Title: How ad copy and landing pages can make
1- How ad copy and landing pages can make
- or break your paid search campaign.
- Featured Case Study
- May 2, 2007
2- Presenters
- Rob Crigler, Director of Interactive Marketing,
Orkin - Eric Obeck, President, SendTec
- Janel Landis, Director of Search Marketing,
SendTec - Irv Brechner, EVP, SendTec
3- Before we get started
- Entire webinar will be archived for 3 months
- This powerpoint available tomorrow by email
- ORKIN case study online at www.sendtec.com/orkin
- Audience participation and QA follows
4SENDTEC Providing search and other customer
acquisition services to over 150 clients since
ORKIN Over 400 locations service 1.6 million
homes and businesses for over 100 years.
5- Landing Destinations Defined
- Website
- 10 pages, navigation, search, shopping cart
- Micro-site
- product/service
- Landing page
- Single page site or gateway to other pages
6- In the past, most of the focus on paid search has
centered around - Keyword Development
- Bid Management
- Automated Technologies
- giving birth to the term set-it-and-forget-it
7- Today, the focus has changed dramatically
- Relevance
- Meeting Consumer Expectations
- Quality Scores
- Strategy has replaced technology as the driver
for search engine marketing success.
8- Search Engine Marketing success
- is not defined by just delivering the click.
- Success is defined by delivering quality
- clicks that convert into desired actions.
9- Lets look at the search continuum
Search Term Search Results Web
Site Lead or Sale
10- The more relevant the copy on the search result,
the more likely youll receive qualified clicks. -
11 12 13 Hitwise proves consumers click on the most
relevant listings.
14Common Landing Page Problems
Images Cannot be Read Often seen in both lead
generation and ecommerce campaigns There is a
strong offer however, the search engines cannot
crawl the images that dominate the real estate of
this page Since Google introduced the landing
page component to the Quality Score algorithm, it
is important for searched keyword to be reflected
on the landing page
15Common Landing Page Problems
Nowhere To Go Often seen in lead generation
campaigns thought to improve conversion
rates There is nowhere for the user to get more
information. They are either in, or theyre
out. Google AdWords Landing Page and Site
Quality Guidelines note the importance of
developing an Easily Navigable Site as, The key
to turning your visitors into customers
16Common Landing Page Problems
Product Pages Often seen in e-commerce
campaigns Destination should show all products
in a category, not just one Even with
frequently-changing inventory, ways exist to
manage product pages instead of sending consumer
to a page with just one product
17Common Landing Page Problems
General Pages Often seen in e-commerce
campaigns General pages like these require
visitors to make additional clicks A search for
body lotion landed consumer on this page
18Common Landing Page Problems
General Pages this page would have been a
better choice.
19Common Landing Page Problems
In all four of the previous examples, the landing
page relevancy was lessened as a subsequent
result of other factors. Make sure that your
landing pages have content. The search engines
crawl your site to determine relevancy. This
means the relevancy must be prevalent in your
site design. For more information on landing
pages, Google has provided some useful tips
20The Google Quality Scorewere no longer just
buying ads! Quality Score is the basis for
measuring the quality and relevance of your ads
and determining your minimum CPC bid for Google
and the search network. This score is determined
by your keyword's clickthrough rate (CTR) on
Google, and the relevance of your ad text,
keyword, and landing page. Note Yahoo and MSN
also apply Quality Indexes to their systems, but
only Google applies landing page relevancy in
their algorithm.
21- Now that you know the importance
- of relevant ad copy and landing pages,
- lets look at our featured case study.
22- 2007 Goals Objectives
- Maintain static media budget
- Increase annual lead volume by 35
- Decrease cost-per-lead by 25
23 24Connecting Your Message With Your Site
25 RESULTS 82 increase in search trafficwithin
90 days!
26Creating The Funnel Page
27Segmented Landing Page Targeting
- 45
- increase inconversion rate
- within 90 days!
29- Goals Objectives
- Maintain static media budget
- Increase annual lead volume by 35
- Decrease cost-per-lead by 25
STRATEGY - Landing page strategy should be apparent from the
beginning stages of search campaign development. - Choices made for landing should drive keyword and
marketing communication development. - The relevancy of the landing page content is
critical to success. - The users experience is key, give them what they
are seeking. - Navigation can the visitor easily understand
what they are supposed to do next? - If ad copy promotes a special offer, then it
should be reiterated on the landing page. - Eliminate one page, no link out landing
destinations. Users do navigate the site before
converting and seeking additional products,
credibility validation and more. - Test using search results pages within your site
as landing pages. - Test introducing special offers at different
points in the consumers mindset copy, landing
page, checkout. - Never become content with results. It is your
job as a search engine marketer to always strive
for more. And, TEST, TEST, TEST!
31- QA
- Contact Information
- Irv Brechner
- 732-321-1924
- irv_at_sendtec.com