Title: The FAIRTRADE Mark
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- The ONLY independent guarantee of a fair deal
for farmers and workers in the developing world
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4Check out the taste!
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6Product Categories 1
- Coffee
- Tea including speciality teas rooibos and green
tea - Cocoa
- Sugar
- Bananas
- Fresh fruit apples, pears, grapes, oranges,
plums, lemons, satsumas, avocadoes, pineapples
and mangoes - Juices
7Product Categories 2
- Cakes and biscuits
- Honey
- Cereal bars
- Jams and marmalade
- Chutney and sauces
- Nuts and nut oil
- Wine
- Roses
- Footballs
8Check out the impact!
With Fairtrade coffee, farmers in Ethiopia are
getting their deserved reward. Fairtrade is not
just a selling and buying process. It is creating
a global familiy. Tadesse Meskela, General
Manager, Oromia Coffee Farmers Co-operative
Union, Ethiopia.
9Five Fairtrade guarantees
- Fair and stable price to farmers for their
products - Extra income for farmers and plantation workers
to improve their lives - Greater respect for the environment
- A closer link between consumers and producers
- A stronger position for small farmers in world
In 2001 the world price for arabica coffee fell
to just 45 US cents per lb. By contrast the
Fairtrade price was 126 cents per lb.
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13An Extra premium
Kasinthula Cane Growers Association,
Malawi Fairtrade sales in 2003 generated 40,000
in social premium for community development
14Care for the environment
Before Fairtrade it was a lot dirtier here. Now
it is clean. We have cleaned up the village and
we separate our waste to recycle plastics, and
save our organic waste to be used as compost for
the bananas. Elia Ruth Zuniga, Coopetrabasur,
Costa Rica
15A stronger position in world markets
Fairtrade has been the saviour of the farmers in
Dominica of agriculture and the whole economy.
With Fairtrade, small farmers have been
transformed from marginalised farmers into
businessmen. Amos Wiltshire Banana Farmer
Dominica Windward Islands
Ray Baptiste and son St Vincent, Windward Islands
16Why buy Fairtrade?
- 5 million people farmers and workers and their
families - from 422 producer organisations
- across 49 countries
- are benefiting from Fairtrade today
The Guardian, February 26 2003 article by John
Vidal, It is today one of Britains most active
grassroots social movements.
17Buy Fairtrade and Make Poverty History
- Trade justice
- More and better aid
- Drop the debt
18What you can do
- Check out a new Fairtrade product
- Complete the Check Out Fairtrade survey
- Sign up to receive Fair Comment, our free
newsletter three times per year - Introduce your friends and neighbours to
Fairtrade products - Find out more at our website www.fairtrade.org.uk