Title: Section 2 Regulated Medical Waste
1Section 2Regulated Medical Waste
- Environmental Health and Safety
- SUNY at Stony Brook
2 Training Objectives
- Recognize hazards of biological wastes
- Learn how to safely manage biological waste
material - Learn how to select the appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) - Learn what actions to take in an emergency or
spill involving biological waste
3- Stericycle is the new RMW (boxes only) contractor
effective June 1, 2008
4Regulated Medical Waste (RMW)
- Regulated Medical Waste
- Any solid waste generated in the diagnosis,
treatment, or immunization of human beings or
animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in
the production or testing of biologicals. - Material that has come in contact with blood,
body fluids or other potentially infectious
material (OPIM)
5Regulated Medical Waste
- Other Potentially Infectious Materials
- "Other potentially infectious materials means
those body fluids identified as potentially
capable of transmitting a communicable disease.
6 What is RMW?
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Synovial fluid
- Pleural fluid
- Pericardial fluid
- Peritoneal fluid
- Amniotic fluid
- Biological materials in labs (etiologic)
- Saliva in dental procedures
- Any body fluid visibly contaminated with blood
- Unfixed human tissue or organ
7 What is RMW?
- Cell(s), tissue, organ cultures or culture medium
containing OPIM
- Blood, organs or other tissues from infected
experimental animals
- Bandages dripping with blood
- Household waste, i.e. diapers
- hygiene products, are not RMW
8 What is RMW?
- Used or unused sharps, including
- hypodermic needle
- scalpel blades
- pasteur pipettes
- any glass or plastic that has contacted
infectious materials
9 What is RMW?
- Chemotherapy Waste
- Chemotherapy contaminated wastes with trace
may be packaged in a yellow bag and disposed of
as trace contaminated chemotherapy waste.
10 Handling RMW Safely
- To reduce exposures by contact
- Keep hands away from mouth, nose, eyes, face
- Wash hands immediately after contact or when work
is completed
11 Handling RMW Safely
- To reduce exposures by contact
- Decontaminate work surfaces immediately after
spills and after work - Wear appropriate PPE
- Do not smoke, eat, drink or store food in work
12What are the 4 routes of exposure?
- Absorption
- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Injection
13 Handling RMW Safely
- Packaging
- RMW must be packaged in a closed red bag, tied
and placed into a sturdy cardboard box or fiber
drum - Waste that has the potential to leak must be
double bagged
14 Handling RMW Safely
- Packaging RMW Boxes
- Must have the word BIO-HAZARD
- Must be sealed with tape
- Must have the name of the Generator on each bag
(Stony Brook EHS will supply pre-labeled bags) - Fiber drums must be kept closed
- There must be a bar-code affixed to the outside
of each box or container
15This is why each bag must be labeled..
- It is estimated that over 400,000 people suffer
the trauma of a sharps injury each year - Therefore, alternative sharps collection
containers have been implemented throughout
campus (Daniels Sharpsmart) in an effort to
reduce exposure/incidents
17Daniels Container
- Reusable
- Puncture Proof
- Locking System
- Removes Hazard
- Closable
18 Handling RMW Safely
- Sharps
- All sharps must be disposed of in puncture-
resistant plastic containers and labeled with the
biohazard symbol - Smaller sharps containers may be placed in a RMW
box for disposal
19 Handling Sharps Safely
- To reduce injuries from sharps
- Keep sharp objects in view
- Use appropriate gloves to prevent cuts, punctures
and skin exposure
20 Transporting RMW Safely
- During RMW Transport
- Wear PPE (i.e. gloves, lab coat, etc.)
- Have spill clean-up material available or, at
minimum, know where it is (i.e. absorbent pads,
bleach solution, etc.)
21Transportation of RMW
- During Transport
- Use the freight elevator or limit access to
22Waste Handling Practices
- RMW Transport
- When lifting boxes, support them from underneath
23 Disposal of RMW
- Disposal of RMW
- Bring RMW to designated locations during
scheduled dates - call EHS for schedule _at_ 2-6410
or log into our website _at_ http//www.stonybrook.ed
u/ehs/ - RMW must never be left on loading docks, freight
elevator lobbies or any unrestricted location
24 RMW Recordkeeping
- RMW Recordkeeping
- Have a fully completed internal RMW manifest
ready before you transport your RMW to your
designated drop-off location - Internal RMW manifests are used to track waste
on-campus - Departments must fill in all information
- Keep a copy of the manifest for your records
25 RMW Transport
- The University Hospital, Individual
Departments/Entities or Research Foundation pay
for disposal according to current RMW disposal
rates - RMW is loaded onto a licensed and permitted truck
before it is brought to an incineration facility
26 Disposal of Empty Containers
- Under no circumstances may a container labeled
with the words - infectious, sharps and/or
- regulated medical waste
- or labeled with the
- biohazard symbol be
- disposed of in the
- regular trash.
27 Waste Minimization
- Source Reduction
- Do not mix RMW with
- regular trash (otherwise the
- whole load becomes RMW)
- Waste Minimization is Pollution Prevention
- Pollution Prevention not only helps
- everyones bottom line, but it also helps
- protect the environment
28Waste Management Practices
- Housekeeping
- All work areas, benches and floors must be clean,
dry uncluttered - Do not block emergency equipment
- Working alone should be avoided
- Undergraduates must not work alone
29 Personal Contamination
- Assist victim with first aid
- Always seek prompt medical attention
- University Police 911 Campus Phone
- University Police Cell Phone 632-3333
- File an incident report with your Department
within 24 hours - Specific OSHA paperwork required for BBP exposure
30 First Aid
- Splash to the Eyes
- Immediately flush with copious
- amounts of water for at least
- 15 minutes
- Splash to the Body
- Remove contaminated clothing
- Immediately flush with copious amounts of water
for at least 15 minutes
31 Emergency Eyewashes
- Squeeze handle to operate located at most sinks
32Emergency Showers
- Pull handle to operate
- Located in hallways
33 Biohazard Spills
- You may clean-up small spills if you
- Have the supplies to absorb and bag the
- spilled material
- Are familiar with the properties of the spilled
- materials
- Have the proper personal protective
- equipment
34 Biohazard Spills
- Decontamination - use bleach, diluted to 110
with water - to decontaminate the spill area
- to clean/decontaminate equipment used in spill
35 Biohazard Spills
- Cover spilled area with absorbent pad or paper
towels - Pour diluted bleach over towels, let stand for 30
36 Biohazard Spills
- To reduce the number of employees at risk of
exposure - Restrict access to the work area
- Provide warnings of hazards and advice about
special requirements
37 Emergency Condition
- Any Spill, Leak, Fire or other uncontrolled
release that presents a hazard to human health or
the environment - Any person discovering an imminent or actual
emergency which is not readily controllable with
equipment on hand, must contact University Police
(911 or 632-3333)
38 Emergency Procedures
- If there is a fire involved, immediately pull the
fire alarm begin evacuation - Contact University Police from a safe area to
notify them of the fire and spill so that the
HAZMAT Team can - be dispatched
39 Emergency Procedures
- The following information must be provided to
University Police - Your name, phone number, and Department
- The location of the spill
- Time of the spill
- Identity of what spilled
- Quantity of spilled material
- Extent of injuries, if any
40 Emergency Procedures
- Notify others in the area about the spill and
post a warning sign if time/conditions allow - If the spill or leak of hazardous material may
affect others outside of the immediate area,
evacuate the area or pull the fire alarm to
notify everyone and begin a larger evacuation
41 Regulated Medical Waste Management
Section 2
42 TEST - Question
Household waste is considered Regulated Medical
Waste (RMW). True ____ or
False ____ ____
43 TEST - Question
Under no circumstances may a container labeled
with the words infectious, sharps and/or
regulated medical waste or labeled with the
biohazard symbol be disposed of in the regular
trash. True ____ or False
44 TEST - Question
Regulated Medical Waste containers must A)
Contain the words Bio-Hazard B) Show the name
of waste generator C) Be closed when being stored
and during transport D) All of the above
45 TEST - Question
Select the correct answer A) Sharps may be
disposed with regular trash B) RMW may be placed
into black bags C) RMW should be packaged such
that it will not leak out off its
container D) RMW boxes do not need to be sealed
with tape
46 TEST - Question
RMW may be left by the freight elevator for the
EHS staff, if you miss their pick-up
schedule. True _____ or
47 TEST - Question
Which of the following must be handled as
regulated medical waste? A) amniotic fluid B)
bandages dripping with blood C) unfixed human
tissue D) saliva from dental procedures E) All of
the above
48 TEST - Question
- You may clean up a biological/RMW spill if
- There is nobody else around to clean it up, even
if you do not have the right supplies - B) You feel symptoms of exposure
- C) You have the proper personal protection and
are trained to do so
49 TEST - Question
Fill in The Blank To report a major biological
spill, fire or other emergency, contact
University Police by dialing _ _ _ or _ _ _ - _ _
_ _.
50 TEST - Question
Which of the following is not Regulated Medical
Waste (RMW)? A) Used hypodermic needles B) Body
fluid contaminated with blood C) Culture dishes
containing infectious materials D)
Diapers E) All of the above
51 TEST - Question
- If you have a Regulated Medical
- Waste spill, you should
- Use bleach, diluted with 110 water,
- to disinfect the spill area
- Use only water to clean it up
- Dispose of the spill cleanup debris in
- the trash
- Leave it for someone else to clean up
52 CONGRATULATIONS!!! Youve completed
Environmental Health Safetys Regulated Medical
Waste Management Training Class Dont forget
to return your completed test/certification page
to EHS at Z6200