Title: Michael Dettmers – Co-founder of Gylanix Solutions
1Michael Dettmers Co-founder of Gylanix
2Michael Dettmers is an author, speaker, and
professional organization and design consultant.
He is a successful entrepreneur with 35 years of
international experience in transforming
organizations by establishing team-based
principles and practives, and by coaching
management and teams in innovation, leadership,
and communication.
3In 1999, he co-founded Gylanix Solutions, a
company that offered customized consulting
services to clients including The Wildlife Center
of Virginia, The PA Chamber of Business
Industry, The Europe Japan Center, Media Forum
Ltd., Paine Webber, Amnex Inc., and PPL Global.
In a paper entitled The Era of Knowledge Workers,
Michael discusses how 20th century organizations
were based on centralized corporate policies and
procedures, and why these methods of control are
not efficient in todays highly globalized world
where the workforce is better educated and
culturally diverse.
4He explains that in the 21st century teams, not
individuals, are best suited to meeting the
challenges of todays organizations. Networks are
more effective than hierarchies, and employees
are seeking job satisfaction beyond just money
and security.
5Michael Dettmers and his team at Gylanix stressed
the importance of organizations adopting an agile
framework. In such organizations, the companies
invested in continuing employee education and
skill development through classes and on the job
training. This allows employees to think outside
the box and innovate. With innovation they bring
more wealth to themselves and the company. In
essence the employees become stakeholders in the
company and equally responsible for its success.
6Thank You!