Title: Quantitative Grounding
1 Quantitative Grounding22 Items and a Box
Bruce Thompson Colleen Cook Martha
Kyrillidou Glasgow January 19-20, 2004
2Score Integrity
31. alpha By Language
By Language Service Info. Lib as Group n
Affect Control Place TOTAL American
(all) 59,318 .95 .91 .88 .96 British (all)
6,773 .93 .87 .81 .94 French (all)
172 .95 .90 .89 .95
4alpha by University Type
By University Type Service Info. Lib as Group
n Affect Control Place TOTAL Comm Colleges
4,189 .96 .92 .89 .97 4 yr Not ARL 36,430 .95 .91
.88 .96 4 yr, ARL 14,080 .95 .90 .87 .96 Acad
Health 3,263 .95 .92 .90 .96
5alpha by Consortium
By Consortium Service Info. Lib as Group n
Affect Control Place TOTAL AAHSL
3,186 .95 .92 .90 .96 OhioLINK
7,203 .95 .91 .88 .96 Oberlin
2,945 .94 .88 .87 .94 Merlin
991 .96 .92 .88 .96 NY3R Coll/Uni 13,008 .95 .92 .
88 .96 SCONUL 6,773 .93 .87 .81 .94 Alabama
1,203 .95 .92 .89 .96
6n 59,318 a .9593 "Corrected" Item- alpha
Total if Item Item Correlation Deleted SA01APER .
6989 .9575 SA04APER .7338 .9571 SA07APER .7621 .95
68 SA10APER .7726 .9567 SA12APER .7590 .9568 SA15A
PER .7760 .9566 SA17APER .7263 .9572 SA20APER .764
9 .9567 SA23APER .7914 .9565
7n 59,318 a .9593 "Corrected" Item- alpha
Total if Item Item Correlation Deleted PC02APER
.6728 .9578 PC11APER .6766 .9577 PC16APER .7313 .9
571 PC21APER .7774 .9567 PC25APER .6285 .9583 IA03
APER .6327 .9583 IA14APER .6964 .9575 IA18APER .73
55 .9571
8n 59,318 a .9593 "Corrected" Item- alpha
Total if Item Item Correlation Deleted LP05APER
.5633 .9593 LP09APER .6614 .9579 LP13APER .6944 .9
576 LP19APER .6144 .9586 LP24APER .7116 .9573
9Service Affect
Service Affect (n 71,170 English) SA20APER .80
541 .22199 .27521 SA07APER .80338
.27236 .20993 SA17APER .79655
.20844 .22793 SA04APER .77062
.29258 .17694 SA15APER .73437
.34646 .24299 SA23APER .73391
.34359 .27896 SA01APER .71589
.29773 .16972 SA12APER .71541
.32229 .25528 SA10APER .68825 .35941 .28090
10Library as Place
Library as Place (n 71,170 English) LP13APER .
26213 .25710 .80013 LP05APER .20412 .15920 .73601
LP09APER .27765 .24869 .72631
LP24APER .26672 .34873 .72148 LP19APER .19630 .2
8102 .70295
11Information Control
Information Control (n 71,170
English) IA18APER .29824 .73480
.28164 PC11APER .29045 .71111
.19999 IA03APER .24482 .70341
.18989 PC25APER .21770 .68760
.22736 PC21APER .41572 .65615
.30096 PC02APER .37847 .63860
.16559 PC16APER .33439 .61598
.36448 IA14APER .28759 .58521 .39295
122. Validity Correlations
Validity Correlations
Serv_Aff Info_Con LibPlace TOTALper Serv_Aff 1.
0000 .7113 .5913 .9061 Info_Con .7113 1.0000
.6495 .9029 LibPlace .5913 .6495 1.0000 .8
053 TOTALper .9061 .9029 .8053 1.0000 ESAT_TO
T .7286 .6761 .5521 .7587 EOUT_TOT .5315 .6
155 .4917 .6250
13Mean Perceived Scores 2001/2002 Trend (n34)
14The Challenge of Score Use
- Securing information that contributes
meaningfully to planning and improvement efforts
at a local level - Providing analytical frameworks that
institutional staff can apply without extensive
training or assistance - Helping decision-makers understand success of
investments - Finding useful inter-institutional comparisons
15Two Interpretation Frameworks
- Zone of Tolerance
- Score Norms
161. Zone of Tolerance
- The distance between minimally acceptable and
desired service quality ratings - Perception ratings ideally fall within the Zone
of Tolerance
17Faculty Dimension Summary
Average Rating
Note LibQUAL? Spring 2002 Survey Results -
TAMU. (2002). Vol. 2, p. 42
187 Institution Types
- Community Colleges
- Health Sciences
- Military
- Colleges/Universities
- State/Publics
- United Kingdom
- French Canadian
19LibQUAL 2003 Summary Colleges or Universities
20LibQUAL 2003 Colleges or Universities
Dimension Means
21LibQUAL 2003 Colleges or Universities Library
22LibQUAL 2003 Colleges or Universities Core
23LibQUAL 2003 Summary Community Colleges
24LibQUAL 2003 Community Colleges Dimension
25LibQUAL 2003 Community Colleges Library Use
26LibQUAL 2003 Summary Academic Health Sciences
27LibQUAL 2003 Health Sciences Dimension Means
28LibQUAL 2003 Health Sciences Library Use
29LibQUAL 2003 Summary Military Institutions
30LibQUAL 2003 Military Institutions Dimension
31LibQUAL 2003 Military Institutions Library Use
32LibQUAL 2003 SummaryState and Public
33LibQUAL 2003 State and Public Dimension Means
34LibQUAL 2003 State and Public Library Use
35LibQUAL 2003 Summary United Kingdom
36LibQUAL 2003 United Kingdom Dimension Means
37LibQUAL 2003 United Kingdom Library Use
38LibQUAL 2003 Summary French Canadian
39LibQUAL 2003 French Canadian Dimension Means
40LibQUAL 2003 French Canadian Library Use
412. Score Norms
- Norm Conversion Tables facilitate the
interpretation of observed scores using norms
created for a large and representative sample. - LibQUAL? norms have been created at both the
individual and institutional level
42Institutional Norms for Perceived Means on 25
Core Questions
Note Thompson, B. LibQUAL? Spring 2002 Selected
Norms, (2002).
43Response Rates
1. Its representativesness that counts more
than the response rate!
44Response Rates
2. We only know the lower bound (or minimum)
estimate of the response rate, because we dont
know the correct denominator.
45Response Rate Contexts
1. Response rates are higher for action-oriented
surveys, which are not relevant or practical for
total market surveys.
46Response Rate Contexts
2. Survey saturation is tending to lower typical
response rates over time.
472005 and Beyond
- Matrix Sampling / Short Forms
- Software Used for Local/Consortial Assessments
- Action Snapshots
48LibQUAL? Related Documents
- LibQUAL? Web Site http//www.libqual.org
- LibQUAL? Bibliography
- http//www.libqual.org/publications/index.cfm
- Survey Participants Procedures Manual
- http//www.arl.org/libqual/procedure/lqmanual2.