Title: Chapter 13 Structure Determination
1Chapter 13 Structure Determination
2Four of the most useful techniques
313.1 Electromagnetic Radiation A Common
Probe of Structure
FIGURE 13.1 The electromagnetic spectrum.
Chapter 13. Structure Determination
4FIGURE 13.2 (a) Wavelength (?) is the distance
between two successive wave maxima. Amplitude is
the height of the wave measured from the center.
(b)(c) What we perceive as different kinds of
electromagnetic radiation are simply waves with
different wavelengths and frequencies.
Chapter 13. Structure Determination
513.2 X-Ray Crystallography
FIGURE 13.3 The structure of arachidonic acid
and cyclooxyge-nase as determined from X-ray
crystallography. (Dr. Lisa M. Perez, Texas AM
University. Used with permission.)
Chapter 13. Structure Determination
6FIGURE 13.4 The steps required to perform a
structure determina-tion using X-ray
crystallography include obtaining crystals,
collecting D-ray diffraction data, solving the
data set to generate an electron density map, and
interpreting the electron density map.
Chapter 13. Structure Determination
713.3 Mass Spectrometry
Chapter 13. Structure Determination
Chapter 13. Structure Determination
Chapter 13. Structure Determination
10Mass Spectral Fragmentation of Hexane
11IR Spectrum
12UV-Vis Spectrum
13NMR Spectrum
14Electromagnetic spectrum
15IR absorption spectrum
16Infrared region
The infrared (IR) region of the electromagnetic
spectrum extends from 7.810-7 m to 10-4 m.
1713.2 IR Spectroscopy of Organic Molecules
- Why does an organic molecule absorb some
wavelength of IR radiation but not others? - a. molecular vibration
- .stretching
- .bending
- b. absorb quantized energy
18Kinds of allowed Vibrations
19Information from IR
- IR spectrum
- ?
- What molecular motions?
- ?
- What functional groups?
20Interpreting Infrared Spectra
- Most functional groups have characteristic IR
absorption bands that dont change from one
compound to another. - Characteristic IR absorptions of some functional
groups. (Table 13.1)
21Table 13-1
22Infrared spectra of compounds
23Significant regions of IR
The useful range of IR radiation is 4000 cm-1
400 cm-1 this corresponds to energies of 48.0
kJ/mol 4.8 kJ/mol.
2413.3 Absorption Spectroscopy
- The ultraviolet region of interest 200 nm and
400 nm - The energy absorbed is used to promote a p
electron in a conjugated system from one orbital
to another. - A UV spectrum is a plot of absorbance vs.
wavelength. - UV spectra usually constant of a single broad
peak, whose maximum is ?max. (Figure13.8 ) - ?max increase with the degree of conjugation of a
25Fig 13.7 The region
- 1,4-butadiene has four ? molecular orbitals
- HOMO ? LUMO at 217 nm
28Table 13.2
- ?max increases as conjugation increases (lower
Practice 13.5
2913.5 NMR Spectroscopy
- Theory of NMR spectroscopy
- (1) Many nuclei behave as if they were spinning
about an axis. - The positively charged nuclei produce a magnetic
field that can interact with an externally
applied magnetic field (B0). - The 13C nucleus and the 1H nucleus behave in
this manner. - In the absence of an external magnetic field the
spins of magnetic nuclei are randomly oriented.
30(2) Nuclear spin when a sample containing
these nuclei is placed between the poles of a
strong magnet (B0), the nuclei align themselves
either with the applied field or against the
applied field.
31(3) The energy difference ?E between nuclear spin
The parallel orientation is slightly lower in
energy and is slightly favored.
32(4) Nuclear magnetic resonance
- If the sample is irradiation with radio frequency
(rf) energy of the correct frequency, the nuclei
of lower energy absorb energy and spin-flip to
the higher energy state. - The frequency of the rf radiation depends on the
magnetic field strength and on the magnetic
nuclei. - At a magnetic field strength of 2.62T, rf energy
of 100 MHz is needed to bring a 1H nucleus into
resonance, and energy of 25 MHz is needed for
13C. - All nuclei with an odd number of protons (1H, 2H,
19F, 31P) and neutrons (13C) NMR - even number of both protons neutrons (12C,
16O) No NMR
33schematic operation of an NMR spectrometer
3413.6 The nature of NMR absorptions
- (1) Not all 13C nuclei and not all 1H nuclei
absorb at the same frequency. - Each magnetic nucleus is surrounded by electrons
that set up their own magnetic fields. - These little fields oppose the applied field and
shield the magnetic nuclei - BeffectiveBapplied-Blocal
- These shielded nuclei adsorb at slightly
different values of magnetic field strength. - NMR spectra can be used to map the
carbon-hydrogen framework of a molecule.
35(2) NMR spectra
- The horizontal axis shows effective field
strength, and the vertical axis shows intensity
of absorption. - Each peak corresponds to a chemically distinct
361H NMR spectrum
3713C NMR spectrum
3813.7 Chemical Shifts
- (1) TMS is used as a reference point
- The TMS absorption occurs upfield of other
adsorptions, and is set as the zero point. -
39- (2) Field strength increases from left
(downfield) to right (upfield). - Nuclei that adsorb downfield require a lower
field strength for resonance and are deshielded. - Nuclei that adsorb upfield require a higher field
strength and are shielded.
40- (3) The chemical shift is the position on the
chart where a nucleus absorbs. - (4) NMR charts are calibrated by using an
arbitrary scale - the delta scale (ppm).
41 1H NMR spectroscopy
- (1) Chemical shifts (13.8)
- Chemical shifts are determined by the local
magnetic fields surrounding magnetic nuclei. - Most 1H NMR chemical shifts are in the range 0
10d. - H (sp3) adsorb at higher field strength.
- H (sp2) adsorb at lower field strength.
- Protons on carbons that are bonded to
electronegative atoms absorb at lower field
strength. - The 1H NMR spectrum can be divided into 5
regions - See Table 13.3
42(2) Integration of 1H NMR spectra proton
counting (13.9)
- The area of a peak is proportional to the number
of protons. - To compare two peaks, measure the relative
heights of the peak areas.
43(3) Spin-spin splitting (13.10)
- The tiny magnetic field produced by one nucleus
can affect the magnetic field felt by other
nuclei. - Protons that have n equivalent neighboring
protons show a peak in their 1H NMR spectrum that
is split into n1 smaller peaks (a multiplet). - This splitting is caused by the coupling of spins
of neighboring nuclei. - The distance between peaks in a multiplet is
called the constant (J).
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46- Chemically identical protons dont show spin-spin
splitting. - The signal of a proton with n equivalent
neighboring protons is split into a multiplet of
n1 peaks with coupling constant J. - Two groups of coupled protons have the same value
of J.
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4813.11 Uses of 1H NMR spectroscopy
1H NMR can be used to identity the products of
4913.12 13C NMR spectroscopy
13C NMR spectroscopy can show the number of
nonequivalent carbons in a molecule and can
identify symmetry in a molecule.
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