Title: Does Energy Deregulation Affect Your Household?
1Does Energy Deregulation Affect Your Household?
2Dismantling Monopolies
Regulation in the power industry began with the
need for maintaining an uninterruptible supply of
power to the nation. The belief was that such an
important resource as electricity should be kept
in a handful of energy suppliers that could be
easily regulated.
Where in theory this works, in practice it was
flawed. With so much money gathered in one place,
the regulatory process became taken over by
special interests.
3Deregulation Laws
- The concept of deregulation is a simple one. The
more businesses that are allowed to participate
in any given industry means more competition,
higher efficiency product, and lower overall
Starting in the mid 1970s, government began
passing laws to drive down the soaring price of
energy . Over thirty years later and we are now
seeing the fruits of these deregulatory laws
permeate the entire country.
4Choice for Everyone
- In the past, there was very little, if any,
choice regarding your power company. When someone
moved to a new location they were stuck with
whatever company had laid piping there. Companies
did not share infrastructure.
- Deregulatory laws meant that companies could no
longer claim ownership over a territory simply
because they owned the wiring. Infrastructure
became open to other budding energy companies.
For the first time, consumers had the power to
choose their service.
5Economic Choice
- The first place in which deregulatory laws
empowered consumers was the pocketbook.
Competition means offering a better product for
less. For the first time, consumers had the power
to force the energy industry to change.
- Today we enjoy the benefits of choosing how much
we spend and on what we spend it on. This is a
far cry from the pay by necessity model of
former years. Deregulation laws ultimately mean
greater economic freedom.
6Personal Choice
- Deregulation is not only about financial freedom,
but about personal freedom as well. In the past,
businesses need not concern themselves with
listening to the whims of their constituents.
- Through the ability to buy product that
highlights their own convictions, consumers in
America now have great influence on the business
practices of the energy industry.
- The gasoline industry has arguably been one of
the shadiest parts of the nations energy
problems. With such a vast amount of wealth to be
hoarded, companies sought out larger and larger
deposits with little concern for the environment.
- Energy deregulation has meant that companies can
no-longer grab cash hand-over-fist with no
external concern. As consumers have become
liberated, gas companies have had to tow the
- Since its discovery by Benjamin Franklin,
electricity has transformed the world. Likewise,
the ability to send power across an entire State
changed the face of industry.
- Thanks to the laws we have today, cleaner and
less obtrusive ways of sending energy across the
nation have proliferated.
9Green Energy
- One of the most exciting things to happen to the
world of energy is the emergence of green
technologies. In short, green refers to energy
technology that has minimal impact on the
- Energy companies shied away from green
technologies for many years as the cost of
research outweighed the corporate financial
benefit. However, people are demanind cleaner
energy these days, and companies that want to
stay relevant to the market, are changing.
10The Power to Choose
- All of the topics covered in this presentation
amount to the same thing. Energy deregulation has
not only improved the quality of American lives,
but has improved the consumers ability to affect
- Whether the consumer desires to pay for less
expensive energy or is willing to pay more for
cleaner, more sustainable options, the truth is
plain. YOU have the power to choose for yourself.