Title: International Institute of
1Jacek Kuznicki
International Institute of Molecular and Cell
Biology in Warsaw
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
NIH, Bethesda, Nov 20, 2008
21981-1984 Visiting Fellow at NHLBI, Dr. ED Korn
3Visiting Scientist at NIMH, 1992-1996, Dr. D.
Jacobowitzs lab
4Subsequent links with NIH
- 1997-2000 Polish-American grant (MCSII Fund)
with Dr. D. Jacobowitz - 2002-2005, NIH grant (FIRCA) with
Dr. Walter Chazin, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN - 2007 seminars in Bethesda and Frederick
5Three parts about opportunities
- Reorganization of science in Poland
- Biocentrum Ochota joint activities of 6
institutes in biomedical research - International Institute of Molecular and Cell
Biology in Warsaw
6Please sign, if you support discussion about
reforms of science in Poland ...
7Reforms of science system in Poland
8Reforms of science system in Poland
- The drafts of parliamentary bills on the
- National Center of Science (agency for basic
research) - - Rules financing research
- RD institutes
- - National Center of Research and Development
- (an agency to foster science and technical
innovation) - - Polish Academy of Sciences
9Part 2, Biocentrum Ochota
10(No Transcript)
11OCHOTA Campus
University of Warsaw
Medical University of Warsaw
12Biocentrum activities
- Network Biovision funded by MNiSzW
- Participation in CePT - 100 mln Euro for all (4
mln Euro for IIMCB for equipment) - Applications for
- informatics infrastructure
- people, international PhD program
- Joint actions of staff in charge of grants
- Collaboration of librarians
28.10 w IPPT KPK i IIMCB
13EU structural funds for IIMCB
- X-ray diffractometer 5.7 mln PLN
- Mass spectrometer 3.3 mln PLN
- AFM microscope 1.0 mln PLN
- RT-PCR and WB imager 0.8 mln PLN
- Analytical centrifuge, etc. 2.8 mln PLN
- A/C cages for animals 1.1 mln PLN
- TOTAL 14.8 mln PLN
14What is the major characteristic of Biocentrum
despite being the top one (A) category of the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education?
15Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics - Core
facility labs
In 2007 over 200 institutions used these services.