Title: ADO Recordsets
1ADO Recordsets
2Recordset Objects
- Similar to Tables and Queries data
- Using VBA/VBScript your program
- Open a recordset,
- Locate a record
- Update or add a record
- Close, etc
3Controls on Forms I Recordsets
- The usual job of forms showing data from
tables/queries - With recordsets, you must use VBA/VBScript to
show data in controls - You fill listboxes, textboxes, etc
- The form doesn't fill them for you
- This is not "bound forms"
4Controls on Forms II Recordsets
- Another job of forms taking data from controls
into tables/queries - With recordsets, you must use VBA/VBScript to
take form data from the controls and save it - The listboxes, textboxes, etc are the source of
tabled data - But, the form doesn't update the table for you
- This is not "bound forms"
5Bound forms vs. Recordsets
- Use standard forms for input and output
- Use recordset programming to
- Read data from tables/queries
- Fill controls on forms with this data
- Read data in controls on forms
- Update the tables/queries with user changes to
the form data - But, do not use recordset programming instead of
binding forms to tables/queries. Use it to
augment forms.
6Recordset Cursors
- The cursor element controls
- record navigation
- updatability of data
- visibility of changes by other users
- speed of application
7Types of Cursors
- Static
- Dynamic
- KeySet
- ForwardOnly
8Static Cursor
- A static copy of a set of records that you can
use to find data or generate reports - Additions, changes, or deletions by other users
are not visible - MovePrevious is available
- RecordCount property is available
9Dynamic Cursor
- Additions, changes, and deletions by other users
are visible - all types of movement through the recordset are
allowed, except for bookmarks, if the server
doesn't support them - Not a fast cursor
- MovePrevious is available
- RecordCount property is not available
10ForwardOnly Cursor
- This is the default Cursor
- You only scroll forward through records
- Improves performance when you need to make only
one pass through a recordset - Update, AddNew is not available
- MovePrevious is not available
- RecordCount property is not available
11KetSet Cursor
- Like a dynamic cursor, but faster
- Data changes by other users are visible
- Deleted recs by other users are inaccessible
- Can't see records that other users adduntil
- Refresh the cursor with rst.Resync
12Forward-type DAO Recordsets
- Identical to Snapshots, except
- Can move only forward
- Rs.MoveNext
- Rs.MoveLast
- Best used for analysis and loading arrays
13Table-type DAO Recordsets
- Seek to locate a single record, just one
- Fast, must be based on Index
- rs.Index "Names" 'must be in table
- rs.Seek "", strName
- If rs.NoMatch True then .
14Dynaset-type DAO Recordsets(find numbers)
- Find to locate records, not just one record
- Not as fast as indexed seek, but can be sorted
for speedier finds by SQL when built - intID4
- strFind"pkPeopleID" intID
- rs.FindFirst strFind
- If rs.NoMatch True then
- MsgBox "Failed to find " intID
- Endif
15Dynaset-type DAO Recordsets(find dates)
- Find to locate records, not just one record
- Not as fast as indexed seek, but can be sorted
for speedier finds by SQL when built - dteHire01/03/01
- strFind"HireDate" "" dteHire ""
- rs.FindFirst strFind
- If rs.NoMatch True then
- MsgBox "Failed to find " dteHire
- Endif
16Dynaset-type DAO Recordsets(find strings)
- Find to locate records, not just one record
- Not as fast as indexed seek, but can be sorted
for speedier finds by SQL when built - strName"Poynor"
- strFind"LastName" "'" strName "'"
- rs.FindFirst strFind
- If rs.NoMatch True then
- MsgBox "Failed to find " strName
- Endif
17Beginnings and endings 1/3
- ' our textbook opens recordsets like this
- Dim rs as DAO.Recordset ' any variable name is
OK - Dim db as Database ' any variable name is
OK - Set db CurrentDb
- Set rs db.OpenRecordset("tblEmployee",dbOpenDyn
aset) - ' records are processed as needed
- ' and then the table is closed safely
- rs.Close
- Set rs Nothing
18Beginnings and endings 2/3
- ' most recordsets are opened something like this
- Dim rec as DAO.Recordset
- Set rec _ Currentdb.OpenRecordset("tblPeople",d
bOpenDynaset) - ' .processed as needed .etc etc
- rec.Close
- Set rec Nothing
19Beginnings and endings 3/3
- ' efficient recordsets are opened with SQL
- Dim recdset as DAO.Recordset
- Set recdset Currentdb.OpenRecordset( _
- "SELECT From tblEmployee " _
- "WHERE HireDate lt 01/01/90 " _
- "ORDER BY HireDate", _
- dbOpenDynaset)
- ' .processed as needed .etc etc
- recdset.Close
- Set recdset Nothing
20Beginning of File (BOF)
rs.MovePrevious If rs.BOF True Then. ' true
if you tried to go before the first record
Ending of File (EOF)
rs.MoveNext If rs.EOF True Then. ' true if
you tried to go after the last record
21Arrays created from Recordsets
' here is how to store a recordset
into an array Dim varArrayData as Variant
rs.MoveFirst varArrayData rs.GetRows(1000)
'up to 1000 rows rs.Close ' how many
records and fields were stored? (Chap. 11)
intRecordCount UBound(varArrayData, 2) 1
intFieldCount UBound(varArrayData, 1) 1
'stored as varArrayData(Fields, Records) (Chap.
22Adding to Recordsets
rs.AddNew fields set to defaults ' maybe
show defaults on form Me!txtField1
rs!Field1 ' if using form for data input, save
' or maybe or maybe just fill in fields
rs!Field1 "Unknown" 'save changes (if
any) to new record rs.Update
23Deleting from Recordsets
rs.Delete ' that's all folks
24Safety in Editing/Updating Recordsets
Dim ws As Workspace Set ws
DBEngine.Workspaces(0) On Error GoTo
NetworkError ws.BeginTrans 'open a
transaction rs.Edit ' open edit buffer
' maybe use form inputs
rs!Field1Me!Field1 rs.Update ' write
close buffer ws.CommitTrans 'close
transaction Exit Sub NetworkError
ws.Rollback ' undo the edits
25Editing/Updating recordsets without transactions
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset Set rs
dbOpenTable) rs.Index "StudentID"
rs.Seek "", strID If rs.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Seek failed." Else rs.Edit ' open
edit buffer rs!AnyField txtNewData
rs.Update ' write buffer to recordset End If
rs.Close ' close to prevent problems
26Safety in Adding to Recordsets transaction
Dim ws As Workspace Set ws
DBEngine.Workspaces(0) On Error GoTo
NetworkError ws.BeginTrans 'open a
transaction rs.AddNew ' fields set to
defaults ' maybe show defaults on form
Me!txtField1 rs!Field1 ' example
ws.CommitTrans 'close the transaction Exit
Sub NetworkError ws.Rollback ' undo the
27Keeping track of record position in recordsets
Dim varBookmark As Variant varBookmark
rs.Bookmark ' remember position rs.MoveFirst
' start at first position Do While Not
rs.EOF ' calculate something you want
rs.MoveNext ' move to next position Loop
rs.Bookmark varBookmark ' restore position
28Example of Locating Records in Dynasets and
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set db CurrentDb() ' or
put CurrentDb in next line Set rs
db.OpenRecordset("tblPeople", dbOpenSnapshot) strN
ame InputBox("Enter a last name to
locate") rs.FindFirst "Last " "'" strName
"'" If rs.NoMatch False Then MsgBox
"Located. " rs!First " " rs!Last Else
MsgBox "Name not found." End If rs.Close
29Example of Locating Records in Tables
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set rs
CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"tblPeople", dbOpenTable) strName
InputBox("Enter a last name to locate") rs.Index
"Names" ' must already be this index in
table rs.Seek "", strName If rs.NoMatch False
Then MsgBox "Located. " rs!First " "
rs!Last Else MsgBox "Name not found." End
If rs.Close