Drosophila melanogaster By: Jen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Drosophila melanogaster By: Jen


4 chrms where chrm #1 is the X chrm, and chrms #2-4 are autosomes ... Metamorphosis: Disintegration of larval tissues and their replacement through ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Drosophila melanogaster By: Jen

Drosophila melanogasterBy Jen Bo
Structure and Organization of genome
  • Genome is about 5 of the human genome in size
  • 13,600 genes
  • 4 chrms where chrm 1 is the X chrm, and chrms
    2-4 are autosomes
  • Female XX Male XY where Y plays no role in
    determination of a male, but the ratio of the
    of Xs
  • Low chrm number is a key advantage for genetic
    studies because it simplifies most genetic
  • Polytene chrms (giant chrms that have many
    identical chromatids) allow efficient mapping of
    the fly genome since they only contain small
    amount of DNA

Life Cycle
  • Very detailed life cycle
  • Takes appox. 10 days from fertilization to
    emergence of adult fly (25 C)
  • A female can produce 3000 progeny in her
    lifetime the male can have over 10,000 offspring
  • Embryo develops into first, second, and third
    instar and then into the pupal case
  • Metamorphosis Disintegration of larval tissues
    and their replacement through the proliferation
    and differentiation of cells (reorganization of
    flys body plan)
  • Most structures including the eyes, wings, legs,
    genitalia generate from the imaginal discs

Techniques of Genetic Analysis
  • Crossing over occurs only in females making it
    possible to maintain linkage relationships
  • Balancer chrm are used to allow mutations to be
    carried onto progeny w/o changes from crossing
    over (D.6)
  • P-elements act like vectors to introduce clone
    DNA into the organism (inject the ends w/o the
    transposase coinject the transposase w/o the
    ends) D.8
  • P elements once inside allow geneticist to track
    a gene of interest through progeny

Techniques continued
  • Once a P insertion is found, plasmid rescue can
    be performed (D.9)
  • A powerful way to detect genes that are turned on
    in specific tissues is through enhancer trapping
    (identification of P-element insertion lines
    w/B-galactosidase patterns)
  • Lineage compartments are variations of the same
    body part
  • Genetic mosaics can be created to determine the
    pathway of the compartment

Mosaic Analysis
  • Mosaic analysis can be used to follow genes of
  • Mitotic recombination is used to produce clones
    of cells homozygous for a mutation allowing the
    flies to reach adulthood
  • The use of FLP and heat shock to allow
    recombination to occur resulting in high
    frequency of clones and several clones on each

Ectopic Expression
  • Expression outside the cells or tissue where the
    gene is normally expressed
  • GAL4 method highly versatile tool for studying
    Drosophila development due to the large number of
    enhancer trap lines expressed in many different

Drosophila Genome Project
  • We share 61 of genes w/homologs in the fly
  • Flies only have one copy of genes making
    mutations more easier noticeable
  • Future Goals isolate P-element insertional
    alleles of as many genes as possible
  • Different knockout techniques most efficient to
    eliminate different functions of genes

The End
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