Title: Releasing Leadership Potential of Women Students
1Releasing Leadership Potential of Women Students
2The Context
- Women students constitute over 35 enrolment in
higher education - Percentage of women in leadership role very low
3The Issues
- Why are there so few women in leadership
positions? - Why do we need more women in leadership
positions? - How do we bring more women to leadership
4Why are there so few women in leadership
5Why do we need more women in leadership positions?
- Fully utilise 50 of human resources
- Women equally gifted, talented, competent to
provide leadership - Collaborative, co-operative style of women more
conducive to leadership - Need women as role models
- To bring womens issues and problems to focus
6How do we bring more women to leadership
- Capacity building for
- Overcoming psychological glass ceiling
- Personal inadequacies
- Equip women handle and face challenges of
- Gender stereotype
- Inequality
- Discrimination
- Create women friendly
- Policies
- Structures
7Leadership matrix
Leadership skill
Concern for women
8What are the special needs of women students?
9Objectives of Training
The 4 Cs
Develop Competence for implementing the initiative
10Some Good Practices Personal Development
- Develop leadership skills
- Conduct confidence-building exercises
- Provide training in assertiveness
- Develop communication skills
- Hold exercises for clarification of values
- Help women face fears and doubts
- Encourage students to set high targets
- Develop plans for achieving them
11Some Good Practices Gender Issues
- Introduce women related themes and topics for
discussion and debate - Make the students read and write on womens
issues - Conduct various gender sensitization programs
- Develop awareness of stereotyping of sexual roles
and ways of responding to it - Sensitize women to be alert to bias in media
- Interview women who have been discriminated
against - Interview women who have been successful
12Some Good Practices Social Concerns
- Get students involved in community outreach
programs - Provide opportunities for participation in group
exercises - Inculcate a sense of unity to fight for the
common cause
13Steps Involved
Plan for future
Review, share experiences
Conduct training of trainer programmes
Allocate infrastructure
Allocate time
Procure funds
Identify change agents (Teachers, NGOs, ASC, WSC)
Develop training manual
Gender sensitization of educational
administrators (VCs, Principals)