Title: Marie Curie Actions
1Marie Curie Actions
- DG for Research
- The Human Factor, Mobility and Marie Curie
Actions - International Fellowships Division RTD.D.5
- European Commission
- Office SDME 2/25
- B-1049 Brussels
- Belgium Fax 32 2 296 0560
Nicholas Newman, 6 February 2003
Contents ?
- Competition
- Mobility Policy
- Objectives
- Complementarities
- Major New Features
- Host-driven Actions
- Individual-driven Actions
- Excellence Promotion Recognition
- Return Reintegration Mechanisms
- Cooperation with Member States Associated
Countries - Cooperation with other Programmes
- Calendar, Calls and Eligible Expenses
- Evaluation Criteria
- Information
- Conclusion
- ? 4
- ? 10
- ? 11
- ? 12
- ? 13
- ? 14
- ? 19
- ? 24
- ? 25
- ? 27
- ? 27
- ? 28
- ? 30
- ? 31
- ? 33
Contents ?
3Notice to the Reader
- This presentation is based on
- the Sixth RTD Framework Programme Decision
1513/2002/EC of 27/06/2002, OJ L232 of 29/08/2002 - the Specific Programme Structuring Decision
2002/835/EC of 30/09/2002, OJ L294 of 29/10/2002 - the corresponding participation rules -
Regulation 2321/2002 of 16/12/2002, OJ L355 of
30/12/2002 - the Work Programme Decision C(2002)4791 of
6/12/2002 - the Calls for Proposals FP6-2002-Mobility-6, 7
12, OJ C315 of 17/12/2002 - to which reference should be made before making a
Contents ?
4RD Spending
Total RD spending as a of GDP
USA 2.7
Contents ?
5RD Spending
Total RD spending as a of GDP
Japan 3.1
USA 2.7
Contents ?
6RD Spending
Total RD spending as a of GDP
Japan 3.1
USA 2.7
EU-15 1.8
Contents ?
7Human Resourcesin Industrial Research
Number of Researchers in firms per thousand
active personnel (1997)
Contents ?
8Human Resourcesin Industrial Research
Number of Researchers in firms per thousand
active personnel (1997)
Contents ?
9Human Resourcesin Industrial Research
Number of Researchers in firms per thousand
active personnel (1997)
Contents ?
- Mobility Working Group
- Met Reported in 2001
- Obstacles to Mobility in and between countries
- Commission Communication on Mobility COM(2001)331
final of 20/06/2001 - Mobility Steering Group
Contents ?
- To reinforce scientific excellence in Europe, and
links with the rest of the world - By
- Training European researchers in Europe
- Training Europeans outside Europe
- Training researchers from other countries in
Europe - Offering European researchers outside Europe the
possibility to return to European research
Contents ?
12Human Resourcesand Mobility Coherence and
- Maximum continuity Increased flexibility
- Marie Curie name
- Opening of schemes to third country nationals
- No age limit
- Reintegration measure(including incentives to
return to Europe) - Promotion of Excellence
Contents ?
- Marie Curie Research Training Networks
- Structured training for and through research, and
transfer of knowledge - Partnerships between research teams
- Flexibility and autonomy in management
- 4 year contracts, training periods between 3
months 3 years - 3rd country hosts may join networks
Contents ?
- Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early stage
Research Training - 1 - Early Stage Training Fellows Any age with lt 4
years full time research experience and without a
doctorate - Fellows from 3rd Countries are allowed (max 30)
- Must meet mobility rules e.g. In general, not to
country of nationality, not to country where one
has been for gt12 months in last 3 years. Check
rules carefully !
Contents ?
- Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early stage
Research Training - 2 - Early Stage Training Hosts
- Public organisations and commercial enterprises
(Commercial/industrial objective 15) - Single applicants from member states, associated
states and International European Interest
Organisations. - Multi-partner applicants At least 3 hosts in at
least 3 different member or associated states, 2
must be from member or associated candidate
states. - Participation of 3rd countries and International
Organisations possible in multi-partner
applications financing only if essential for
objectives of the action.
Contents ?
- Marie Curie Conferences Training Courses
- To allow more experienced researchers to impart
their experience to the younger generation - and promote face-to-face contact between
researchers from all over the world - coherent series of events - a few days to a few
weeks, conferences, summer schools, laboratory
training courses, on one or several themes,
proposed by one or several organizers - large conferences - support to individuals to
attend - Generally in EU and Associated States
Contents ?
- Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of
Knowledge - Higher Education, Research Centres, Enterprises
- Experienced Researchers (gt4 years)
- Develop new areas of competence
- Develop capabilities in Less Favoured Regions and
Associated Candidate Countries - Industry /Academia exchange possibilities (SMEs)
- Up to 2 year stays
Contents ?
- Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships
- To provide advanced training tailored to the
researchers individual needs in order to become
independent. - Who can apply
- Experienced researchers
- Mobility required
- EU or Associated States Nationals
- No age limits
- Host institutions
- Universities, research centres, or enterprises
established and located in an EU or Associated
Contents ?
20Marie CurieInternational Fellowships
Evolution from FP5 to FP6
Contents ?
21(No Transcript)
22Marie Curie OutgoingInternational Fellowships
- Researchers from EU and Associated States
- Minimum 4 years experience or doctorate
- Joint proposal by fellow and host institution
- To Third Countries
- Coherent project up to 3 years with 2 phases
- experience outside Europe up to 2 years and
- obligatory return to Europe,typically half the
duration of the 1st. phase - valorisation in Europe of experience gained
- reinforce relations between EU and third
Contents ?
23Marie Curie IncomingInternational Fellowships
- High level third country researchers
- Minimum 4 years experience or doctorate
- Joint proposal by fellow and host institution
- Towards Europe
- Return mechanism for researchers
- from developing countries
- from emerging and transition economies
- reinforce the research potential of these
countries - strengthen relations between the EU and third
Contents ?
24Promotion and Recognitionof Scientific Excellence
- Marie Curie Excellence Grants
- Creation development of European research teams
of high potential - Marie Curie Excellence Awards
- Prizes of 50 000 public recognition of
excellence - Expected participation in public events to
promote European research - Marie Curie Chairs
- World class researchers of any nationality,
normally 3 year tenure, teaching etc.
Contents ?
25Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants
- Objective
- To assist the professional reintegration of the
research worker who has just completed a Marie
Curie Fellowship - Means
- Lump sum to be used within 1 year
- Reintegration host different from host of initial
fellowship - Priority for reintegration in country of origin
Contents ?
26Marie Curie Return and Reintegration of European
- Having undertaken research outside Europe during
at least 5 years - Precise project evaluated on its intrinsic merits
- Up to 2 years funding for a 3 year contract
- Research project (via host institution)
- Compensate partly for the brain drain
Contents ?
27Cooperation withMember States Associated
Countries,and with other Programmes
- Stimulate a Culture of Mobility
- Support for Cooperation, exchange of information,
best practices etc. with and between countries - Informatics tools, Web Portal etc.
- Support for a European network of Mobility
Centres - Assistance to other (national etc.) Programmes
with mobility elements - promote consistency of approaches and criteria
Contents ?
28Calendar Budget for 2003 2004
Contents ?
29Eligible Expenses
Contents ?
30Evaluation Criteria
- 1. Scientific Quality of Project
- 2. Quality of Research Training
- 3. Quality of Host
- 4. Quality of Researchers
- 5. Management and Feasibility
- 6. Relevance to the objectives of the
Scheme/Activity - 7. Added Value to the Community
Contents ?
- Specific informationhttp//europa.eu.int/mariecu
rie-actions - Questions tortd-mariecurie-actions_at_cec.eu.int
- General information http//europa.eu.int
- General information on research
http//europa.eu.int/comm/research - Information on research programmes
- http//www.cordis.lu
- Information requests research_at_cec.eu.int
- And RTD Info
Contents ?
32The pan-European Researchers Mobility Portal
î What services will be offered?
- General information about research fellowship
programmes or grants - Available opportunities and job offers
- Information about administrative and legal issues
(conditions of entry, social security and tax
schemes etc.) - Tailored and customised help desk function
- General information about research policy issues
relevant for the career development of a
researcher - Forum and other services of particular interest
for mobile researchers
Contents ?
33Mobility of Researchers
- International mobility of researchers is
increasingly important in an increasingly
globalised economy - Mobility of researchers and the attractiveness of
Europe for them are amongst the keys of the
European Research Area and the New Framework
Contents ?