Title: Systems of Theology
1Systems of Theology
- The three Key Principles of Reformation Theology
- Sola Scriptura Scripture Alone
- Sola Fide By faith alone
- Sola Gratia By grace alone
- Upheld right of the individual conscience under
the authority of Scripture - Maintained a strict antithesis between the Law
and Gospel - the message of condemnation and
- the message of forgiveness
- Championed Justification by Grace through Faith
alone against Roman Catholic notions of human
merit - Upheld a firm Augustinian notion of double
Predestination - Cf. his The Bondage of the Will
- Later modifications during the period of Lutheran
Orthodoxy weakened the official Lutheran position - Affirmed the enslavement of will even more
vigorously than did Calvin
- Luther had a strict view on the inspiration of
Scripture however - he also maintained a loose view on the Canon
- he did not like the book of James
- He taught the physical presence of the body of
Christ during Holy Communion - This is often described by non-Lutherans as
Consubstantiation - Taught a view of the Communicatio Idiomatum in
which the human body of Christ was granted
ubiquity as part of its exaltation - A necessary implication of his view of the
- Offered a poorly developed ecclesiology, largely
due to the uncertain and fluid political
circumstances in which he lived - Melanchthon, Luthers companion, produced several
helpful editions of the Loci Communes, the first
Protestant (evangelische) systematic theology
text - Lutheranism, to many,
- a conservative, even incomplete reformation
- whatever is not forbidden is allowed
- Lutheran accomplishments
- Appeal to Scripture is highly commendable,
- As is the emphasis on justification by grace
through faith - Finally, Luthers theology was colored by his own
experiences, - His struggles and temptations
- Defined his experience of grace and the way in
which he framed his theology
- Methodological considerations
- System of dualisms- but no real use of covenant
- Law and Gospel
- Two Kingdoms
- Just and yet a sinner (simul iustus et peccator)
- A theology of the cross- the cross is all
- No obvious use of philosophy
- Underlying reliance on late medieval nominalism
- Not systematic- reason the devils whore
- Biblicist and Augustinian
- Doctrinal developments that went beyond Luther
- Made much use of the Threefold Office of Christ
- Prophet/Priest/King
- The notion of munus triplex existed before
Calvin, but was only developed thoroughly at the
time of the Reformation by Calvin. See G.C.
Berkouwer, Work of Christ, 61 Calvin, ICR, 2.15 - The Doctrine of Holy Spirit
- Calvin emphasized that the Spirit always leads in
accordance with the Word. ICR, 1.9 - Called the theologian of the Holy Spirit
because of the role of the Spirit in all his
theology - Calvin provided extensive discussion of the
doctrines of Election and Reprobation. ICR,
- Linked Sanctification most closely to
Justification - Spoke of them as twin graces. ICR, 3.1ff
especially 3.16.1 - Maintained the Normative use of the Law for the
regenerate, ICR, 2.7.12 - He calls it the principal use
- Taught that every believer is a recipient of
Gods call, (Doctrine of Vocation) on his life,
ICR, 3.10.6 - Developed a thorough Doctrine of Church, with a
well-thought out system of Church Government,
ICR, 4.1.7-10 4.3 - Argued for the election of God
- Working itself out in terms of covenant, ICR,
3.21 - Maintaining the unity of the covenant through Old
and New Testaments, ICR, 2.11.1ff
- Methodological Considerations
- He listened attentively to Scripture,
- Rejected the meteoric speculation of the
schoolmen, - Asserted that God is to be adored, not
investigated, - Abandoned the use of the Church Fathers as a
final source of appeal - For Calvin, theology was to be practical- not to
be divorced from application - Perhaps the Key Thought was this- Confirming
people in Christ, ICR, 3.6.1 - Covenantal relationship a central theme, ICR 322
- Protestant Scholasticism
- Continuity with the Reformation
- Orientation to the Reformation principle of Sola
Scriptura - Not a new period Reformed doctrines were
believed and taught- a vital and productive
period of evangelical theology - Above all, a period of Confessional development
- Scots Confession 1560
- Belgic Confession 1561
- Heidelburg Catechism 1563
- II Helvetic Confession 1566
- Irish Articles 1615
- Canons of Dordt 1619
- Westminster Confession and Catechisms 1643-7
- Protestant Orthodoxy
- Discontinuity with the Reformation
- Note the differences in tone and style of
Calvins Institutes of the Christian Religion and
Turretins Institutes of Elenctic Theology - While Calvins work betrays its catechetical
origins - Turrettins betrays its technical character and
polemical stance - This is true in general, with earlier Reformation
writings being more catechetical, while later
writings were more scientific in structure and
apologetic (i.e., contra Roman Catholicism,
Lutheranism, etc.) - The use of Aristotle was reintroduced by some
theologians - This is often described as a period of Protestant
- Protestant Orthodoxy
- There was an impressive amount of work
- Characterized by a desire to define truth more
distinctly - An extensive and scientific theological
vocabulary was further developed (e.g., the term
Regeneration See Turretin, Institutes, XV,5). - There was an Intellectualizing of the Faith
- A. Schweitzer The Reformers confessed their
beliefs, but the later theologians believed their
confessions. - There was extensive reliance on prooftexting,
with Cocceius being a notable exception! - Reason prior to revelation
- High Federalism extensive use of covenant
structure, but not uniformly
- Rationalism
- Sufficiency of Reason I will believe nothing I
cannot understand - Reason supersedes Revelation All is interpreted
by the criterion of reason. Man is the measure
of all things. - Emphasis on Nature The universe is an orderly
realm which adheres to the law of nature - Nature the arbiter of what is true, the final
court of appeals - What is real is discernible in nature, hence rise
of Deism - Deism is the religion discernible in natures
laws and reason - Contrasted to revealed religion as taught in
Scripture and by the Church - All dogma was to be judged by its
reasonableness - Autonomy The individual became the final
determiner of truth (Not revelation, not the
- Pietism
- Made extensive use of Collegia Pietatis, small
groups - Does not introduce a new type of theology
- Although it has within its principles the seeds
of a new emphasis in theology (a-historical) - Philipp Jacob Spener was the Father of Pietism
(along with his colleague, August Herman Francke) - Emerged in the context of Lutheran orthodoxy
- Speners groundbreaking work Pia Desideria,
Pious Desires - Pietist principles included
- Inward feelings of faith vs. intellectualizing of
faith - Personal experience of Regeneration was
emphasized rather than an objective notion of
Justification - Focus was new life as process rather than act
of justification
- Pietism
- Recaptured elements of Medieval mysticism e.g.,
Paul Gerhardt, 17th century, translated Bernard
of Clairveaux, O Sacred Head Now Wounded. - Pietism influenced Wesleys Methodism
(Zinzendorf, Bohler, Moravians) - Pietism often embraced an existential
interpretation of Scripture - Christian experience turns back on revelation and
controls interpretation of that revelation - Evaluating Scripture in terms of experience
makes experience the point of reference How can
I duplicate that experience? - Thus, the outcome What does passage mean to
- Historicism
- Established canons of scientific history and
standards of historical accuracy that brought
into question the historical integrity and
believability of Scripture - Scientism
- Wherever the Bible presents a picture that is at
odds with modern science, the Bible is not to be
believed Science over Scripture - Criticism
- Many documents from classical and medieval
periods were proved to be fraudulent documents
of Scripture scrutinized with same skeptical
perspective. Thus, the rise of Higher Criticism
as a given in biblical studies
- Rationalism
- Per Kant, reason is paramount in science
(knowledge), ethics and religion, and in beauty
or aesthetics - Theologians are expected to subject any
mysterious elements in Christianity to the canon
of reason - Tolerationism
- There was no longer a belief in inherent
sinfulness, but an expectation of progress
through advances in all the sciences - Kantianism
- Religion receives an ethical interpretation and
is divorced from revelation and reason
- Kant The Dialectic
- God exceeds our experience one cannot have a
theoretical (or, scientific) knowledge of God - Only a practical knowledge
- The Noumenal/Phenomenal distinction
- Noumenal
- Ding-an-sich, the thing in itself
- Objective, Unknowable
- Phenomenal
- The thing as experienced,
- As known subject to our categories (Scientific
Reason) - It is impossible to know anything in itself, but
only as it is perceived by the subject mind
- Kant arrived at a Nature/Freedom dialectic
- Practical Reason
- God a postulate of human consciousness, since we
cannot have direct knowledge of God in himself
through scientific (pure reason) means - Nevertheless, there is practical reason- we have
a sense of what ought to be - Kant three postulates
- Can not be established by theoretical reason
- Must be assumed because required by the moral
nature of the world- not because of Bible - God
- Immortality
- Human Freedom
- Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834)
- Background Reformed pietism, the philosophy of
Immanuel Kant - Theology was a study of individual faith,
religious experience - Faith is a matter of feeling, the consciousness
of absolute dependence upon God - Theology comes from the human consciousness
- God is known only in the light of human
experience - The Bible was viewed as a book of religious
experiences, not as an authoritative revelation - All religions are valid Christianity was viewed
simply as the most advanced, the highest in
principle and religious evolution
- Albrecht Ritschl (A.D. 1822-89)
- Two key writings
- Critical History of Justification and
Reconciliation - Christian Doctrine of Justification and
Reconciliation - These volumes were a reaction to the subjectivism
of Schleiermacher and the individualism of
Pietism - The foundation of faith was sought in historical
Jesus, not in the transcendent Christ - The focus was on Kingdom of God, ethical behavior
- Albrecht Ritschl, cont.
- Theological characteristics
- Ritschl attempted to remove dogma from religion
and substitute ethical behavior instead - Doctrines were viewed merely as judgments of
value based on experience. - Jesus was considered divine because he has value
of God for me - The emphasis on the Kingdom of God, i.e., Live
morally led naturally to development of the
Social Gospel
24Systems of Theology