Title: Heesook Cheon
1 The impact of Learners Immediate Responses to
Corrective Feedback on L2 Learning
Presented by Heesook Cheon
2Literature Review
4Research Questions
6(No Transcript)
7Data Collection
8 Data Analysis
1. Learners Immediate Responses to FB
- Majority of FB offered opportunities for learners
to produce MO - 78-79 of FB elicited learner MO (learners
usability of that FB) - No significant differences bet, FTF and CMC
- (Interaction modes have no effect on the
production of MO)
10 2. The effect of modified output to feedback
on the 2nd task
- 2nd Task Performance was examined
- 70-80 of the erroneous forms were produced
correctly in Task2 - The effect of MO (source of score)
- The effect of FB which led to no MO (CMC group)
- (Interaction modes have no effect on the
production of MO)
113. The Differences between Groups
Figure1. The Comparison of FTF CMC groups
Figure 2. The effect of FB
- FB offered the opportunities for learners to
produce MO - - NS response repetition pause
- 2. Learners accurately used the form they
modified in response to FB in Task 1 - (the effect of MO)
- 3. CMC group took advantage of FB which had not
led to MO (the effect of mode)
1. FB has a significant effect on L2 learning
only when that FB leads to MO 2. The finding
corroborates the previous study (McDonough,
2005) 3. Further study is needed to decide the
long-term effect of learners IR to FB to
clarify the mode effect