Title: Smoking Facts
1Smoking Facts
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2Smoking Facts1. Quit Smoking Eventually2.
Wastage of Time3. Underestimate Costs4. Wastage
of Money5. Health Costs
324/7 Free Addiction Help888-979-1648
1. Quit Smoking Eventually
You will quit smoking eventually. Either by
deliberately quitting or by some other means.
The some other means is likely to be caused by
your smoking if you continue to smoke (meaning,
more than a 50 chance that smoking will directly
or indirectly cause your death).
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2. Wastage of Time
You waste almost 1 full month out of each year if
you smoke a pack a day. This is crazy. And
true. If you smoke a pack a day of cigarettes,
then each year you spend almost an entire month
of your life in the act of smoking. That is some
insane loss of productivity right there.
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3. Underestimate Costs
You underestimate the cost of smoking. If you
didnt, then you would go through the pain of
withdrawal and quit. It is just that simple.
How many of us would turn back the clock at the
end of our lives and decide to go back and quit
smoking, knowing that we are dying 15 years
early? Probably all of us. But when we are
smoking we do not see this level of drama in our
future. It will happen to someone else.
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4. Wastage of Money
The other costs of smoking are just as
devastating. Most people are spending at least a
thousand per year on the cigarettes themselves,
and some people are spending 2 or even 3 thousand
per year.
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5. Health Costs
And then there is the cost to our health. Both
short term costs and long term costs. In the
short term, we dont exercise as much, we have
shortness of breath, and we suffer from more
colds and illnesses. In the long term, we die 10
to 15 years early on average, and go through a
ridiculous amount of hospital bills that
otherwise would have been avoided. The estimates
on this are just sickening, especially when you
factor in the rising cost of health care.
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