Title: Sustainability Management Systems March 17, 2005
1Sustainability Competency Opportunity Rating
2How SCORE was developed
- Collaboration of AXIS Performance Advisors, Zero
Waste Alliance and International Sustainable
Development Foundation - Paired with The Business Guide to Sustainability
(Hitchcock and Willard, Earthscan 2006), winner
of the American Library Assn award for best
academic titles for 2007
3What SCORE does
A few of our SCORE clients Alaska
Airlines British American Auto Care City of
Corvallis City of Santa Monica Curry
Brandaw Doubletree Howard County, MD Ecumenical
Ministries of Oregon Nike Organically
Grown Progressive Investment SERA
Architects Schwabe Williamson Wyatt Standard
- Focus on organizational practices
- Structured the way organizations are structured
- Makes it easy to assign accountability and
responsibility - For each practice, shows a range of performance,
from initial pilot efforts to sustainable
4What our government clients say
- I think that SCORE is an excellent tool to help
an organization assess its internal strengths and
weaknesses with respect to sustainability. I
think it can be very helpful to organizations
that are committed to sustainability and have a
desire to improve and excel.Dean Kubani, City
of Santa Monica - "This assessment was very valuable. It tells you
where you are now but also gives you ideas of
projects you should undertake to become
sustainable. It was easy to use and a good
reality check for how far we need to go.
Administrative manager in a City
5What our business clients say
- I am excited about the assessment and truly
appreciate what you and Marsha have done to help
put it all in place. Your book is extremely well
written and organized, to the point where those
who read and implement the assessment should be
well on their way to understanding what it will
take to develop a successful Sustainable
Development program. Yancy Wright,
Sustainable Initiatives Coordinator, Sellen
Construction - "Even though we have been pursuing sustainability
for several years and have a robust
infrastructure to support our efforts, the SCORE
process uncovered new directions and helped us
refocus our energies and actions. Clark
Brockman, SERA Architects - This was a good exercise because it really made
me think about some of the areas Nike can improve
on. We have a lot of work to do! Chuck
Gatchell, Nike
6Where SCORE fits in to other assessments
SCORE is one of several high-level assessments
you may want to perform
Once priorities are clear, more detailed-level
assessments may be appropriate
7SCORE assessments
8Sample SCORE Item
9Sample SCORE Results w/ Benchmarks
10What you get
- An Excel file with your data and benchmarks
- A Word document report with our analysis and
recommendations - A PowerPoint template file to report your results
- The input document with your scores and all the
items - A copy of The Business Guide to Sustainability
11SCORE PracticesFunctions
12SCORE PracticesFunctions (cont.)
13SCORE PracticesSectors
14Four steps for implementing SCORE
- Briefing on SCORE make decisions about best way
to implement it in your organization (typically
1/2-1 hour) - Data gathering meeting (typically 2 hours)
- Reporting and planning meeting (typically 2-3
hours) - Six-month follow-up to check on progress
(typically 1 hour)
Redo the assess-ment in a year or two to track
15Implementation Options
Snapshot Cross-org learning Calibration Future
16Three Levels of Service
- Part of a larger sustainability assessment or
planning process (fees vary based on scope) - SCORE as a service (2500 plus travel)
- Consultation on how to implement SCORE
- Explain and conduct SCORE in a meeting
- Facilitate a discussion about the results and
next steps - Six-month follow-up
- Pre-SCORE (price varies based on scope and
travel) - For organizations that arent ready to rate
themselves but who want to use SCORE as an
educational tool
17Contact Us
- To set up a SCORE assessment through Zero Waste
Alliance - Teri Stoeber, tstoeber_at_zerowaste.org
- If you want to become licensedDarcy Hitchcock,
darcy_at_axisperformance.com - For more information on the creators of
SCOREwww.axisperformance.com www.zerowaste.org/