Title: Trade and Human Development
1Trade and Human Development
- HD Course 2004
- Kate Raworth, Oxfam
- Why trade? And how freely?
- The theory and the tools
- 2. Current global agenda on trade rules
- Whats going on at the WTO?
3Why trade? Ricardo (1817) said
4Even if X has an absolute advantage in both
Absolute advantage
Xs Comparative advantage
Ys Comparative advantage
Absolute advantage
5Each should specialize in its comparative
advantage and trade.Both countries will be
better off.
6Factor endowments determine comparative advantage
Lots of capital Lots of land Little labour
Little capital Little land Lots of labour
7So trade is good for HD?
- Cheaper products clothes, food
- New products medicines, computers
- Creates jobs in export sectors call centres
- Stimulates economic growth
8But beware trade theory!
- Even if countries gains overall
- who gains and who loses within?
- Does the theory reflect reality?
9Who gains and who loses?
producers consumers producers consumers
producers consumers producers consumers
10Does the theory reflect reality?
- Assumptions of the model
- Perfect competition in all sectors
- Full employment
- Factors can move smoothly between sectors but not
between countries - In reality
- Factor endowments are dynamic not static
11What factor endowments are linked to development?
- The more developed countries have
- Highly educated labour force
- Efficient technologies
- Capacity to innovate
- Financing for investment
- None of these are innate endowments
- they are dynamic, achieved through policy.
12Tools for trade policy
- Protecting industry from import competition
- Tariffs
- Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
- Bans and quotas
- Product specification
- Customs delays
13Tools for trade policy
- Promoting export-oriented growth
- State investment in key industries
- Providing export subsidies to key sectors
- Lobbying other countries to open up their market
14So how open to trade should a country be?
- Competing ideologies
- Protection and import substitution
- vs
- Openness and export orientation
15Protection and import substitution
- Tariffs give temporary protection until infant
- industries become competitive
- 1960-1973 42 dcs grew 2.5 pa.
- 33 used import substitution
- So why such a bad reputation?
- Some infants never grow up
- And mid 70s collapse
- End of gold standard, oil crisis, commodity
crash. -
16Openness and export orientation
- Washington Consensus
- Let the market guide investment
- East Asian Tigers Korea, Taiwan
- But are they good examples of openness?
- In 1960s, they used tariffs, domestic and export
subsidies, reverse engineering. - Opened up only once growth was established.
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182. The current global agenda on trade rules
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- Created in 1947 by 24 countries
- Aim negotiations to reduce trade barriers
- Turn NTBs into tariffs, then cut tariffs
- 1986-94 Uruguay Round of negotiations
- GATT turns into the WTO in 1995
19From GATT to WTO
- Scale by 2004, 147 members
- Links trade with investment (TRIMS) and
intellectual property rights (TRIPS) - Single undertaking mandate
- Punitive dispute resolution mechanism
- Puts strong limits on domestic policy choices
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21WTO Ministerial Meetings
- Singapore 1996
- Rich countries try to add 4 new issues to
agenda - Seattle 1999
- Mass public demonstrations and talks collapse
- Doha 2001
- Launch of The Doha Development Round
- Cancun 2003
- Rise of the G20 negotiating bloc, and talks
collapse - (Geneva July 2004 deadline for a framework)
- No breakdown - but dcs forced to compromise.
- Round due to end 2006 or 2007
22The Doha Development Agenda
- End agricultural export subsidies
- Stop rich country dumping
- 2. TRIPS implement for public health
- Flexibility in patent law for medicines
- 3. Special Differential Treatment for dcs
- More time, more exceptions
23End rich country agricultural dumping
- US cotton, rice EU sugar, milk, poultry
- Dumping exporting below cost of production
- How? Export credits, export subsidies
- Impacts in developing countries?
- Depresses local prices, undermines farmers
- Depresses world market price for exporters
- Displaces 3rd country exports
24Challenges at the WTO
- Brazil vs. US on cotton dumping
- US export related subsidies 3bn a year
- June 2004 Brazil won but what will the US
- do and when?
- Brazil vs. EU on sugar dumping
- EU sugar regime excessive exports
- September 2004 Brazil won how will the EU
- now reform its regime?
25Will the EU and US really reform ?
- EU wont eliminate subsidies until 2013 at
earliest. - US Farm Bill 2002 100bn over 6 years
- Both effectively hiding illegal subsidies in
other boxes permitted at the WTO - Stand-off both refusing to take unilateral
leadership in ending dumping
26Implement TRIPS for public health
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
- Property Rights (1994)
- Grant 20 year patents for processes AND products
- LDCs given more time to comply
- Undermines the generics drugs industry -
massively limits access to medicines in
developing countries - Safeguards
- Permit compulsory licencing for public health,
government use, anti-trust action - But can developing countries actually use it?
273. Special and Differential Treatment
- More time to implement agreements
- But hardly equivalent to the pre-WTO policy
choices on timing for now industrial countries - Special products exempt from tariff cuts
- Especially important for food security and rural
livelihoods, eg in rice - But rich countries now pushing for their own set
of sensitive products - Most important areas for dcs always left fuzzy
in negotiations
28And new issues being pushed
- Singapore Ministerial 1996
- Rich countries tried to get their interests into
- the agenda
- Competition policy
- Government procurement
- Investment
- Trade facilitation
292004 July Framework
- After 3 years of negotiations and breakdown at
Cancun a deadline for agreeing a framework. - It sets modalities framework for negotiations
- Achieved at the 11th Hour. But
- dcs pressured into being reasonable
- Minimal agreement, keeps WTO afloat
- Wont deliver the development promised
30Developing country wins
- Stronger language on ending agricultural export
subsidies (but still no timetable) - 3 out of 4 Singapore Issues dropped only
trade facilitation left - But
- Agricultural subsidies hidden under new names
- Rich countries stall on opening market
- access for developing countries
31Towards Hong Kong 2005
- End agricultural dumping
- EU and US implement sugar and cotton rulings
- Ensure dcs are not forced to cut tariffs in key
sectors for food security and rural livelihoods - Ensure that negotiations are inclusive and
transparent - not a power group of 5 - Can the WTO deliver development ?...
32But beyond multilateralism
33WTO as pest management
WTO plus
US-Jordan !!
WTO plus
US-Chile !!
WTO plus
34Ongoing debates
- Are rich countries kicking away the ladder to
development by limiting trade policy? - Is the rise of the G20 good for LDCs?