Title: Olof Tengblad
1 Town Meeting Madrid, May 31st June, 2nd
Town meeting in Madrid Serrano 117 Room with 400
seats Another 2 rooms for 50 seats available.
Also TVs in the hall. Two Meeting rooms in
Serrano 113bis 121
Serrano 117
2Town Meeting Madrid, May 31st June, 2nd
- What is the estimated number of participants
expected to attend at this stage? - Presently registered ( 67 the 5th of February
120 12th of March) - Rooms booked in the NH-hotels all at walking
distance to the Conference - Prices kept until the 23rd of March
- What is the number of participants that will be
financially supported through the LRP (travel
accommodation)? - Due to the economical constrains tentatively
50 post-doc _at_ 350 - GROUPS should provide with candidates among
young post-docs up - to 15th of April
3Guenther Role ?
4Town Meeting Madrid, May 31st June, 2nd
- What is the list of persons in charge of the
registration task and all logistical aspects of
the meeting on the spot? - I count on two secretaries Puri Corchete and
Marisa Hernando - We have in the same building a travel agency
- For computing two people Angel Perea and Luis
Dorado and a couple of students. - Sound control is supplied by the Organization and
is included in the renting. - What is the list of invited high-level speakers
(Ministry, EU representatives, CSIC, ESF, )? - Welcome from MICINN Director Gral Foreign of
Affairs M. Tormé - CSIC will be done by the Deputy Vice-president
of Scientific Programme, JV GarcÃa Ramos - Farewell
- Mª Angeles RodrÃguez-Peña, Sub Director Gral. Of
European Programme, MICINN - Marian Gómez, Deputy Vice-president of European
Affairs, CSIC
5Town Meeting Madrid, May 31st June, 2nd
- Is there any need for communication purposes
(press releases etc.) for the presence of an ESF
Communication staff member? The ESF plans to have
a booth on the conference premises. - What is the timeline for publishing the draft
report prior to the Town Meeting? - Do you plan to provide participants with a
welcome conference bag with NuPECC, ESF, and LRP
relevant documents? (there will be a need for a
list number of literature items to be included
as well as a timeline for preparing them and
sending them out) - Do you plan to produce a 2-page leaflet on the
LRP (ESF can provide a template)?
Relevant for the discussion of the Town Meeting !!
6Town Meeting Madrid, May 31st June, 2nd
- What is the budget for the Town Meeting?
Forseen Incomes Expected Expenses(550 people)
ESF 50.000 Renting the Auditorium 787
MICINN 15.000 Grants for post-doc ( 50 _at_ 350 ) 17.500
CPAN 12.000 Identifyng Batch (2 /u) 1.100
CSIC 2.000 Coffee (5x5 times) 13.750
Sponsors? Lunch in the cantine 8.250
Recepcion on Sunday 10.000
Dinner 27.500
Total 79.000 total 78.887