Title: Happy-Reading-Kit-Supplier
Happy Reading Kit
2Special Tools
Happy Reading Kit Happy Reading is a home based reading programme based on the flash card methodology. It is a 4 month programme done by the parent in the comfort of their home. No Pressure, No Tension. What's more, you just need to spend a minute everyday. The HappyReading set consists of 270 word cards,30 couplets,60phrases and 5 booklets. The words include all nouns, verbs and adjectives which are generally taught in the first and second classes. It also includes 10 story books, an easy to follow Owner's Manual. Reading is one of the highest functions of the human brain. Of all creatures on earth only human beings can read. At a very young age, children are unconscious learners and what's more they love it! The earlier the child learns to read, the better the child reads and the more likely the child wants to read. Children can easily read words when they are one year old, sentences when they are two and whole books when they are three year old. Perhaps it will be only a few more years before it becomes commonplace for two- and three-year-olds to know how to read. When that happens, the idea that children should not be taught to read until they are five, six or even seven will seem outmoded, and a little strange - just as the idea of reserving literacy for privileged people sound outdated to us today! We start talking to our child from the day he is born. We never doubt our child's ability to understand what we say to him. We are sure that he'll understand whatever we say and reply to us in a proper and meaningful way in due course of time. We are sure that nature has bestowed the gift of talking on man.
3Special Tools
The same nature has bestowed the gift of reading on man. So if we are able to provide the necessary stimulus for reading, we can be sure that our children will read as effortlessly as they speak. Let us try to recollect how we stimulated our children to speak - There was an inborn urge and urgency in us to communicate with our child Talking to the child became a regular and consistent and pleasurable exercise. Talking with the child took place in a quiet environment. Talking took place on a one to one basis. The same set of words was repeated at regular intervals. Most of the talking took place when the baby was satiated and was wide-awake. We spoke loudly to the child, we never whispered to the child. In the beginning we used single words. Later on it was 2 words and much later sentences. When we started speaking in single words, at no point of time did we expect the child to talk to us. We never tested whether the child is listening to us. We assumed that the child is listening to us and taking in all what we say and will start talking when he is ready and no child has ever failed us. They listen, they assimilate and they talk .We can safely presume that the child did what was needed of him, because he was under no pressure and there was no testing.
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