Title: Climate Change II
1Climate Change II Guest Lecturer Jeff Chaumba,
Ph.D. student Geology
2- Monday Exam focused on water resources,
- Water pollution, coastal processes
oceanography, glaciers, ice age and climate
change - Through this lecture (already on web)
3Indicators of Global Warming First three are
highly robust indicators
4Almost all alpine glaciers are retreating
5Sea level rising at a rate of about 12-14 cm/100
years (note it was Dropping before 1910)
6Arctic summer ice Minimum becoming smaller
Nat Geog
7Arctic summer ice Minimum Northwest Passage May
be feasible soon
8Today air temperature Appears to be rising 10
hottest years on record Are red
9Earths energy Balance interior Heat is trivial
compared To Suns input
10Electromagnetic Spectrum Note difference
between Visible light and infrared radiation
11Type of radiation a body Emits depends on Tsun
Emits shorter wavelenght Visible light, Earth
emits Infrared radiation
12Thus much of heat From sun radiated Back towards
space By the earth
13But greenhouse gases Trap the heatjust Like a
greenhouse does
14As in this example Where plants Adapted to
Warmer climates Grow in a Greenhouse on tundra
15Earths atmosphere CO2, CH4, O3, H2O are key
greenhouse gases
16Thus, Higher CO2 higher air temperatures
17CO2 emissions by Region and per person Width of
bar is Proportional to Population Height of
bar is Proportional To amount emitted
18CO2 emissions by Region and per person US leads
in per person Carbon footprint
19 fossil Fuel consumption not Only culprit. Note
land use contribution From S. Am. And Africa
20Land clearing more rapid oxidation of C in the
cleared forest plants CO2 increase in atmosphere
21Because of economic Growth, Future Chinese and
Indian Consumption a key issue for This century
22Projections Sea level Rise. Two scenarios
23Insect life cycles Adapt quicklymammals Not so
quickly In this case hatching Of flycatcher
infants Is later than optimum Because insects Are
adapting more quickly
24 Sitka spruce die-off In Alaska due To beetle
infestation As a consequence Of warming
25Vegetation belts are Likely to shift
26Vegetation belts are Likely to shift
significantly Note expansion of arid Conditions
to the east In the southeastern US
27As is happening now in the Sahel Black lines
current rainfall Red lines 1931-1960 So arid
conditions moving south
Nat. Geog.
28Current Effects
29If all the ice Meltednot a Likely scenario