Title: Dear Boss,
1A Departure Parable from TurnAround. Letters You
May Encounter in Business
Dear Boss, Wow, what can I say? Thank you so
much for everything. Unfortunately, today will be
my last day. I bought a surf board franchise and
the plane leaves today at 2pm. Ill let you know
where you can send my final paycheck. Sorry to
leave you in a lurch! Aloha. Signed, Your Best
Dear Best Employee, Wow, what can I say? Thank
you so much for everything. Unfortunately, today
will be your last day. Im sorry to have to let
you go, but were simply going in a different
direction and are no longer making surf boards.
Best of luck to you in the future! Signed, Your
You and your best employee will likely part ways
at some point in time. If this is a key employee
who performs critical activities for the firm,
what are you going to do? Are you ready to sit
down and perform the function? Do you know enough
to recruit, train and replace the employee?
Use notice periods wisely! Let TurnAround
document the employees day-to-day tasks
nowbefore this letter is written!
www.turnaroundllc.com info_at_turnaroundllc.com