Title: Meeting the needs of deaf children with cochlear implants
1Meeting the needs of deaf children with cochlear
- Sue Archbold
- The Ear Foundation
- Shaping the future for deaf children in London,
Camden, 7 May 09
2Times have changed..
- First paediatric cochlear implant in UK 1989
The Ear Foundation in Nottingham - And now?
- What do we know?
- What have we learned?
3And now?
- The majority of profoundly deaf children have
implants over 4,000 in UK - Increasingly in first year of life
- Increasingly in teens.
- Increasingly complex children
- Increasingly bilaterally implanted - or hearing
aid and implant - Increasingly deaf children of deaf parents
m n ng
Hearing Thresholds
5Very early implantation
- Evidence of safety and effectiveness
- Lesinski et al (2006) safe and effective in
first year of life - Svirsky (2006) implanted at one doing better
than at two - Dettman et al (2008) implanted under one
development of spoken language in normal
development. - National Libraries for Health via
6Short term measureTAIT analysis Early
communication skills?
- TAIT video analysis we know that communication
skills before implantation predict later progress
and at one year after implantation predict
progress at three years after implantation (Tait
et al, EH, 2000) - So
- Tait et al (2007)
- Comparing those implanted at 1, 2 and 3
7Margaret looked at Non Looking Vocal Turns)
- 33 children implanted at 1 (1.0 1.11)
- 33 children implanted at 2 (2.0 2.11)
- 33 at 3 (3.0 3.11)
- Children implanted at Nottingham Cochlear Implant
8Non Looking Vocal Turn Results one year after
- 3 NLVT mean 15.4 median 5
- 2 NLVT mean 19.5 median 20
- 1 NLVT mean 66.3 median 71
- Children implanted at 1 scored significantly
higher after 12 months than children implanted at
2 or 3 - Statistical significance plt 0.0001 between 1
and 2 or 3 NS between 2 and 3
9Communication changes in early implanted children
- 12 months after implantation
- 3 Sign 82, Oral 18
- 2 Sign 70, Oral 30
- 1 Sign 15, Oral 85 plt 0.0001
- 1 6 months after implantation Oral 61
10Changing communication 3 phase project
- Phase 1 176 children who had received an
implant at least five years previously at
Nottingham Cochlear Implant Programme looking at
communication mode over time - Phase 2 Questionnaires sent to families of 284
children who had received a cochlear implant at
least 5 years previously, asking why changes had
taken place. -
- Phase 3 12 families selected for interview to
look at the issues further -
11Phase one
- 176 children from Nottingham Cochlear Implant
Programme - All those implanted for at least five years.
- Documented whether using oral or signed
communication, before and annually after
implantation - Does communication mode change over time
12Communication changes after implantation effect
of age at implant on changing use of sign
The Ear Foundation
Watson et al, 2006
13Those implanted young changing Percentages
using oral communication or sign
communicationimplanted under three
14Phase 2 - Aims
- Phase 1 showed that children change their
communication mode after cochlear implantation
BUT - We did not know what factors contribute to this
- Phase 2 examines what parents/carers thought
contributed to change of communication between
sign and speech by questionnaire
15Parents of 142 children replied
- We asked about communication mode before implant
and currently (at least five years after) on a
five point scale entirely sign, mainly sign,
about equal, mainly speech, entirely speech. - 120 indicated a change in communication choice
- 113 towards spoken language
- 7 towards signed communication
16They were then asked to comment on 10 statements
about possible reasons for a change of
- The three statements with which parents most
strongly agreed - Want most effective means of communication
- Want the most useful means of communication
- Change was led by the childs preference for
spoken language
17Sample comments
- It was a very natural and child driven change to
spoken language. He prefers spoken language both
receptively and productively. - Our communication mode has always been motivated
by ltchilds namegt request. - We have not dictated the communication methods
but have followed ltchild's namegt lead he tells
us to speak not sign. - ltchilds namegt says he doesnt need sign
language any more. - The change was made because we followed our
child's lead once spoken language began to
18One statement on which they were neutral
- Parents neither agreed not disagreed with the
statement that they were following the advice of
the teacher of the deaf - Take no notice of professionals advice?
- Parents make their decisions independently of
advice from professionals (fits with aim of
professionals to provide parents with unbiased
advice so they can make an informed choice)
Watson et al, JDSDE, 2007
19Phase 3 Interviews with 12 families
- They discussed a communication journey
- Different strategies may be used at different
times - Childrens needs changed over time
- Main goal was spoken language but a value of sign
input too. - Wheeler et al, CII, 2008
20 The Communication Journey
Before implant
Development of Spoken Language supported by
Spoken Language established increased interest
in use of sign SSE or BSL
Most effective communication(oral or sign,
Reduction f of Sign/SSE
21Mum talkingabout choices
22It worked for me!
23Moving on from the old arguments
- Many parents and young people see a role for some
sign too. - Although spoken language is the major goal and
attainable for the majority
24Challenge the old views
- Is there a role for Sign Supported English?
- The world of deaf young people has changed and
will continue to change - They want new options
25Moving on from the old arguments?
- Cochlear implantation with the level of the
hearing it provides may help us do so
26We still have a problem
The Ear Foundation
- We know that earlier implantation is more
successful although we dont know yet how early - So we need to advise early implantation - but
- We also know that there are important things for
parents to do with a young baby
27What about educational attainments?
The Ear Foundation
- Cochlear implantation is set in a
medical/scientific context - the major goal is
hearing - Teachers of deaf children may have differing
agendas..differing prioritiesdiffering goals
what about educational attainments?
28Family and educational outcomes
The Ear Foundation
- Educational issues
- Stacey et al 2006 2853 children 468 with
implants improvements in educational
attainments, compared with those with hearing
aids - Thoutenhoofd, 2006 Scottish data to show
children with implants outperformed those with
hearing aids, particularly in maths - Damen et al, 2006,2007 children with implants
did less well than hearing children in mainstream
schools similar results to Mukari et al
The Ear Foundation
- Reading is key to educational attainment
- Traditionally a major challenge for deaf children
- Reading levels predict later educational
30Reading outcomes..
The Ear Foundation
- Geers (2003) found over half scored within the
average range for hearing children (181) - Geers,Tobey and Moog (2005) when retesting group
later found that some were struggling with
reading at secondary level higher order
language skills required - (Vermeulen 2007) Reading comprehension of
children with implants significantly better than
those without, but still delayed compared with
hearing peers (50)
31Reading outcomes.. Nottingham Cochlear Implant
The Ear Foundation
- Reading age (Edinburgh Reading Test) 105
children, implanted under 7 - Measure The difference between their reading
age and their chronological age net reading age - A child of 9 with reading age of 9 scores 0
- A child of 9 with reading age of 10 scores 1
- A child of 9 with reading age of 8 scores -1
- Archbold et al, 2008
325 years after implant Gap (in years) v Age at
implant Edinburgh Reading Test
The Ear Foundation
33What do we know? children and young people with
implants are
- Using them
- Increasingly going to mainstream schools
- Increasingly using spoken language
- Reading at improved levels
- Pragmatic about their use and use of sign..
- Comfortable with their identityits a new world
34How can we facilitate the journey?
- What do young people say?
- Interviewed 29 young people across UK
13-17years used Nvivo software - Funded by NDCS
- All except two wore all of the time
- Benefit
- Rating 1-5 all gave a score of 3 or above
- Occasional non-use
- Swimming! Bathing/shower etc
- Sports
- Very noisy situations/Headache
36Cochlear Implant
- Decision-Making
- Mostly parental on behalf of child
- Some mid late implanted young people making the
decision for themselves - None criticised their parents
- I respect them for making that decision
- I was too young to understand but Im OK with
- All mentioned positive things
- Yes cochlear implants work because you can hear
more, talking to friends, understand everything,
go out and have a good time. - Without the implant I would not manage.
- I dont like it if its not working because I
dont know whats happening
- Some disadvantages
- In noisy situations it is hard to hear people
talking - Four mentioned headaches
- Three complained the post aural processor fell
off during sports - Two mentioned not liking going to hospital
39Family and Social Relationships
- Family
- Positive about communication
- Friends
- Mostly a mix of hearing or deaf
- Flexible communication skills, speech and/or sign
depending on need. - Social gatherings
- Groups for meeting other implanted Teenagers
- Deaf or hearing?
- 15/29 Deaf
- 7/29 Hearing and Deaf
- 6/29 Hearing
- Im deaf but I hear with my implant.
- Had a flexible view of themselves- its a
changing world - Pragmatic about communication mainly used
speech but valued sign too.
41Identity 2
Im a normal teenage boy Im a bit of both
when Im at the airport and theres all these
announcements I think Im deaf and weird! I do!
When Im at the deaf club I think Im deaf but
here with my family Im in the middle (female,
spoken language, congenital/genetic) To be
honest inside me Id say Im hearing because I
can hear what everyone else is saying (male,
spoken language, congenital)
42Educational Issues
- Cochlear Implant
- Implant helps understanding in classroom (76)
- Sign support is as important as CI (7)
- Need visual clues but may be different to those
previously provided for profoundly deaf - Use of note-takers rather than signed support
- Pre-class preparation
- Address the acoustics in the classroom
- Teaching styles
43 Conclusions
- Booklet AND paper
- Wheeler et al, 2007, JDSDE
- www.earfoundation.org.uk
- Follow up projects Now looking at their needs in
secondary school
44European wide study asking what is needed... the
strongest message from parents and
- Training for local professionals was by far the
most common issue to be raised by parents and
professionals - Especially in mainstream, for teachers and
classroom assistants, - the need for long-term
management, the management of technology - early support was not continuing, new teachers
need training, support into adulthood better
local services and links with cochlear implant
centres. - Supported by Cochlear Europe
45Parents talking.
- Need to realize that ci is not a quick fix and
the children still need support in whatever
educational provision they are in whether signing
or oral, mainstream or special - Most day to day support is from parents and
teachers they need to be well informed - Our son had implant at brilliant centre, and was
sent to school with little knowledge we have
been fighting for an education which will help
him to develop his CI use best (Archbold
Wheeler, submitted)
46Review of parents needs after cochlear
implantation(with NDCS)
- It is dreadful in my experience. It is
incomprehensible that my daughter could receive
60K worth of technology and no clear plan about
how to enable her to make best use of it.
Complete waste of resources with lots of people
'involved' in her care but doing very little of
any use other than endless assessment. Thank
goodness for the voluntary sector. CI centre care
great at technical support
47Review of Parents. (NDCS)
- The message needs to be sent out loud and clear
that CI is not a miracle cure for deafness. Our
son is doing extremely well with his CI but
because of this, he is regarded as not needing
support, which is wrong.
48A parents view.
- My biggest problem was the over-expectation of
family and friends and the under-expectations of
the professionals.