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Research. A. Radyushkin / Jefferson Laboratory. Confrontation ... 'An unusual application of the Physics of Rare Events: the mystery of the death of Napoleon' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • March 13-14, 2009
  • Vienna

ECT Directors Report
Achim Richter, ECT and TUD
Changeover in the Directorship of ECT
November 01, 2008
Jean-Paul Blaizot
A. R.
This gives me the opportunity to thank J-P for
his great effort in his four years of being
Director to bring ECT forward as a strong and
professionally operating institution within the
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) and also as an
institution of an internationally recognized
scientific standing. Thereby he served the
community in a exemplary way.
Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops since the last NuPECC Meeting
Bound states and resonances in effective field
theories (EFTs) Organizers V. Pascalutsa /
University of Mainz D. Phillips / Ohio
University of participants 41
Strangeness polarization in
semi-inclusive and exclusive Lambda production
Organizers H. Avagyan / JLAB N.
Marins / Illinois University A. Schäfer
/ University of Regensburg C. Weiss /
JLAB of participants 29
Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops since the last NuPECC Meeting
Neutrinos in particle, in nuclear and in
astrophysics Organizer A. Faessler / University
of Tuebingen of participants 52
Collaboration Meeting SFB/TR55
Organizers T. Hemmert / University of
Regensburg A. Schäfer / University of
Regensburg of participants 37
Sign problems and complex actions
Organizers G. Aarts / Swansea University S.
Chandrasekharan / Duke University of
participants 26
Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops approved for 2009
Collaboration Meeting SFB/TR55 Organizers T.
Hemmert / University of Regensburg A. Schaefer /
University Regensburg Sign problems and
complex actions Organizers G. Aarts / Swansea
University S. Chandrasekharan / Duke
University Simulations of low and intermediate
energy heavy ion reactions Organizers J.
Aichelin / University of Nantes H. Wolter /
University of Munich
Heavy quarkonia production in heavy-ion
collisions Organizers D. Blaschke /
University of Wroclaw Ph. Crochet / University
of Clermont-Ferrand R. Rapp / Texas A M
University The 5th international pion-nucleon
PWA workshop and interpretation of baryon
resonances Organizers M. Giannini /
University of Genova A. Svarc / Rudjer Boskovic
Institute, Zagreb M. Sadler / Abilene Christian
University L. Tiator / University of Mainz
Atomic effetcs in nuclear excitation and decay
Organizers P. Walker / University of Surrey
F.J. Currell / Queen's University, Belfast J.
Carroll / Youngstown University Linking
nuclei, molecules, and condensed matter
computational quantum many-body approaches
Organizers R. Roth / TU Darmstadt J. Schnack /
University of Bielefeld J. Richter / University
of Magdeburg
Recent advances in perturbative QCD and hadronic
physics Organizers A. Belitsky / Arizona St.
University K. Goeke Ruhr / University Bochum D.
Mueller Ruhr / University Bochum O. Teryaev /
Joint Institute for Nucl. Research A.
Radyushkin / Jefferson Laboratory
Confrontation and convergence in nuclear theory
Organizers A. Brown / Michigan State University
M. Hjorth-Jensen / University of Oslo R.
Janssens / Argonne National Laboratory J.
Tostevin / University of Surrey T. Papenbrock /
University of Tennessee The lead radius
experiment  and neutron rich matter in
astrophysics and in the laboratory
Organizers C. Horowitz / Indiana University
P.G. Reinhard / University of Erlangen K. De
Jager / Jefferson Laboratory
QCD Greens functions, confinement, and  
phenomenology Organizers D. Binosi / ECT
J. Papavassiliou / Universidad de
Valencia A.C. Aguilar / Universidad de Valencia
J.M. Cornwall / University of California at Los
Angeles Strong, weak and electromagnetic
interactions to probe spin-isospin excitations
Organizers B. Rubio / CSIC Y. Fujita /
University of Surrey W. Gelletly / University
of Surrey Hadronic atoms and kaonic nuclei -
solved puzzles, open problems and future
challenges in theory and experiment
Organizers C.O. Curceanu / LNF-INFN Frascati
C. Guaraldo / LNF-INFN Frascati J. Marton /
SMI, Wien P. Kienle / TUM Garching W. Weise /
TUM Garching
Relativistic description of two- and three-body
systems in nuclear physics Organizers G.
Salme / INFN Roma T. Frederico / Instituto
Tecnologico de Aeronautica M. Viviani / INFN
Pisa Many-body open quantum systems from
atomic nuclei to quantum dots Organizers J.
Vaagen / University of Bergen W. Schleich /
University of Ulm Orbital angular momentum of
partons in hadrons Organizers M. Burkardt /
New Mexico State University G. Schnell / DESY
Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops (approval pending) for 2009
Electroweak interactions with nuclei and QGP
physics many-body techniques at high energies
and temperatures Organizers M.B. Barbaro /
University of Turin T.W. Donnelly / MIT A.
Molinari / University of Turin Diffractive and
electromagnetic processes at the LHC
Organizers R. Schicker / Physic Insitution
Heildelberg R. Prava Helsinki / Institution of
Physic L. Jenkovszky / Bogolyubov Institute for
Theoretical Physics Dissipation and flow in
heavy ion collisions Organizer C. Greiner /
University of Frankfurt Pilot project for
further joint ECT/HIC for FAIR Workshops
Scientific activities at ECT
Joint Colloquium with the BEC and the Physics
Department November 19, 2008
Ettore Fiorini Universita Milano Bicocca
An unusual application of the Physics of Rare
Events the mystery of the death of Napoleon
(No Transcript)
ECT Doctoral Training Programme 2009March 29
June 19
Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems
Programme coordinatorsGordon Baym (University
of Illinois), Christopher Pethick (NORDITA),
Sandro Stringari (University of Trento)
Student coordinator and adviser Georges Ripka
(Saclay and ECT)
Main topicsNuclear physicsQuark-gluon
plasmasHeavy ion collisionsCondensed matter
physicsNeutron stars and supernovaeUltracold
G. Baym (University of Illinois)J. Dobaczewski
(U. of Warsaw, U. of Jyaskyla)T. Giamarchi
(University of Geneva)T. Hatsuda (University of
Tokio)A. Richter ( TU Darmstadt and ECT)A.
Watts (University of Amsterdam)
P. Braun-Munzinger (GSI)S. Fantoni (SISSA,
Trieste)S. Giorgini (University of Trento)C.
Pethick (NORDITA)S. Stringari (University of
Trento)M. Zwierlein (MIT)
ECT Doctoral Training Programme 2009March 29
June 19
Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems
1 from Croatia 3 Finland 2 Germany 1
Great Britain 2 India 3 Italy 2 Japan 1
Lithuania 2 Poland 1 U.S.A.
Postdocs in 2009
May 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Sep 30
J.L. Albacete D. Binosi (Qurope / ECT) L.
Scorzato (BEN AURORA / ECT) Bingwei Long V.
A. Lisetsky (Senior Res. Ass. Nucl. Phys)
Jun 01
Announced resp. filled
Senior Res. Ass. Hadron Physics Jun 01 / Sep
01 Oct 01
NN L. Fortunato C. Fernandez-Ramirez
Budget and Status of Funding
Proposal for the scientific activities of ECT
and the related financial budget for 2009 2013
submitted November 20, 2008 to the FBK
Preamble Upon the request of November 04, 2008
from the President Andrea Zanotti of the
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) the following
document summarizes the proposed scientific
activities of the ECT and the related financial
budget for 2009 2013 under the Accordo di
Programma. This proposal contains projects which
are intended to be co-financed by the Autonomous
Province of Trento within the L.p August 2nd ,
2005, n.14 and outside sources specified below.
The budget of 2009 is presented in detail and a
projection for the years 2010 2013 is given.
After 15 years of existence of the ECT, the
present document illustrates both the scientific
benchmarks of the Centre and the related benefits
for the Province
Budget and Status of Funding
  • PAT / FBK Accordo di Programma is expected to
    be put in effect soon until then we have to work
    within 80 of the budget of 2008
  • EURONS Final report has been submitted to the EC
    in Brussels.
  • (responsible for it is still Renzo
  • FP7 The official fixed start date of the
    Hadron Physics 2 project has been 01/01/2009.
    ECT will be able to use
    450.000 for transnational access, i.e. any
    workshop, within the next two and a half

Status Signatures MOU POA (08/-1/09)
Contributions from Funding Agencies 2003 - present
New Statutes of ECT
Signed by President Zanotti of the FBK and me on
December 19, 2008 Are now posted on the ECT web
The European Centre for Theoretical Studies in
Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT) was
established by the Board of Directors of the
Foundation Bruno Kessler (FBK) on October 17th,
2008 as a natural continuation of the initiative
undertaken by ITC on December 17th, 1992 and
established on January 1st, 1993. This document
updates the statutes of ECT in order to make
them compatible with the rules of the FBK which
administer the Center. By appointment of the
European Science Foundation, ECT is an
institutional member of ESF-Expert Committee
NuPECC (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration
Committee). Its membership in, and representation
on, NuPECC is governed by the Terms of Reference
of NuPECC. The Centre carries out autonomously
the activities scheduled in the multi annual
programme enacted by the FBK Board of Directors
(CdA), making efforts to act coherently in the
framework of the general goals of the Foundation.
European Science Foundation letter to Professor
European Science Foundation letter to Minister
Final Remark
With the new Regulations Statutes the ECT is
now fully integrated and operational within the
FBK. At the same time, however, a 15 year period
of Renzo Leonardi as Scientific Secretary has
come to an end. We all know that ECT owes much
of its existence to Renzos early vision,
political skillfulness, persistence and
tremendous personal commitment. The ECT, the
Board and the whole community are thus very
grateful to him for what he has achieved during
his 15 years in office. We all wish him the
best and every possible success in his new effort
to get the first proton therapy facility in the
PAT built and into operation and at the same time
look forward to a good and lasting relation with
the ECT.
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