The Westernizing of Russia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Westernizing of Russia


Borrowed administrative systems from the west. Remained distinct in political, ... The methods used, force fastened autocracy, serfdom, bureaucracy on country ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Westernizing of Russia

Section 5.26
  • The Westernizing of Russia

  • Austrian monarchy, Prussia, and the Russian
    empire became modern states
  • Borrowed administrative systems from the west
  • Remained distinct in political, social, and
    cultural characteristics
  • 1650 to 1750 Muscovy modernized into Russia
  • Undergoes a process of Europeanization
  • Peter The Great 1682-1725) initiated rapid and
    forced change
  • Roots are European (Vikings at Kiev)
  • Still out of the loop during the Renaissance.
  • Were Christians before many other Northern
    Europeans (Greek Orthodox)
  • Influence comes from Constantinople instead of
  • Mongol invasions (1240)
  • kept them under Asian domination for 250 yrs.
  • 1480 Ivan III gained Muscovy independence
  • No warm water port
  • communication with the west was difficult

Prussia v. Russia
  • Prussian differences from Russia
  • Germanic vs. Slavic
  • Protestant vs. Eastern Orthodox
  • Protestantism gave Prussia connection to Europe
  • European universities vs. no universities
  • Close to commercial activity vs. distant from
    commercial activity
  • More European vs. More Oriental
  • Russia develops a unique blend of European and
    non-European traits
  • Prussian parallels with Russia
  • Great plains culture
  • Lacked natural borders
  • Grew by the addition of territories
  • State arose as a means of supporting a modern
  • Autocratic governments
  • Landlord class was strong and controlled the
  • No native commercial class to speak of
  • Imported new skills from western Europe

Russia before Peter the Great
  • Slavic in language
  • Diverse population
  • Great Russians (Muscovites) lived around Moscow
  • Scandinavian
  • Tartars
  • Cossaks (semi-independent cowboys)
  • White Russians (Byelorussians)
  • Little Russians (Ukrainians)
  • Russia is facing eastward
  • Conquered the Tartars in 16th and reached Urals
  • Stretching to the Urals and beyond
  • Frontier experience in Siberia
  • Alaska
  • Trade is focused on the east
  • Europe was in the rear of Russia
  • 1552 Ivan the Terrible conquers the Kazaks
  • with the help of a German engineer
  • Richard Chancellor in 1553 of England makes
    contact through Archangel on the White Sea
  • England has access to eastern goods (from Persia)

Russian culture before Peter the Great
  • Asiatic
  • Course and crude
  • Men wore beards, skirted garments
  • Drunkenness, religious piety
  • women wore veils and were secluded
  • Religion was mystical and superstitious
  • Little respect for life
  • Murder, kidnapping, torture, physical cruelty
  • Little support for education or charitable
  • No respect for learning or sentiments of humanity
  • Geometry was a sin
  • Abhorred of God is any who loves geometry it is
    a spiritual sin Russian bishop
  • Arithmetic was little understood
  • Arabic numerals were not used
  • Abacus was instrument of trade
  • Ability to predict eclipse magic
  • Manufacturing was non-existent
  • Some European characteristics
  • Manorial and feudal organization

Early Tsars
  • Ivan the Terrible (1553-1584) the first Tsar
  • Consolidates authority under his title
  • Inherited throne at 3
  • Mother murdered by nobles at 7
  • Had a virgin competition (girls over 12) to
    choose a bride
  • Used Bible to give instructions on torture
    methods (so it was like hell)
  • Killed son in fit of rage with his staff
  • Buried in a monks habit
  • At Ivans death Time of troubles(1604-1613)
  • War and infighting
  • 1613 Michael Romanov (17) was elected Tsar
  • Romanov in the one and only dynasty
  • Begins to repress representative institutions
  • Move toward absolute monarchy

Serfdom in Russia
  • serfs had some mobility
  • Plains and Siberia
  • Landlords move to secure a labor force
  • Manors become slave plantations
  • Laws make serfs fugitives if they leave
  • Lords have right to recover limitless
  • Killing of a serf could be squared by giving the
    lord another
  • Civil rights of peasants deteriorate
  • bonded to the land
  • bonded to the lord
  • 1625 law allowed lords to sell peasants (chattel)
  • Stephen Razin lead a serf revolt with some
    success (Great Peasant Revolt (1670-71)
  • Outfitted fleet on Caspian and invaded Persia,
    sacked cities on Volga
  • 1671 he was executed
  • Results in more repression of the serfs

Peter and the Orthodox Church
  • Orthodox Church is largely controlled by the Tsar
    after 1589
  • promoting the concept of Holy Russia
  • Constantinople is controlled by the Turks
  • Russia sets up its own Patriarch
  • Reforms led to split between new and old
  • Further divides the peasants (old believers) from
    the government
  • Church is willing to reform from within
  • Rejects reforms from the west (Peter)
  • Peter puts control of the Church under a
    committee of bishops with a civil representative
    to keep the Church in line
  • Peter secularizes the Church and makes himself
    the head after the European model
  • This follows the trend in Europe of secularized
    control of religion

Peter the Great Foreign Affairs and Territorial
  • Expansion
  • Exposure to the West
  • Europeanization would have been more gradual
    w/out Peter
  • Initiated a social revolution
  • Met Europeans of other nationalities in Moscow
    (German quarter) when he was a boy
  • Met Westerners at Archangel and took lessons in
  • Spent over year in Holland and England and saw
    how backward Russia was
  • Worked as a ships carpenter in Amsterdam and
    talked with business and political leaders
  • Visited workshops, mines, hospitals, forts
  • Unlike other Europeans monarchs (very tall,
    unpretentious, dressed carelessly, practical
    joker, slob, mixed easily with commoners

Swedish threat recedes
  • Poles hoped to Catholicize Russia
  • Soon no longer a menace as nobles squabbled
  • Peter formed alliance with Poland against Sweden
    in 1697
  • Charles XII was known to kill sheep in his room
    for enjoyment
  • Great general
  • Routed Peters 40 thousand with only 8 thousand
    at b of Narava
  • While Charles pursued Poland Peter modernized
    army in Western model
  • Charless army greatly weakened by Russian winter
    of 1709 was destroyed at Poltava in S. Russia
  • Peter conquered Livonia, parts of Finland and
    went as far as the Elbe
  • Treaty of Nystadt (1721) ended Northern War and
    gave Russia Baltic shore

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War and Imperial Russia
  • Wars helped father Russia
  • Peter eliminated the elite but rebellious
    streltsi (Moscow guard) and rebuild army from
    bottom up
  • Used European officers, uniformed troops in
    Western styled, organized them in regiments,
    armed them with muskets, artillery

Founding of St. Petersburg
  • Named after himself and patron saint
  • His chief window on the West
  • Established offices of gov, made noblemen build
    town houses, encouraged foreign merchants,
    craftsmen to settle
  • Meant to be new symbol of Russia (facing Europe)
  • Made it the new capital (until 1917)
  • Called Leningrad in 1924 but back to Petersburg
    in 1991

Internal Changes under Peter
  • Mercantilism encouraged
  • Money needed to pay for expanding government
  • Taxes on land inns, mills, hats, leather,
    coffins, right to marry, sell meat, wear a beard,
    be Old Believer were imposed
  • Fell mostly on peasants
  • Organized commercial companies and gave them
    capital, labor supply (serfs)
  • Serfs in Industry
  • Gave owners right to sell serfs without land and
    move them from landed estates into mines, or
    industrial activity
  • New Administrative System
  • Got rid of Duma and national assembly
  • Made a senate dependent on himself, 10
    territorial areas called governments (gubernii) a
    Latin word
  • He was at top of structure, autocrat
  • Abolished rule of hereditary succession and said
    tsar could name his own successor
  • Required state of service
  • All landowning aristocrats required to serve in
    army or civil admin.
  • Birth counted for nothing
  • tax administrator Kurbatov was an ex-serf

Peters Social Revolution
  • Attempted to reeducate Russians
  • Required gentry to put sons in school
  • Simplified Russian alphabet
  • Edited 1st newspaper
  • Ordered book of etiquette (not to spit of floor,
    scratch themselves, gnaw bones at dinner, take
    off hats, converse pleasantly, give eye contact,
    converse with women)
  • Ordered beards to be shaved (he himself did in
    court to nobles)
  • No respect for aristocratic status (torturing
    them as he would peasants)

Results of Peters Revolution
  • Resistance to Reform
  • Some thought he was going too fast, xenophobic
  • Son, Alexis said he would stop Peters program
    (Peter had him killed)
  • Died in 1725
  • His changes stuck
  • The methods used, force fastened autocracy,
    serfdom, bureaucracy on country
  • Exclusion of Peasants
  • Still regarded as brutes and children and did not
    become European by Peter
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