www.oops.bizland.co
18Now It's Your Turn!
19The OOPS Lesson Cycle
- WarmUp?
- New Content?
- Application?
- More Content or Synthesis?
- Closure?
20Inquiry Learning With BLOOMs Taxonomy
Appraise Structure
Redesign Structure
Explain Structure
If we teach today's students as we taught
yesterdays, we rob them of tomorrow. John Dewey
21Cone of Learning (Edgar Dale)
After 2 WeeksWe Tend to Remember . . .
Nature of Involvement
10 of what we Read
Hearing Words
20 of what we Hear
Looking at Pictures
30 of what we See
Watching a Movie
Looking at an Exhibit
50 of what We Hear and See
Watching a Demonstration
Seeing it done on Location
70 of what we Explain
Participating in a Discussion
Giving a Talk
Doing a Dramatic Presentation
Simulating the Real Experience
90 of what we Say and Do
Doing the Real Thing
Edgar Dale, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching (3rd
Edition). Holt, Rinehard, and Winston (1969).
Summary information here
E- Trading Cards
Your name here Place and date
Data Collection
Link Source for Data http//www.refdesk.com
24Hypertext Writing
- Hypertext Vocabulary
- Geometry Mathematics of shapes, points, lines,
angles, curves, surfaces, and solids - Hypertext Biolog Ada Byron Lovelace
- Ada Byron Lovelace was a mathematician in
England. She is often considered the first
computer programmer because she and Charles
Babbage created a computer language called ADA to
beat the odds at horse races.Her father was the
Romantic poet, Lord Byron.
25Real Data for Real Problems
- Find the Following Information about your
favorite fast food Calories, Grams of fat, Grams
of protein, Grams of carbohydrates, Milligrams of
sodium - Using a Search Engine or the following sites
- Food Finder http//www.fatcalories.com/
- Fast Food Quest http//www.ajc.com/health/content
26Now It's Your Turn!
- Lesson
- More Content or Synthesis?
27Advanced Search for Resources
The OOPS Invisible Web Page
Layered Curriculum
A Critical Thinking
Let Kids Choose
Knowledge Progression Samples http
C Basic Facts
B Application
29Best Practices Use Existing Software
- 100 Days of Technology
- Internet Intervals
- Using MS Office in the Classroom
- Integrated Products
- LISD Lesson Plans
30Math Projects
Graphic Organizers
Scavenger Hunts
Multimedia Squidoo!
WebQuest Example
31Let's Sum It Up!!
- Lesson Averages
- WarmUp? What is the average height of our class?
Are we shrinking or growing taller than previous
classes? - New Content? Define height/average
- Apply? Online Form
- More Content or Synthesis? What factors
contributes to health? Internet research - Closure? Discuss class comparisons
32Now It's Your Turn!
- Lesson
- WarmUp?
- New Content?
- Apply?
- More Content or Synthesis?
- Closure?
33It Does Make A Difference!
- Technology turns California school around,
officials saySacramento-area school officials
say 400 wireless laptops -- worth about 1
million -- have reduced suspension rates by 50
and brought about a sea change in the scores and
behavior of its students, many who are poor and
80 who do not have access to computers at home.
"I see enthusiasm for learning and wanting to be
in school, and that's powerful," said Rita
Phillips, elementary schools coordinator with
Sacramento City Unified School District. The
Sacramento Bee (Calif.)
34The Key Tech Word
35Thank you for Attending !
Our Overnight Planning System
Professional Development
Helen Teague Mary White http//4oops.com