Title: Plant Nutrition: Secondary and Micronutrients
1Plant NutritionSecondary and Micronutrients
2First requirements 1) water, 2) heat, and 3)
3Basic Concepts of Soil Fertility
- 16 essential elements for plant growth
- Macro / secondary nutrients
- N, P, K, - Ca, Mg, S
- Micronutrients
- Cl, Mn, Fe, Mo, Zn, B, and Cu
- Forms available to plants
4Plant Nutrient Composition
5Forms available to Plants
- Ions are charged molecules
- Most plant nutrients are ions ( / -)
- Cations - positively charged ions (Ca)
- Anions - negatively charged ions (NO3-)
- Uncharged molecules (H3BO3)
6How Plants Absorb Nutrients
- Through leaves (foliar) or through soil
- High nutrient demand - soil
- active uptake of specific nutrients
- Micronutrients can be foliarly applied
- mechanism is primarily diffusion
- good quick fix methods in greenhouses etc.
- Most soil nutrients enter through roots
7Secondary Nutrient Form
8Secondary Nutrient Mobility
- Calcium Most immobile nutrient in plants
- deficiency seen in newest tissue
- Magnesium somewhat mobile in plants
- deficiency in newer plant parts
- Sulphur mobile in plants
- less redistribution than N - overall chlorosis
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10Roles in Plant Nutrition
- N, P, and K covered in detail
- Calcium
- membrane integrity - blossom end rot
- Magnesium
- role in photosynthesis - interveinal chlorosis
- Sulphur
- role in amino acids - flavor - general yellowing
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12Magnesium Deficiency Interveinal chlorosis
13Supplemented to Plants
- Secondary nutrient sources
- Ca, Mg - lime applications
- S - some P fertilizer forms
- Manure - some S
- Acid rain - some S
14Micronutrient Form Function
15Micronutrient Form Function
16Micronutrients in Plant Nutrition
- Perform enzymatic functions in plants
- Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe - photosynthesis
- B - sugar formation translocation
- Mo - nitrate reductase (legumes)
- Cl - ionic buffer in plants
17Soil pH Effect on Nutrient availability
18Micronutrient deficiency symptoms harder to find
19Zinc Deficiency
Broad white stripe on both sides of midrib
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21Micronutrient Mobility
- Iron Not mobile in plants
- Copper not mobile in plants
- Manganese not mobile in plants
- Boron, Zinc, and Molybdenum - not mobile
- Where do you expect to see deficiency?
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23Supplemented to Plants
- Micronutrients
- Chelated forms
- cationic micronutrients
- Frits (molten glass formulations
- cheaper - all but chloride
- Starter fertilizer
- Foliar application in cases of deficiency
24Micronutrient Availability
- pH effect
- increased availability with low pH
- Exception to the rule Mo
- Micronutrient toxicity - reduced by liming
25 Mottled Leaves Seen on youngest foliage
26Plants show bright yellow-green interveinal
chlorotic mottling
Most likely to see deficiency In high or low pH
soil ?